As soon as the words fell, Kuroda immediately stood up and said to Leo expectantly, “Boss, let me come!” As for the rest, they were a little slower, showing a little remorse.

“Since Kuroda wants to come, then come.” Then the evil spirit next to Leo walked to Kuroda’s side, raised his hands and lifted it, watching the evil spirit’s actions, Kuroda was a little panicked, “Boss, what’s going on!” ”

“The first implant may be a little painful, rest assured, my craft is very good!” Leo looked at Kuroda seriously and smiled. In fact, it is true, as a magician, there are really many corpses dissected.

Slowly walked to Kuroda, whose mouth had been covered by the evil spirit with his hand. Black mud gushed out from his hand to form something that resembled a scalpel.

Turning to look at the others, “Look, this operation is very simple, look at it and study it well.” ”

Then faced Kuroda again, using the knife in his hand, he accurately cut a hole in his chest, Kuroda seemed to want to cry out in pain, but was covered by the evil spirit and could only make a whining sound.

Leo did not take care of Kuroda’s branches, and directly put the black engraved mark into the wound. The moment the Black Engraving touches the wound, it triggers its internal preset program.

I saw a purple crystalline black engraving mark shining with light, and slowly melted into a pile of mud to assist the wound.

Kuroda let out a terrifying howl the moment the Black Spell Mark touched him


Kuroda’s first sensation was that his heart suddenly jumped heavily, and then a pain beyond his imagination that touched his soul made him feel like he was in hell, although this pain was only for a moment, but beads of sweat slipped down his head.

As the pain slowly subsided, a pattern similar to the black sun in Tartarus appeared on his chest. Similar to this ‘?’. About the size of a slap.

Leo looked at the recipient in front of him, Kuroda, the corners of his mouth raised, and said to Kuroda with a hint of joy

“Kuroda, the operation was successful.”

With a wave of Leo’s hand, the evil spirit that trapped Kuroda let go of him, and the moment he lost the support of the evil spirit, Kuroda lay on the ground like soft mud, only to feel that the pain just now seemed to remain.

Slowly, it seemed that Kuroda slowed down and stood up slowly.

Looking at Kuroda, who had already stood up.

Leo asked with his hands folded around his chest with interest.

“How does it feel? Try imagining what switch is on your chest and then think about activating him. ”

Hearing Leo’s words, although Kuroda was still a little tired, he still closed his eyes according to Leo’s words, imagined what switch was on his chest, and then pressed the switch with his thoughts.

Kuroda only felt a pinprick-like pain in his chest, and as some news suddenly came to his mind, which contained information about the use of the Black Spell Seal.

This information is, of course, entered by Leo for convenience.

Opening his eyes, Leo obviously felt some changes in the world around him at this time, and he seemed to be able to feel things that he could not usually feel, as if there was an extra sensory organ, and those things were called the Great Source in the information reserved by Leo.

As Kuroda looked at Leo, a black sun instantly appeared in his perception shining around, but Kuroda did not feel the pressure, but felt that he wanted to plunge into it, like a wanderer in the distance finally saw his hometown.

As a recipient, even if the degree of erosion is not high, it can be regarded as a connection with Leo, as long as it is not deliberately released soul pressure, it will not be suppressed by Leo’s huge soul.

“My lord, I seem to be able to feel something unusual. And.. As Kuroda stretched out his hand, black mud appeared on his chest, changing into various forms under his manipulation.

“I seem to be able to manipulate these black muds, but there is a slight burning sensation when I use them.”

After all, Kuroda is not a person like Poison Island Tsuko, who has been completely eroded and become part of Leo. Therefore, it is natural that there are some side effects while manipulating black mud.

“This is normal, don’t worry, black mud will not only help you attack your enemies, but it will also absorb the soul and life force of defeated enemies to continue to increase your strength and the amount of black mud. In addition, the Black Spell Seal not only gives you the foundation to manipulate black mud, but also generates magic power to give you the qualification to use magic. As for what kind of magic it is, it’s up to you to create it yourself. ”

Leo explained, looking at Kuroda, who almost laughed with surprise in his eyes.

As for how much to improve the soul absorption of black mud, Leo said that he is not unconscionable, but it is not too much to charge a certain percentage. After all, it is still relatively difficult to create the Black Spell Mark (dozens of them in an hour!). ), and the channel fee for using black mud (in fact, the final user will also become part of the black mud. Plus the technical licensing fee (and finally the technique developed by the printer will be copied by you!). Ninety-nine percent smoking him is not too much.

With a capitalist-like smile, Leo looked at Hoichi Wisteria and them, as if looking at the subordinates working in the nine-nine-six system of the black-hearted boss.

“You can also choose to use it or not, you decide that Kuroda will implant it for you, as for the rest, Kuroda you will keep it, and distribute it to survivors who are willing to implant tomorrow, we need more combat power (working boys).”

Leo paused, looked at the poison island girl, and then said, “Boy, you and I come upstairs, and I will personally implant it for you.” ”

Ask for flowers!!! Collection!!! Pity the author !!

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