Chapter 244 Are you going to hit it with a meteorite!!

“You’re coming too slowly, it’s really making me wait.”

“It’s just a meal with my family, I think it’s more important to accompany my sister than to fight demons, besides, I’m not late.”

Inside the dilapidated chapel.

Unlike the exterior, the inner basement of the church is like an arsenal, and all kinds of weapons are hidden in the compartment.

All are trait equipment for demons.

But more conspicuous than these weapons is a blonde girl with long legs of white silk and an impatient look.

Sharon took off her shoes, and the white silk stepped on the floor, and the ground was rubbing the steel plate of her sole.

Her fighting skills mainly rely on kicking skills, so she has a special steel plate on the sole, and probably because of her regular exercise, Sharon’s legs are exceptionally slender.

“Okay, okay, here you go.”


Yun Ge suddenly threw a bag to Sharon, who subconsciously raised his hand to catch it.

When I opened it, I found that inside was a bento box containing fragrant dishes, which made people eat just by smelling it.

“Huh? This is for me? ”

“Who told you to eat junk food all day and eat some serious food occasionally, wow, it’s been a long time or it’s as messy as ever.”

“… I didn’t expect someone to cook for me, Hyung, just say thank you. ”

Sharon was surprised.

After sniffing to make sure that there were no computer accessories, it directly opened to eat, and immediately revealed surprise, she had not eaten such a delicious delicacy for a long time.

Sharon took two bites and stood up, taking out a bottle of fine red wine from the wine cabinet, and the dissatisfaction of waiting had disappeared.

“Don’t be sentimental, it’s just the rest of my dinner, but it’s better than these fried chicken burgers anyway.”

“Hmph, Mama Shikiki.”

“Wait until you swallow the food.”

She quickly settled all the food, not even a grain of rice left, and Sharon touched her stomach contentedly, while taking a sip from her own wine glass.

There was no tension at all that he was going to fight the demon next, and he looked like he was about to wash and sleep after eating and drinking.

“Then it’s time to get into the topic.”

“Yes, I need to borrow your power this time, because things have become a little troublesome, and I can’t deal with it just by my words.”

“Oh? Too late to deal with it, isn’t it impossible to deal with it? Could it be that “Yun Ge narrowed his eyes and was quiet.”

“Well, according to the intelligence gathered by our Star Church, two demon possessors have appeared in the city at the same time.”

Sharon pointed to the map.

The distance between the two demon possessors is not close, and although she has the strength to break alone, she cannot be separated.

That’s why teammates were summoned.

One is a C-level demon, which is stronger than the D-level of the most miscellaneous fish, and the other is a stronger level evil, with the strength to destroy the building.

“It’s trash fish on either side.”

Yun Ge said with a lack of interest.

“That’s true for us.”

Sharon smiled and agreed: “At the same time, we have also determined the true identity of the person possessed by the demon. ”

Sharon said as she handed over the two documents.

The middle-level demon possessed by a middle-aged uncle named Bai Yinzun, a miserable old father whose company has failed, his wife has left, he is carrying huge debts, and he is raising a son and a daughter alone.

After being possessed by a demon, he went to attack the local bank, which seemed to be a contract for money.

The other surprised Yun Ge.

C-class demon possessor Silver Imperial Travel.

A second-year student at Hidechiin Academy, his father is named Bai Yinzun, and he has a younger sister named Bai Yingui, and the family’s company has collapsed and lives a poor life.

The reason for the possession is unknown, but after being demonized, he currently appears in the Shuchiin Academy.

“Wow~ Are both father and son possessed by demons, wait, the reason why this goods is possessed is…[Oh Ji Rank]!”

Yunge summons all-knowing angels.

He remembered that when school was over, Shinomiya Kaguya said that someone wanted to compare her with tomorrow’s exam results, and the name of the person was called Silver Jun Yuyuki.

After searching a little, Yunge understood the reason why the latter was possessed, and at the same time couldn’t help but feel speechless.

The purpose of the demonization of the silver royal line is actually to go to the school to steal the test paper for tomorrow’s exam!

“Spew spray, so it is, no wonder a school scumbag also dares to find Shinomiya Kaguya to compare the exam results, it turns out that he wants to steal the exam questions by the power of evil.”

Actually selling his soul to the devil for such a reason, Yun Ge really didn’t know what to say, the pattern was really narrow enough.

Sharon was also stunned after hearing this.

She has fought hundreds of demons, but most of the reasons for human contract demons are the same, whether it is for money, or for revenge, or for women to occasionally meet people who sell their souls to demons in order to save their seriously ill families, which is indeed the type worthy of sympathy.


In order to steal the school’s exam questions and sell her soul or something, Sharon also encountered it for the first time, and she couldn’t help but be surprised by the small size of the silver unloading pattern.

Where did this come from, an aspirational bastard! Not to mention that it caused trouble to people, she decided that she would definitely die of this product later.

Yun Ge: “Why reward him?” ”

Sharon: “Huh? I don’t understand what you’re talking about, so which one are you going to choose?. The son’s side, or the father’s side? ”


Yun Ge touched his chin and thought for a moment, then revealed an extremely sly smile, as if he was a sneaker who was about to do something bad.

“Hmph Heng~ Since this is to fight the evil devil, then there is no way, I have to start that plan, I didn’t mean to do this Oh, it’s all to fight the evil hemp.”

“… Cloud, I think you’d better look in the mirror, your smile is now more demonic than the devil, what a bad idea are you fighting. ”

Sharon couldn’t help but say, she looked at Yunge suspiciously, curious about what bad idea he had.

But no matter what he does, as long as he can destroy the demon, he has no problem.

Yun Ge did not explain anything, but turned the page of [Zhi Zhi Rank], picked up a quill and created a future on it.

There are words on his lips.

“It’s not only Liu’er who can “Heaven Moves”, but also this trick accompanies the moment he stops writing.”

In Earth’s outer space, a meteorite that happened to pass by suddenly changed its trajectory.

It was supposed to pass by the Earth, but at this moment it crashed into the arms of Mother Earth at a supersonic speed of Mach 54.

Before the observing astronomers could react, the meteorite rushed into the atmosphere.

At last.


A huge roar resounded throughout the Sakura Province.

Hidechiin was accurately hit by this meteorite.

And this time it was not a good luck to hit the playground, but a direct hit on the teaching building… Junior or 1 year B Yun Gebo’s classroom.

The size of the meteorite seemed to be accurately calculated, which was exactly the power to destroy the entire school, and it did not hurt anywhere else.

The security guard who was smoking at the school gate was just smeared by the smoke and the smoke was extinguished.

And the silver royal line who is stealing test papers in school… Yun Ge has already been buried for the school: “There are two ways to destroy demons, one is to rely on the power of the same demon, and the other is pure firepower… The firepower of meteorites hitting the earth is enough. ”

Sharon: “… Is it necessary? As for? ”

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