“Daiki Aomine actually lost? Crying”

“Doesn’t it mean that only he can defeat him?”

“This handsome guy is so powerful that he can actually defeat Aomomine Daiki in the ZONE state!”

“Is there anyone who will explain what a zone is!?”

“Ordinary people for various reasons, such as mental state, it is impossible to exert their full strength, and zone, is the ability available to a few geniuses in the real sports world, entering this state can bring their own strength, bounce power, speed, vision, reaction, etc. to 100% ability!”

“The big guy appeared upstairs!”

“No wonder someone said earlier that Qingfeng Daiki is not the opponent of this master!”

“ZONE, that is the realm that world-class athletes pursue, the NBA knows that Kobe Bryant, Jordan can enter with their own strength…”

“Now I have some understanding of the power of Aomine Daiki, the title of the trump card of the Age of Miracles is not just called, but…. He lost! ”

“Yes, losing to useless people, or peers!”

“At the end of the video, the corner of that person’s eyes also flickered an arc, does this mean that he can also enter the ZONE, and he can enter at any time with his own will?”

“Most likely that’s it, this is a monster far beyond a monster!”

“Qingfeng Daiki is still arrogant, there are people outside the people~~~”


Sei Higashino browsed through the comments and saw that many people were feeling sorry for Daiki Aomine, and of course there were some keyboard warriors who were sneering, which made him a little worried about the situation of May Momoi.

“I hope this girl will not be demolished by Qingfeng Daiki who knows the situation!”


Meanwhile, someone worried by Higashino Sei is sitting trembling on a bench in a gymnasium looking ahead.

“Why is it hot?”

“Hot search first, Ah Da will definitely know~~”

“I’m going to be finished~~ Hmm!”

This person is naturally Momoi May, she didn’t expect that the video she posted was actually popular, and it also drove a hot search, so that many live videos were released.

Now it’s too late for her to delete it, and doing it will only attract a lot of ridicule.

“Sure enough, I’d better slip away today…”

Secretly glancing at Daiki Aomine, who was practicing furiously, Momoi May planned to leave first to avoid the limelight.


Her ass was not a centimeter strong stool, and Aomine’s voice came from far away from the court.

“May, collect that guy’s information for me, and then make me the most perfect training plan that doesn’t hurt my body.”

“Next time, I must win that guy!”

“The only one who can beat me is myself!”

In the past, Daiki Aomomine also said that the only thing who could win him was himself, which he regarded as boring and sad, but now, with the appearance of Sei Higashino, he changed his mind.

He made invincibility one of his goals to accomplish.

“I’ll make a plan?” Momoi’s eyes lit up.

Yes, I’m going to make a plan for Ah Da to wear him out.

In this way, he did not pay attention to the situation on the Internet for a long time.

When the plan is made, I ask Tetsuya to accompany Ah Da to train, he thought, now that Ah Dai has regained his love for basketball, I can leave him alone, well, in the name of investigating the man.

Hee-hee, when the time comes, Ah Da can’t see my people, even if he knows things on the Internet, he can’t help it.

After that, this thing will pass:


Momoi’s eyes became brighter and brighter, feeling that this was feasible, and hurriedly agreed.

“Okay, Ah Da, I’ll make a plan for you!”




A place in Tokyo.

A yellow-haired Huang Ge found a green-haired man in a basketball gym who was frantically practicing three-pointers.

“Little Midorima, your mascot is a tanuki today?” The yellow-haired man’s gaze swept over the stool where the green-haired man was resting.

“Huangse, what are you looking for me for?” The green-haired man said without looking back: “Also, call my name.” ”

“Got it, little Midorima ~~”

The yellow-haired man, one of the five people widely known in the Miracle Era, Ryota Huangse, answered without sincerity, and then his expression suddenly became serious.

“Just now Little Peach posted a video.”

“Xiao Qingfeng played a game of basketball with people, singled out…. He lost, he was crushed and defeated! ”

“He turned on ZONE and didn’t let the other party use his full strength… That person can still enter the ZONE as much as he wants, but it’s useless! ”

Every word Ryota Huangse said was like a heavy hammer hitting Shintaro Midorima’s heart, making his mood change for thousands of years.


The basketball in Midorima’s hand has already shot, sliding through a perfect arc in the air, but instead of a perfect frame, it rubbed into the blue frame.


After a few quick spins, the basketball went in.

But almost the record that Shintaro Midorima has not missed a three-point shot since his debut is about to be broken.

“Where’s the video?”

Shintaro Midorima walked straight to Ryota Huangse, the expression on his face was indescribably serious.


Meanwhile.. The island country of Akita, a basketball court at Yangquan University.

“Ah~~ah~~ Tatsuya, I want to eat potato chips!”

“No, train first!”

“Basketball is such a thing, nothing…..”

“Atun, what kind of person is your former teammate Daiki Aomine?”

“Xiaoqingfeng? Pretty awesome…”

“He was defeated, and it was when the zone state was turned on, and the opponent did not open the ZONE, peers.”

Atsushi Shihara: …………

At this moment, Atsushi Ziyuan’s eyes changed subtly!



Kyoto, Naksan High School.

Miracle Captain Seijuro Akaji studied here.

Inside the basketball hall… Office.

Seijuro Akaji placed a tablet in front of him, on which the video of the duel between Sei Higashino and Daiki Aomine was repeated.

At this time, a person walked in from outside the door, put the information in his hand in front of Akaji, and said at the same time:

“Young Master, the investigation has come out, that person is called Higashino Sheng, and he is a member of the Alliance Higashino family!”

“It is the eldest son of the younger generation of the Higashino family in the Hangcheng area!”


Seijuro Akaji picked up the information, examined it carefully, and closed his eyes.

“Seung Higashino, such a powerful strength, but I will not admit defeat, basketball is not a one-man game!”

Seijuro Akaji’s tone was firm, and what he didn’t realize was that he had invisibly admitted that he would not be Higashino Sei’s opponent alone.

If anyone familiar with Seijuro Akaji knew this, it would definitely be a shock.

Because it’s impossible!



At the same time, in a coffee shop, a tea-haired girl chatted with a black long straight girl, and her face was an unchanging layer of coldness.

The black straight girl saw that her sister was always cold, so she took out her mobile phone and turned on the sound shake.

“Shiho, if you have time to brush the sound shake, you can smile more!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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