Chapter 115: Are You All Playing with Me?.

Fan Ma’s ultra-high-intensity attack lasted directly for two minutes.

In that short minute, he may have broken through his limits and blasted out thousands of punches. It is a pity that such an attack is still blocked by the god front shadow without pulling it at all.

Looking at Fan Ma Blade Tooth, who was a little breathless away from him, the god shadow with a red face and a heartbeat walked towards him unhurriedly.

“Your attack is not bad, if you can last a little longer, the strength is a little stronger, there are definitely not many people who can block it, “Huh”, but you blocked them all! ”

Fan Ma looked at his fists and said coldly: “You are really strong.”

“Isn’t that something I told you a long time ago?”

There was also a hint of appreciation in the eyes of the god shadow: “I haven’t really moved yet!” ”

“Deal with you now, me in a regular state, you may not be able to break the defense!”

With gourmet cells, he has been stealing electricity and dining in Neon and Beautiful Country recently.

Now that the physical strength of the god shadow has evolved several times, it is no longer a problem to resist the shells with the flesh! Therefore, for God Shadow, although the fist of the blade is good, it cannot break through his defenses.

Not to mention, in order to have a fist-to-flesh duel with Blade Fang, Shen Qianying did not even use the armed color domineering and the sight-seeing color domineering.

Otherwise, with two colors of domineering, maybe one fist will directly end the battle!

And for the statement of the God Foreshadow, Fan Ma’s perception of the blade clearly told him that the God Shadow did not lie! That is to say, his current self does not even have the ability to let the God Shadow use skills!

Thinking of this, Fan Ma Blade suddenly felt that he was back four years ago.

At that time, facing his father, he seemed to have such a sense of powerlessness! But he is not a person who gives up easily!

Even so, then shake your fist at it!

Fan Ma Blade Tooth exerted the strength and skill of his whole body, and swung his Fist of Faith Fist forward with physical strength, speed, and explosive power to the extreme, this fist can be said to be the peak and strongest punch of Fan Ma Blade Tooth today!

After throwing this punch, Fan Ma Blade felt as if he had broken through some shackles. A new realm appeared in his heart.

Therefore, for this must-kill fist, Fan Ma Blade suddenly had a trace of expectation in his heart! Can you win?

In response to this breakthrough punch, the god shadow was stunned for a moment, and then did not defend at all. He really wanted to see if his current physical defense could block this punch!

This punch of Fan Ma’s blade teeth hit the stomach of the god in front of the shadow firmly. This is also the reason why God is willing to try.

After all, just now, Fan Ma’s blade teeth have been aiming at his face, and naturally he is not willing to let him succeed. Although the stomach is a weakness, the situation has not changed in the slightest.

The divine shadow that was seven or eight meters high was knocked away by a fist, and fell heavily on a pile of waste products. Looking at the divine shadow in the ruins, Fan Ma’s blade teeth did not relax in the slightest.

He could feel that his opponent’s aura was even stronger! It’s as if I’m finally getting serious!

Pushing away the collapsed debris around him, the god shadow walked out from the ruins again. He had a visible fist mark hole in his stomach.

Although the physical strength is enough, the clothes on the body do not have such defensive power! Therefore, this piece of clothing is considered a reimbursement.

Watching the fist mark on the stomach of the god shadow slowly dissipate, Fan Ma’s blade teeth couldn’t help but show a wry smile. After breaking through with all his strength, he couldn’t even break the defense?

But giving up is not your own style!

Then finally have a fight between men!

Fan Ma’s blade teeth directly abandoned his defense, and bombarded towards the god shadow again as if he had gone crazy. Fists, feet, knees, elbows, and even the head became Fan’s razor’s weapons.

It is a pity that such an attack is still easy for the god shadow.

However, unlike the passive defense just now, the God Shadow at this moment began to fight back. Resist the attack with one hand, while the remaining hand is always ready for a surprise attack. And his two pairs of feet did not even leave the place.

Grabbing the gap between the attacks of Fan Ma’s blade teeth, the god front shadow supported his legs hard, one shoulder forward, the muscles of the whole body tensed, and the strength was concentrated in his shoulder.

A move learned from Bajiquan was directly used by the mountain, and the powerful force hit Fan Ma’s chest, directly knocked it out more than ten meters away, and directly installed it on the wall of the abandoned factory building.


Spit out the reverse blood in his throat, Fan Ma Blade Teeth could feel that his ribs were broken at least eight, and his combat effectiveness had dropped by more than half.

This battle, I lost it!

Looking at the divine shadow with only a few fist prints in addition to dust, and then at his own blood, Fan Ma smiled bitterly. Lost, completely lost!

This guy feels even more desperate than his father!

Seeing Fan Ma leaning against the wall with a sluggish face, Shen Qianying also understood that this guy no longer had the desire to fight.


“In terms of strength, you are already very good! But it’s not just humans in this world! ”

The words of the god shadow made Fan Ma’s eyes flash.

What does this mean?

“Let me see my strength to be a little more serious!”

After the god front shadow finished speaking, the muscles of his whole body tensed, and his right hand suddenly became pitch black, and even reflected a metallic light. After the blessing of the armed color domineering, the fist hit the concrete floor under his feet.

In an instant, a powerful vibration came.

A large pit appeared on the solid concrete floor, and spiderweb-like cracks spread rapidly towards the surroundings. The punch of the god front shadow directly shattered the ground tens of meters nearby.

The ground centered on the fist directly punched out a large pit several meters deep…

Seeing this scene, the horror in Fan Majian’s eyes could no longer be hidden. So this guy was all playing with me before?

When Fan Ma was sad, this old abandoned factory building could no longer be supported.

The punch of the god front shadow directly shook the foundation, and the vibration transmitted by the fist force destroyed the overall structure of the plant. After a creak, the entire abandoned factory collapsed.

Rumble Rumble stood outside the factory gate and was teaching Takashi Mihashi and Shinji Ito that Serizawa Tamao really watched the entire factory collapse.

Such a battle is really powerful!

And for the victory or defeat, Serizawa Tamao did not have the slightest doubt.

Just as he was about to enter the factory to check the situation, two black cars came speeding directly from a distance. In an instant, he overtook Serizawa Tamao and entered the factory directly.

Looking at the backs of the two cars, Serizawa Tamao was afraid of some accident, and immediately chased after him. However, when he saw the five or six girls getting out of the car, he immediately silently took a few steps back.

These girls are wearing Sakurataka’s school uniforms, so they should be friends of the eldest one! Hey, the boss is really blessed!

I am a mother and fetus single until now!

Just as Serizawa Tamao was about to step forward to talk, a pistol was already against his lower back: “Don’t move, who are you?” ”

Turning to look at the blue-haired beautiful girl in front of him, Serizawa Tamao did not hesitate to report to his family: “I’m here to help!” God’s former big brother is my big brother! ”

“Is that the same?”

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