Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1044: Panlong cottage

   Seeing Li Mo's movements, the face of the scarred youth looked pale. However, when the young man with scared face saw Li Mo frown, he showed an unpleasant expression. The scar-faced young man handed his storage bag upright.


  Li Mo handed the scared-faced youth a satisfied look. That look was as kind as the elders looked at the sensible younger.

  The young man with scared face almost spit out a spit of blood, what expression do you have? and also! Obviously I was robbed, OK? Why did you loot! We have collected so many days here, grabbed so many storage bags, and now we have to hand them to you!

   didn't go to see the ugly expression of the scarred youth again, Li Mo put away the storage bag and walked up the mountain. These people's storage bags have thousands of spirit stones, and Neidan is a lot.

   Anyway, many of them are robbing others, so the storage bags of these people are very comfortable.

  When Li Mo walked past the three people who had fallen to the ground, they looked at Li Mo as if they were gods.

   How hard it was for those people to deal with, they knew it. But Li Mo didn't even shoot, so he grabbed their storage bags. Five people lost their fighting ability.

  Actually, where did they know that Li Mo didn't make it? However, Li Mo previously performed the Great Dream Divine Skill, so all five of them entered the illusion and lost their combat ability.

  The cultivation behavior of the five people was in the middle of Jindan Realm, plus it has been fighting the coercion of the large array for so long. I just experienced a great war just now. Under this physical and mental fatigue, it is easy to change into Li Mo's illusion.

   Of course, Li Mo just doesn't perform great dreams, and it's not difficult to win these people.

   glanced at those people, and Li Mo looked away. The cultivation of these people is limited, and they meet again, Li Mo has no obligation to help them pass the assessment...

  The sky in the east gradually showed a hint of fish belly, and now there are young people on the mountainside one after another.

   The first team to climb the mountainside was of course led by Li Jianxin. The number of teams has changed from the previous 14 to nine. This is how they can overcome the coercion of coercion, so that so many people can get past the second level.

   These nine people are cleverly standing, Li Jianxin takes the lead, and the spirit around him blocks the pressure in front. On the left and right, there are also powerful tribes who use aura to block the coercion, as for those tribes with poor cultivation. It's in the center, and Aura blocks the pressure on his head.

   "Well, Li Jianxin's strength is indeed good, and leadership spirit is also acceptable."

  Looking at Li Jianxin's figure like Aojian, Yu Xiao nodded with satisfaction. Immediately, with a wave of Yu Xiao's palm, Li Jianxin and others suddenly felt that the pressure on him disappeared. Immediately, Li Jianxin and others dissipated the spirit. Except for Li Jianxin, the others were all sweaty.

   Hearing that the elders of the Presbyterian Church praised his son, Li asked with a proud look and said with a smile

   "Wait until the children enter the Presbyterian Church, I hope the elders will cultivate more."

   There are still three levels of selection, but in Li Wendao's heart. Relying on the strength of his son Li Jianxin, he just walked through.

  His son will be able to enter the Presbyterian Church as soon as he gets his shot. If he doesn’t want to be a messenger for too long, he will be asked to drink. I'm afraid his son has already entered the elders' council.

   "Oh, it must be."

  Yu Xiao nodded with a smile and said.


   Watching the two sing and hold Li Jianxin to the sky, King Kong couldn't help humming again. But apart from humming, King Kong couldn't say much. After all, his son Jin Batian really has a gap with Li Jianxin.

   And the second team that arrived came from Jin Batian who was chasing after everything.

   This night, Jin Batian chased Li Jianxin all the way. However, there has never been a catch-up, and even nine compatriots who came with Jin Batian have only three left at the moment.

  With Jin Batian, there were four people who entered the third level of Jinshan cottage. Compared with Hunyuan cottage, this record is too much.

   In fact, if Jin Batian is like Li Jianxin, dominate the good people. Completely allow more people to get to the third level.

   But Jinba Tianshi and Li Jianxin need to distinguish themselves from each other. Where would they waste their time arranging the tribes’ positions? So the road was rampant, leaving only four people in the ten-person team.

   "Ba Tianxian's nephew is also good."

   looked at Jin Batian, who was so sweaty that he couldn't catch up with Li Jianxin and was so angry that Li asked with a playful smile.

Although   's words are boasting of prize money, the playful tone is similar to ridicule.


   asked Li when he was so angry that Jinguang clenched his fists tightly, and his face was blue. It was exactly the same as that of the Golden Tyrant, and deserved to be the father and son.

   The third team came from Panlong Village. Panlong Cottage is also the top four cottage in the Jiuli Village with the 81st cottage.

   The strength of this cottage tribe is not weaker than that of Hunyuan cottage. However, there are few tribes, and they do not have much territory. So Panlong cottage is very famous, but it is very low-key. Little is known about Panlong cottage.

