After looking at Erinai for a moment, Higashino swept his gaze to the right behind her, where a girl with short purple hair in a small suit and a black professional skirt also stood there.

This girl Higashino Sei also recognizes, her name is Shinto Scarlet Sako, nicknamed Secretary, is Erina’s little follower, good at medicinal food, that is, knows how to maintain health cuisine.

This girl is very loyal to Erina, the eldest daughter of the Shinto family, a subordinate family of the Erina family, and has been with Erina’s side since she was a child, and has always accepted the idea of helping Erina.

This is also a rare beauty, but Higashino stopped paying attention after taking a look, he is not a man who will love one when he sees one, and the only woman he wants to have at first sight is Hinata, Koran, and Erina and Alice Hinata.

And it is not love at first sight to be attracted to these women, after all, on a certain level, Sei Higashino has watched anime in his last life and knows them very well, whether it is personality, preferences, attitude to feelings, etc.

In this world, there should be no one who understands them better.

For ordinary female characters, unless they are really beautiful to a realm, such as Sister Bei in Conan, Belmode, and Alex, the teacher of the Vulcan in Black and Blue, Higashino Sei will not be easily moved.

At least it won’t be moved at a glance, unless there is a deeper understanding and contact in the back, like Sonoko and Ino …

Well, I always feel that continuing to talk about it has a sense of déjà vu of the “true fragrance series”!


“Good morning Grandpa.”

Erinai came to the dining table and sat down, first questioning the Zuoweimen with Xue Chexian Zuomen, and then greeting Wang Ping: “Aunt Wang, long time no see!” ”

“Hello Uncle Higashino!”

From the title, Erina, Wang Ping and Higashino Hua have known each other for a long time, at least today is not the first time they have met.

“Oops~~ Erina, we haven’t seen each other for three years, and you’re really getting more and more beautiful.” Wang Ping greeted Erinai cordially, today she is dressed as a noble woman, and Higashino Sheng couldn’t believe that this was his mother when she first saw it in the morning.

“Three years ago…” Higashino Sheng glanced at Wang Ping, he remembered that his mother said that he was traveling abroad for three years, and he didn’t pay much attention at that time, but now it seems that he came to the island country to play.

This mother is so unscrupulous, I met Erinai three years ago, why didn’t I introduce it to myself early in the morning?

Shouldn’t you give your own son consideration?

Higashino Sheng subconsciously ignored his ruthless refusal when Wang Ping said that he wanted to set him a family affair.

If Wang Ping knew Higashino Sheng’s thoughts, I am afraid that he would not let him experience for the first time in his life what it is to be filial piety under the stick.

“Aunt Wang is good, Uncle Higashino is good!”

Alice followed Erinai to greet Wang Ping and Higashino Sei, apparently, she didn’t know the two at first, but she paid more attention to Higashino Sheng.

“Hello.” Higashino saw Alice looking at him and nodded politely.

“Hello~~” Alice carefully looked at Higashino Sei’s hand, and then showed a smile, not knowing what it meant.

“Everyone has arrived, let’s start eating!” Seeing that everyone had arrived, Zuoemon opened his mouth to announce that breakfast was ready to eat, and then he started his hand.

Wang Ping and Higashi Yehua were also not polite when they saw this.

Seeing this, the three juniors of Higashino Sheng were no longer reserved, and took care of themselves to eat breakfast.

The breakfast on the table is a very ordinary Chinese breakfast, such as xiaolongbao, soy milk, millet porridge, etc., which must have been prepared by Xue Chexian Zuemon for Higashino Sheng and their family.

But in Higashino Sheng’s feelings, these breakfasts were not so simple, he had never eaten such a delicious breakfast, and his whole body had a degree of washing.

“Is this the real sense of food in this world~~”

Higashino felt that the past eighteen years had been lived in vain, and looking at the performance of Erina and the others, he could be sure that these breakfasts in front of him must be eaten often, and in fact, they were not really in the grade.

Otherwise, explosive clothes, Yan Yi, etc. will all come out.

“No, I have to find a way to catch up with at least one cook lady, so I can enjoy it ~~”

As a proud foodie, Higashino immediately set a small goal in his heart.

After the meal, Xue Chexian Zuoemon first chatted with Higashino Hua and Wang Ping.

The two families are family friends, and the Wang family is a more powerful cooking family than the Higashi Che family, and Higashino Jun behind Higashino Hua has military power, so Higashino Xian Zuoemon is pleasant to Higashino Hua and his wife throughout the whole process, and there is no look like the legendary demon king at all.

And his performance, Erinai obviously knew it for a long time, after all, she also knew Wang Ping and knew the power of the Wang family.

But Alice was the first time to see her grandfather behave like this to his parents, and her heart was curious.

However, Xue Chexian Zuoemon only asked some simple things, and most of the time, it was Wang Ping who was chatting with Erina.

At a certain moment, Erinai seemed to ask casually:

“Aunt Wang, is this your son?”

“He… Is it also a chef!? ”

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