Country of Fire, Konoha Village, Hokage Building.

In the office where Hokage is located on the roof, the third-generation Naruto Sarutobi who is known as Dr. Ninja is writing something.


The door to the office was suddenly opened, and several ninjas hurried in.


“What’s wrong?” Sarutobi took a pipe in his mouth, looked up indifferently, and asked, “Is Naruto that kid in trouble again?” ”



At the same time, on Naruto Uzumaki, Naruto Uzumaki turned on the group mockery mode against the ninjas below, until Sarutobi Hinata arrived with Iruka, Naruto’s teacher of Uzumaki at the Ninja Academy.

“Oops, it’s Iruka-sensei!”

Seeing the two people who appeared below, Naruto’s expression, who was originally excited because he had successfully gained everyone’s attention for his prank, suddenly changed.

Higashino Sei above the Hokage Rock saw this scene and knew that the time had come for him to appear and test the system’s ability.


“Run away!”

With a hint of excitement and urgency in his heart, Higashino shouted downward, and then threw out the rope in his hand that came out of nowhere.


Hearing the sound from above, Naruto looked up, and after seeing clearly that it was Higashino Sei, a smile suddenly appeared on his fox-seasoned face:


“Brother Sheng, it’s you!”


“Hurry up and slip away, or Iruka-sensei will catch them!”

While shouting, Naruto directly threw away the paint bucket in his hand and reached out to grab the rope thrown by Higashino Sei.

“Come up!”

Despite being excited in his heart, Sei Higashino did not show it, but with the force of his hand, he pulled Naruto up the cliff.

As soon as he arrived at the cliff, Naruto gave Higashino a bear hug, and then shouted: “Brother Sheng, let’s run away!” ”

“Hurry, hurry, or we’ll be caught by Iruka-sensei!”

“Good, good!” Higashino replied, but moved slowly.

His experiments…. But it’s not all done yet!

Due to Higashino Sei’s deliberate “dragging his feet”, it didn’t take long for him and Naruto Uzumaki to be caught by Iruka, and the two were tied together.

“You two are really helpless!” Tying up Higashino and Naruto Uzumaki and throwing them aside, Iruka turned on the education mode, scratching his hair with headaches from time to time.

Listening to Iruka’s words, Naruto had an expression of not caring, and Higashino Sei on the side was also expressionless.

However, Naruto was used to it, and Higashino Sei was because his mind had been completely immersed in his Goldfinger ability.

Higashino’s golden finger is naturally drawing manga into the god system, and his previous shouts with Naruto, including being deliberately caught by Iruka now, are actually testing the system’s capabilities.

The power of this system is pure, and it can help Sei Higashino enter the manga world he created, which is also divided into the original manga world and the existing manga world.

Let’s start with the existing manga worlds, that is, those anime worlds that already existed in Higashino’s memory before he crossed over.

Like Naruto, One Piece, and even Marvel!

Taking the world of Hokage as an example for the time being, Sei Higashino can enter this world at will after creating the first act of this anime, contact the original people, and even personally promote the development of the plot.

And as Higashino enters the comic world, the original content of the manga will be automatically presented on the animetic board in a specific speed and in timeline order, and this speed must be faster than Higashino Sheng’s own experience.

For example, if Sei Higashino has been living until the beginning of the Chunin Exam, then at least the plot content of the “Naruto World” timeline before the Chunin Exam will automatically appear on the computer drawing board.

In addition, another drawing board formed by the system’s abilities will present a “Hokage” fananime featuring Sei Higashino as the protagonist.

Simply put, it can be summarized as Sei Higashino drew two anime at the same time, the original “Naruto Naruto Den” and “Naruto Higashino Seiden “Naruto Sei Higashino”.

The same world background, but the protagonist has changed.

As soon as the manga was born, Sei Higashino could release one or both of these two anime at the same time, and as long as someone read it, it would generate reading value.

Each person likes manga to a different extent and how much they watch, and different reading values will be born.

And this reading value is very important to Higashino Sei.

How to say it….

In short, Sei Higashino’s experience in the anime world will become a manga, and his drawing manga in reality will also become a reality.

For example, if Sei Higashino draws ten kunai for himself on the manga, he can really get ten kunai in the Hokage world, and if he draws money, he can really get money.

The rope that Higashino helped Naruto before was drawn by him casually, and it only took one thought from him to generate.

However, the content of the painting is not that Sei Higashino can do whatever he wants, for example, if he paints a painting of himself kissing Hinata, he cannot do whatever he wants.

He can’t draw a pair of chakra eyes on himself at random.

To do this, you need to rely on reading values!

For different reading values, he can make up different things out of thin air for himself by drawing, and even if the reading value is enough, he can draw ten pairs of reincarnation writing wheel eyes for himself.

Think about it, when he fought against the enemy, the two of them fought against the spell, and he suddenly drew people cramps, what would happen to the picture?

And the tailed beast, who stipulated that there were only nine, and he could not draw one for himself?

Therefore, the reading value is very important to Higashino, and it is his cheating weapon!

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