Chapter 062 Arrival in Yazd! 【3/4】【First order!!! 】

In the night sky, a Boeing 747 that has undergone special modifications flies towards Jackal.

“It’s almost one hour or so to reach your destination.”

While drinking the high-end coffee she found on the plane, Minami Lika said to Leo, who was reading a book next to her.

“I see.”

With a faint reply, Leo continued to read the book in her hand.

Nanlixiang suddenly had a few green tendons on her head, which really annoyed her.

Take a deep breath and slowly regulate your emotions. Nan Lika looked at Leo who was calm beside him.

“I said, we’re not sure if we can allow planes to descend there, let alone anything else!”

Hearing Nan Rika ask with a little anger, Leo raised his head and looked at Nan Rika beside him.

“Don’t worry, with me here, you can find an open space to land.”

Looking at Leo, who was addicted to the sea of books, Nan Lixiang only felt that the person in front of him was inaccessible, and the anger in her heart suddenly disappeared, but she just let out a long sigh28.

—- hours after the dividing line, a plane appeared over Yazd.

This exotic place, now only countless dead bodies are left to roar terrifyingly at the planes in the sky.

“Hey, we’ve arrived, how do we land?”

Looking at Yazd Airport, which had become a dead body through the window, Minami Rika couldn’t help but look at Leo. I saw Leo slowly stand up.

“You hover here for a while first, and I’ll go down and deal with the ground.”

After that, Leo walked towards the door of the cabin.

Looking at Leo’s actions, Nan Lixiang was directly stunned.

“How do you go down?”

Leo didn’t answer Minami Rika’s question.

Instead, he directly opened the hatch and jumped directly.

“Fly down!”

With Leo’s disappearance, a voice slowly penetrated Nanlixiang’s ears.

At this time, outside the window, I saw a pair of wings burning this white-gold flame behind Leo. Yes, this is a special effect, but it is just a special effect on the wings formed by black mud.

Looking at Leo, who was as noble and sacred as a god outside, Nan Lixiang couldn’t help but be a little shocked. But I immediately remembered that I was operating an airplane.

Quickly came to his senses and began to hover above the airport according to Leo’s instructions. At this time, Leo, who had flown directly above the airport, was suspended in mid-air.

Looking at the corpses below, he began to urge the skill stones in his body.

As the outside world began to be affected by the skill stones in Leo’s body.

Golden flames appeared in midair, accompanied by an infinite soft glow that turned the entire sky of Yazd into an ocean of light.

Of course, the casting speed this time cannot be compared with the previous time in order to perform miracles, after all, in order to save mana, Leo chose to use the method of casting spells by relying on Dayuan.

So these lights and fires appear slowly.

It’s like a myth. Ahura and Mazda created creation into the material world, he created fire from infinite light, and with Leo’s big hand swinging down, countless fire balls swooped towards the dead body below like goshawks fancy prey.

As long as the dead body touched the flames, it was instantly turned into ashes by the heat. After a while, the airport was left with only white ash.

And with the wave of Leo’s hand, a strand. A strong wind suddenly appeared, blowing the flames and dust off the ground. Looking at the scene in front of him, Nan Lixiang, who was watching from the plane, couldn’t help but be stunned.

She knew that Leo might be powerful, but she didn’t expect it to be so powerful and gorgeous!

But now was not the time to sigh, Minami Lika immediately steered the plane and began to land on the runway that had been cleared by Leo. As the plane slowly landed on the runway, Leo flew towards the ground.

Standing in the open hatch, Nanrika looked at Leo on the ground.

“Come and help me! There are no lifts here! ”

Hearing Nan Rika’s words, Leo laughed.

“You jump down, don’t worry. It’s okay to have me! ”

Hearing Leo’s unscrupulous voice, Nanrika gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and jumped down. I saw Minami Lika jumping down.

Leo’s wings shook behind him, and he flew directly into the air to hold Nanrika with his hands. And then fly straight into the air.

Nan Lika, who felt that she was caught by Leo, slowly opened her eyes.

Looking at Leo in front of him, he was not as shy as a little girl, but asked with a big grin.

“Where are we going now? Just ignore the plane below, what if someone runs away at that time? ”

Leo just smiled 780 and smiled.

“Just look at the following.”

After listening, Nan Lixiang immediately set her eyes down.

I saw that countless dead bodies outside the runway, which had been cleaned up, were attracted by the previous actions. It is estimated that it will not be long before this place is surrounded by dead bodies.

And dead bodies can’t fly planes, and as for living people, they can’t cross the corpse mountain and the sea of blood to come here. Leo continued.

“We’ll know our destination when you arrive.”

Hearing Leo’s perfunctory, Nanrika did not continue to say anything, after all, her little life is now in Leo’s hands. Thinking of this, Nan Lika’s gaze began to look at the ground.

As Leo flew to the ground, everything on the ground seemed extremely small. Seeing this, Nan Lixiang couldn’t help but sigh.

After all, this is flying directly in the sky, and it is also her first time.

With Leo’s golden wings constantly waving, the two kept moving away from the airport and moving towards the distance. One–dividing line–please subscribe, please subscribe!

Everyone, do well! /【】。

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