   I saw three young people in Panlong cottage, who were thin and dressed in blue cyan suits, came slowly. These three people are strikingly consistent from step to breath

   The three people were at ease, not worse than Li Jianxin.

   "Brother Tie Cheng, I remember correctly. The three of you who took part in the assessment this time, right?"

   asked Li, turning around, and asked a tall, middle-aged man with a scent of books. Long Tiecheng, Patriarch of Panlong Village.

   Hearing Li asked, Long Tiecheng smiled gently.

   "Oh, no way, these three juniors in the cottage can handle it."

  Long Tiecheng's words were plain, but Li asked not to believe at all.

  Don't look at Long Tiecheng's easy-going personality, he has never done anything with others. But Li asked to know that if he had a hands-on relationship with Long Tie, it would not necessarily be the winner.

   That is, Long Tiecheng has no heart for profit, so Li asked to be able to secure the position of the eighty-first village patriarch.

   "Tie Cheng is humble, you three cottage young people. The first pass does not show the mountain and does not leak water, but at this second pass, everyone sees the strong strength."

  Yu Xiao said with a smile, Yu Xiao was equally polite to this dragon.

   Before Yu Xiao thought that the good seedling this year was Li Jianxin, but now seeing the three young men and Jin Batian from Panlong Village, Yu Xiao became a love of talent again.

   Long Tiecheng smiled, no longer speaking.

  The team after the three young men in Panlong cottage is the team of Peacock cottage. Although Kong Liner had watched Li Mo's fight before, it was a bit delayed. But the strength of Peacock Cottage cannot be underestimated.

   And the focus of Peacock Cottage is body style, which is naturally fast. But for the previous ten people, Kong Lin'er only left six people at the moment.

  Following back, it was the other young cottage villagers.

   These young people may have a team before, but those who can stick here are left alone.

   But most of the young people who can come here are the top 18 cottages. For a time, in addition to the four cottages in the first four, a total of seven young men climbed the mountainside.

   The sky gradually lighted up, and it didn't take long for the competition to end. Mo Yang and Ge Long looked at the mountain road blocked by the white clouds at their feet, silly!

   They are really stupid, with the strength of their two cottages. Two Shanzhai people add up to a total of ten people, and there are two strong men in the late Jindan realm. How can such a powerful alliance not be able to come alone?

   "Oh, it seems that the situation of your two cottages is not very optimistic."

  Looking at the expressions of Gelong and Mo Yang, Meng Lin couldn't help taunting.

"what did you say?"

   "Your cottage is good? Now that neither of our two cottages has come up, at best it is a tie! How happy are you!"

   Hearing Meng Lin's sarcasm, they suddenly couldn't help it. They roared, but in the face of the roar of the two, Meng Lin was not angry. Meng Lin knew that Mo Yang and Ge Long must have arranged for their tribe to start against Li Mo.

   And now these people did not show up, enough to show that they were planted in Li Mo's hands. At the thought of this, Meng Lin was surprisingly happy.

   Then Menglin looked down the mountain and saw the figure walking around. Meng Lin couldn't help but shine.


  Gron and Mo Yang's roars continued, and Meng Lin gave the two people a playful look, then said

   "You look down."


  Grand and Mo Yang had only Gu and Menglin roaring before, not paying attention to the figure walking down through the clouds under the mountain.

  As the two looked down, their eyes suddenly widened. I saw that Li Mo seemed to be playing, walking slowly in the distance. The pressure of the large array cannot stop Li Mo's footsteps.

  I want to say that these customs clearance people are the most relaxed, it is undoubtedly Li Mo. Right now this is here to be a tourist.

"It's him!"

  Gron and Mo Yang gritted their teeth and said in surprise.

   They clearly informed the tribe to deal with Li Mo before, and now one of their two cottage tribes failed the second pass. But Li Mo came, and a bad hunch was born in their hearts.

   "He also passed the second pass?"

   When he saw Li Mo, even Yu Xiao was frowning, and said with some surprise.

  Yu Xiao presides over the selection every year, how many years it has been. Although the three levels of each assessment are different, the difficulty is the same. So basically the first level can kick off the tribes in the early stage of Jindan Realm.

   Right now, this is the second hurdle. Li Mo, the kid in the early stage of Jindan Realm, was able to pass, which subverted Yu Xiao's cognition.

   "Stinky boy! Gehao!"

   "And my son Shaowu too!"

  Li Mo just walked halfway up the mountain, and Gelong and Mo Yang shouted at Li Mo. Some patriarchs around also cast their gaze.

   This performance of Li Mo just surprised these patriarchs. Moreover, Gehao and Mo Shaowu have to deal with Li Mo, which is not a secret in the hearts of the patriarchs. So it's quite interesting to see the bad luck of Godot's cottage and Dora's cottage right now.


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