“Dagu, the giant you can transform into, his name is——”
We are talking about the critical moment.
Her words were interrupted again.
“Guja, right!”
Dagu answered immediately.”Of course I know, this is the name given to me by the Chief of Staff himself!”
“His name is D—what did you say?”
“What Guja??”
You Lian was completely dumbfounded.
Dagu’s look that didn’t seem to be fake made her even more at a loss.
“Can you show me your transformation device?” She asked in confirmation.
“Transformer? You mean this?”
Dagu took out a red magic light stick from his arms.
After seeing the appearance of this transformation device, You Lian immediately shook his head.
His expression and voice became restless.
“What’s going on? This is not Ultraman Tiga’s transformation device!”
This is different from what I guessed!
At this time, I heard You Lian’s words.
Dagu pointed to Su Mo beside him with a puzzled expression.
“Altman Tiga, are you looking for the Chief of Staff?”
Only then did You Lian focus on Su Mo.
Then, I saw the transformation bracelet on his wrist.
You Lian was stunned for a moment.
Su Mo’s transformation device was indeed different from the Shenguang stick she knew.
However, the golden pattern around the sapphire is exactly the same as the pattern on Ultraman Tiga’s chest.
So, if she’s not mistaken.
What became Ultraman Tiga was not the only Dagu who had the super ancient giant warrior gene that she had detected before.
It was Su Mo who she always thought was an ordinary person.
“What’s going on?” You Lian couldn’t help asking.
“You obviously don’t have the genes of a super ancient warrior, why can you transform into Tiga?”
She couldn’t understand it at all.
It stands to reason that the only person who can transform into Ultraman is Dagu.
And among the three stone statues inside the pyramid.
Only the stone statue of Ultraman Tiga is the strongest and cannot be easily destroyed by monsters.
So, according to You Lian’s speculation.
Dagu must be able to wake up the giant.
And the only giant who can survive the hands of monsters must be Tiga.
But now it seems that the situation has completely exceeded my expectations.
Hearing this, Dagu also looked at Su Mo curiously.
He didn’t understand much, but he understood a little.
Only those with the genes of super ancient warriors can transform into giants.
How did the Chief of Staff not have genes?
I saw the puzzled eyes of the two.
Su Mo, who had been prepared for a long time, smiled slightly, and then asked…
“People with super ancient warrior genes do have the ability to turn into light.”
“But, is there absolutely no way for ordinary people to become light?”
You Lian was taken aback by Su Mo’s rhetorical question.
Then subconsciously think about it.
“Ordinary humans do have the ability to become light.”
After finding the information in memory, You Lian’s expression became very unbelievable.
“However, only a child with an extremely pure heart and no selfish desires has a very small probability of becoming light.”
“Generally speaking, adults don’t have such a spirit!”
“Although the possibility is not zero, if an adult wants to do this, he must either be a saint or a hero!”
Having said that, You Lian looked at Su Mo with eyes that immediately became full of shock and admiration.
Throw away all impossible options.
The remaining possibility, however absurd, is irrefutably true.
The evidence is overwhelming!
The person in front of him who does not have the super ancient warrior gene can actually transform into light.
Then there is only one explanation.
This man named Su Mo.
His brilliance of personality – equivalent to a hero! Equivalent to a saint!
You Lian never expected it.
In the future earth, there is actually such a noble person born.
The moment of realization.
She immediately recognized this generation of Ultraman Tiga.
No one can match a human being who becomes light by his own power.
Even Dagu with super ancient warrior genes.
In the face of this noble person, it will also be overshadowed.
No wonder Ultraman Tiga chose this man instead of Dagu with the super ancient warrior gene.
This saint and hero named Su Mo, who was born in modern times, is indeed worthy of the power of Ultraman Tiga.
Da Gu at the side also heard You Lian’s words.
He originally respected Su Mo very much, but now the reverence in his heart soared.
He has always known that Su Mo is a very admirable leader and senior.
But until now.
Only then did he realize how respectable the Chief of Staff was.
A personality comparable to a saint 0.3 person and a hero—this is by no means an evaluation that ordinary people can get!
Suddenly, Dagu looked at Su Mo.
It’s like looking at a life mentor or a spiritual idol, full of reverence.
Feel the earnest eyes of the two people with reverence and admiration.
Su Mo couldn’t help but blinked.
A little confused.
This scene, although he actively contributed to it.
But he didn’t expect that the two of them would have such a violent reaction.
Isn’t it just becoming light?
In the original book, at the finale.
Isn’t the whole world turned into light? Isn’t there anything unusual?
Not everyone is a hero and a saint!
And, on top of that.
He remembered that there were three astronauts who had an accident in the original book, and they also became light life forms.
However, the three astronauts used their own consciousness to suppress the monster’s consciousness. It is not too much to say that they are heroes if they can do this.
It seemed that he had sensed Su Mo’s thoughts.
You Lian immediately explained.
“If you were inspired by a certain event and passively transformed into light, you wouldn’t get such an evaluation.”
“However, if you rely on your own strength, you can take the initiative to transform into light with your own mind.”
“No matter who you are, you are worthy of the title of hero!”.
Chapter 69 Promotion to Lv3 Adventurer
I heard you pitifulSu Mo thought about it carefully. Inspired by an event, passively transformed into light.
In the finale of the original book, the whole world turns into light, which indeed belongs to this situation.
My main god is Kaguya
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