Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1032: Golden Snake Mountain Cave

  Twenty thousand low-level spirit stones are enough for the Jindan realm. Therefore, it is more than enough to enter the Golden Pill Realm by the strong players in the ordinary Great Pill Formation.

   But Li Mo knows that he is not an ordinary Daedan Realm's cultivation practice. So Li Mo couldn't help but ask Meng Lin

   "Senior, I want to go to the Jinshe Mountain mine to retreat tomorrow."

  The cave of Jinshe Mountain has gang wind blowing from Jinshe Mountain. Although those gang winds are a little dangerous, they contain aura. It is a good place to retreat.

   "Go to the mine in Jinshe Mountain?"

   Hearing Li Mo's words, Meng Lin was also startled. After all, in Mo Lin's heart, Li Mo's talent is enough. With these 20,000 low-level spirit stones still in existence, it should be enough for Li Mo to enter the Jindan realm.

   Seeing Meng Lin puzzled, Li Mo grinned

   "I want to enter Jindan Realm faster."

"it is good!"

  Menglin responded, then said heartily

   "Tomorrow, the old man will take you personally, and there are people there who are mining ores, to bring you to know."

   said, Menglin and Li Mo, Chi Youhe had a few drinks.

   The night was dark, so Li Mo, Chi You and Fat Ball went back to take a brief wash and fell asleep...

   The next day, just after daylight, a group of people with dream surnames gathered in front of Meng Lin's house.

  Menglin's special training for people of Meng surname these days is basically training when the sun rises. Eat a meal at noon and then train directly until the moon rises at night.

   creaking, the door wide open. Meng Lin, who came out of the room, looked at these people with the surname of Meng, and immediately remembered that he would not only take Li Mo to Jinshe Mountain today. Also train this tribe.

   "The old man has something to go out with your patriarch, you continue training! If you let the old man come back to see you lazy..."

   said, Meng Lin took out the branches in his storage bag and took a few strokes.

  Looking at the windy branches in Menglin's hands, all the people of the surname Meng shuddered. People of the surname Meng, these days, no matter whether they are men, women, children or children, have not been drawn by this thing.

   "Senior, early."

   Li Mo, who had just washed, walked out of the house with a breath, and shouted when he saw Meng Lin. Just now in the house, Li Mo heard Meng Lin teach Meng surname clan.

   So Li Mo learned the tone of Meng Lin and said to Chi You and Fat Ball.

   "I don't supervise you, don't slack off your own cultivation. If you let me come back to see you, you slack..."

   said, Li Mo also pretended to be fierce and broke his wrist.

  But looking at the appearance of Chiyou and the fat ball, Chiyou was better and nodded seriously. But the fat ball didn't even look at Li Mo, so he went to make breakfast.

   "I'm not afraid of me..."

  Looking at the fat-hearted look of Fat Ball, Li Mo twitched his lips and said. Was he too gentle on the fat ball on weekdays, or was the fat ball with thick skin and not afraid of beating?

   "Are you ready?"

  After the lesson was surnamed, Meng Lin came to Li Mo and asked.


  Li Mo nodded his head, but he was not prepared. It may be difficult for others to break through a small golden pill. But for Li Mo, it is not too difficult.

"it is good."

  Menglin nodded, and then Dreamlin’s voice spreading around the world with aura

   "Dream Eagle!"


   With Meng Lin's voice falling, an eagle flying with its wings spread its arms and stopped over Li Mo and Meng Lin.

Not much to say, Li Mo and Meng Lin jumped on the broad back of Meng Ying. Menglin sat on Mengying's head, touched Mengying's head intimately, and laughed.

   "Go to Golden Snake Mountain."


   There was another eagle cry, and Meng Ying's eyes tightened, and he took Meng Lin and Li Mo to the direction of Jinshe Mountain.

   Before the village, hundreds of people rushed to the Golden Snake Mountain, and everyone's repairs were uneven. So the speed of rushing was very slow. Counting the rest time, it took three days and two nights to reach Jinshe Mountain.

   But now it is different, Dream Eagle itself is the spirit beast of Jindan Realm. It is also a flying spirit beast, and the speed of flying is not comparable to the ordinary human infantry in Yuanying Realm.

   So it took less than one morning, Meng Lin and Li Mo came to the sky above Jinshe Mountain.

   Today's weather is a bit cloudy, the dark sky can only see a little starlight of the sun, and the air is filled with a damp smell. Looking down, you can see a green forest.

  Golden light can be seen in the grass and trees. Needless to say, it is the Golden Snake Mountain's ‘abundant’ golden snake.

   Seeing this golden snake, Meng Ying's eyes glowed as if she saw the delicious food. As an eagle spirit beast, the dream eagle most likes to eat these snake beast spirits.

   "Little guy, if you want to eat a golden snake, try to find a golden snake in the spirit realm. This golden snake is poisonous, and you can contend with the poison in the golden snake in the spirit realm.

   The speed of the golden snake in the Dandan Realm, you can't compete with the cultivation of the Golden Dan Realm. "

   Knowing what Mengying thought, Menglin patted Mengying and laughed. Then Li Mo and Meng Lin jumped into Jinshe Mountain. Of course, the dream eagle that can speak is not bad, so Meng Lin is relieved that the dream eagle will not do dangerous things.

