“Of course I want a peaceful life like a plant.” Su Mo waved his hand and said.
“But now I suddenly discovered that exploring dungeons is the romance of adventurers, so I suddenly want to pursue a romantic adventure career.”
Aegina was silent for a moment, and finally asked.
“You just said that your small shop is actually more profitable than ordinary adventurers. Don’t you plan to open a shop?”
“Ahem.” Su Mo cleared his throat, and replied like flowing water.
“It’s been a month since the store opened. In fact, other shopkeepers have already learned a lot about the tricks of Yangzhou fried rice. It is estimated that after another month or so, the street will be filled with my kind of fried rice, so this store will not be able to continue. It is better to go underground. Be an adventurer.”
As expected of Su Mo.
The ability to talk nonsense is strong, and a string of words in the blink of an eye directly stunned Aegina.
Aegina doubted life a little.
Why is it right to say that he is right, but he is right the other way around?
Obviously it was the reason he used to reject himself just now, and he was completely convinced by him.
Why did the opponent overthrow him so easily in the blink of an eye?
After a long silence, Aegina raised her head.
She had a new understanding of Su Mo in front of her.
With a helpless tone, she opened her mouth to confirm.
“Well, since you have decided so, there is no problem on my side.”
“It’s just…you won’t change your mind later, right?”
“of course not.”
Su Mo patted his chest to assure him.
Seeing this scene, the corners of Aegina’s eyes twitched, feeling a little familiar.
It seems that when the other party said that they would never go to the dungeon before, they seemed to promise so.
Chapter 16
Sighing slightly, Aegina wanted to say something. After seeing Su Mo’s face, he couldn’t say anything.
You look good, whatever you say is right.
“Since this is the case, when do you plan to go to the dungeon, I will prepare the manual for you and tell you about the things that must be paid attention to.”
Aegina compromised with Su Mo’s appearance.
“Tomorrow!” Su Mo said after thinking about it.
Although it is okay to close the stall now, I am sorry for the customers who are queuing up.It’s better to have a beginning and an end.
He wasn’t in a hurry anyway.
“I’ll come to you tomorrow morning! Is that all right?”
“Well, no problem.”
Eina nodded.
“Then thank you, Aegina!”
Su Mo sincerely thanked him.
“No, no, it’s just my job.”
After being thanked by Su Mo, Aegina felt much better.
Thinking that she might have more dealings with Su Mo in the future, she felt a little more excited.
“Go and do your work, the guests over there can’t wait, remember to be there on time tomorrow!”
“No problem, be on time. See you tomorrow!”
Su Mo nodded, and looking back, there was indeed a guest urging him.
He subconsciously quickened his pace and quickly returned to his stall.
In the blink of an eye, Su Mo’s figure turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of the stall.
Seeing this scene, Aegina blinked her eyes in disbelief.
“This kind of speed, even a senior adventurer can’t reach it… Am I delusional?”
Isn’t Su Mo a newcomer who just registered as an adventurer a month ago?
The current adventurer level must only be LV1.
There can’t be too much speed.
Could it be that he has any special skills or magic that can accelerate himself?
If this is the case, I shouldn’t worry too much about him.
With this speed, even if you encounter any dangerous situation, you should be able to run away!
Thinking of this, Aegina, who is very professional, hid this scene in her heart.
Keeping secrets from adventurers and ability users is the basic ethics of guild service personnel.
——What she didn’t know was that Su Mo actually showed off his speed on purpose.
One’s own strength and talent cannot be concealed.
Instead of trying to hide it, it is better to gradually reveal it.
With his invincible strength, hiding in the dark is not as good as putting it on the bright side, which can scare the younger generation more.
Moreover, letting Aegina know something can also save her from treating herself as a pure newcomer.
This will save a lot of trouble.

After Aegina left, Su Mo continued to fry rice.
While heating the pan with cold oil and frying it over a high fire, he explained to the guests already in line that today is the last day of sale. These guests expressed regret for this, but also expressed their blessings to Su Mo.
This is Orari, the city of adventurers.
It is very common in this city to put down the existing family business and take part in adventures.
Or (this! book.! by.: [‘F”li?pp;e!d] Whole”, rationale,. (more?; more;; new? “Book? Contact: Department ‘13,43,1! ,77”?47,.8 🙂 Saying this is one of the adventurer’s romances.
In the evening, Su Mo was finally ready to close the stall.
Just as he was about to turn off the fire and prepare to go home to find Hestia and renew the grace of God.
A slender, doll-like, blond girl with a beauty comparable to that of a god stopped in front of the booth for some reason.
The expression on the blond girl’s face was as flat as that of a doll, and her golden pupils were staring straight at Su Mo, the frying pan in front of her.
“Ai, Ai Si, what’s the matter, is there anything special about this store?”
Behind the blond girl, a girl dressed as a magician with elf-like pointed ears who looked only fourteen or five years old but had a good figure asked timidly.
Seeing the combination of the two, there is also an iconic beauty.
Su Mo immediately recognized the identities of the two girls in front of him.
The main adventurer of the Loki family, the “Sword Princess” who is famous all over O’Leary – Ais Wallenstein.
And the younger generation of the Loki family, although not well-known, but a high-potential defender magician——Lefia Vilidis.
Regarding Ai Si, besides the information he learned from the original book, Su Mo also had a certain impression in reality.
I remember that just a week or so after the store opened, this “Sword Girl” was attracted by the aroma of her own fried rice, and bought two fried rice.
At that time, Su Mo followed the principle of “gou” and did not want to deal with these dangerous people, so the two did not talk to each other.
As for Refiya, she has no connection with herself at all.
Noticing that Ai Si was staring at the wok, Su Mo immediately understood what she meant.
“Want fried rice?”
Ais nodded seriously, and after looking back at Refia, she added.
“Two copies.”
Unexpectedly, Ais would invite herself to eat, and Refiya was very excited for a while.
“Ace invites me to dinner for the first time… Hehehe—”
Immediately, she was intoxicated.
“The fried rice in this store is delicious.”
Ai Si, who cherishes words like gold, shut her mouth after she finished speaking.
Then, looking at Su Mo expectantly, he obviously noticed that the boss was about to close the stall.
Seeing the innocent eyes of a child, Su Mo smiled.
“Two orders of fried rice, a total of four hundred fare.”
With that said, he put the oil into the wok again, and was going to return to the family after frying these two portions.
Ais immediately put the prepared money into the box.
“thank you boss!”
Refia also thanked politely.
Then, Ai Si was dumbfounded, and began to watch Su Mo’s fried rice upside down.
After a few seconds.
My main god is Kaguya
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