  The shape of Li Mo and Meng Lin has not yet completely fallen into the mountain forest. Just listening to the swish, several golden snakes rushed towards Meng Lin and Li Mo.


  Meng Lin snorted again, and the pressure of the fairy was dispersed. For a time, I saw a burst of blood mist in the air. A golden snake is full of blood mist, brilliant and beautiful.

  Feeling the pressure of Menglin, a group of golden snakes trembling in the jungle. The courageous golden snake can only escape the first time, the courageous golden snake. So he lowered his head tremblingly, and looked surrendered.

  Menglin has no interest in these spirit snakes that lead to the spirit realm.

   So Menglin just glanced at these golden snakes and walked up the mountain with Li Mo.

  In the Golden Snake Mountain, small caves can be seen, and in these caves, people from the Miluo Shanzhai excavated spirit stones.

  Menglin seemed to be very familiar with these caves. He took Li Mo and walked directly to one of the largest caves and drilled into it.

   If it is another cave, the height of the whole cave may be high by one person. Even for smaller caves, people still need to lower their heads or bend in slightly.

   But this cave is very spacious. When the two came to the high cave, seven or eight people walked side by side in the cave, and neither seemed crowded.

   The cave is dark. Rao is the eyesight of Li Mo and Meng Lin, and you need to light a torch to get deep.

   The cave went all the way down, and Li Mo felt as if he had entered a divine demon with a blood basin and a big mouth waiting for himself.

   Gang wind whizzed past, bringing a burst of shade. This gust of wind blows only below the spirit realm, and the clan in the quenched realm comes in. I am afraid it will be blown apart.

In front of the cave, it seems deep and unknown. The cool wind carries the spirits of heaven and earth. These auras are not as mellow as those of lower-order spirit stones, but they are much mellower than those of the outside.

  Li Mo and Meng Lin walked less than a hundred feet in the cave, and they found a bright light ahead. The brazier surrounding the place lit the dark cave very brightly.

   A small tent is in front, and you can even see the three-and-three Miluo Shanzhai people pointing at the wooden table in front of them.

   And in front of the wooden table, there is a map of animal skins.

   "Dream of the sea!"

  Meng Lin's voice came, and the strongest naked man in the center immediately turned around and looked respectfully.

   "Old Patriarch! Patriarch!"

  Meng Dahai said respectfully, and the rest of the Miluo Shanzhai people also bowed and said

   "Old Patriarch! Patriarch!"

  Although they and their people often stay in the caves of Jinshe Mountain to mine spirit stones, they also know Li Mo. Many more people have watched Li Mo's battle that day.

   Therefore, these people were more convinced of Li Mo than the people of Miluo Shanzhai, and only watched that battle that day. Only then did they know what kind of talent their new patriarchs had in the village.

   "Your patriarch will choose a cave to retreat, and you will pick a cave with a stronger aura in the sea."

  Menglin nodded and said. Meng Dahai is the person in charge of mining the Lingshi in the Jinshe cottage, so Meng Dahai knows more about the aura of the caves here than Meng Lin.

"it is good."

  Menghai nodded, then looked at Li Mo and said

   "Patriarch, all the artificial caves in the vicinity, only the cave we are in now goes directly to the depths of Jinshe Mountain. It is the most pure, and the patriarch can practice here..."

  Dream of the sea has not been finished yet, Li Mo shook his head, disappointedly said

   "Aren't there any auras in the caves full of auras?"

   There is indeed a lot of aura in this cave, and the energy of the wind can tear all the monks below the spiritual realm. But these auras are still weak for Li Mo today.


  Dream sea hesitated for a moment, said embarrassedly

   "In addition to artificial caves ~ ~ there are those natural caves. Although the natural caves are not large in scale, they can all go deep into Jinshe Mountain. Passing these places where we cannot enter artificial caves.

   But the wind there, only the strong people in the Jindan realm can withstand..."

  This is also why the dream sea they stayed close and far away, that is, there is no need to have a cave that directly leads to the depth of Jinshe Mountain, and an artificial cave must be opened.

   After all, the powerful people in Jindan Realm are all elders in Miluo Village. Can't you send all the elders here to mine spirit stones?

   Miluo cottage has four mountains with spiritual veins. In that case, the elders of Miluo cottage are not enough.

   Therefore, the person in charge of this group of opening ore, only the dream sea is the cultivation of Jindan Realm. The few people around Meng Dahai were considered to be in the upper level of Jinshe Mountain, and they only completed their cultivation in the later stage of the Dandan Realm.

   So more people who mine ore, the cultivation practice is in the early stage of the Dandan Realm, even the Spiritual Realm. They can't stand the wind of natural caves.

   But Li Mo's eyes lit up when he heard Meng Dahai's words. Other powerhouses in the Dandan realm may not be able to withstand the winds there, but Li Mo is now comparable to the powerhouse in the Jindan realm.

   So those gang winds are definitely not dangerous to Li Mo. When thinking of this, Li Mo said with satisfaction

   "Okay, just there. I'm going to retreat there."


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