Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1110: Besieged

Thinking about these spirit stones, Li Mo, who was not already wealthy, felt a pain. But when I think of the falling phoenix fruit inside, each one has the price of twenty middle-order spirit stones.

In Li Mo's heart, he kept mumbling to himself

"I hope there will be more cherry blossoms in it, don't disappoint me, this spirit formation!"

With that said, Li Mo walked to the cave that he had found before. I saw Li Mo stopped in front of the cave, pinched his waist with both hands, scolded

"Oh! I'll listen to the grandfather inside! I surrender not to kill!"

"Humble humans dare to offend your grandfather Niu! Moo!"

An angry voice came out, no matter what the Spirit Beast cultivated. No matter how far their minds have evolved, their irritable tempers cannot be changed.

Then, a savage cow kept breathing and walked out of the cave step by step.

Every time a barbarian takes a step, Li Mo only feels that the whole earth is shaking violently. The Barbarian family is good at power, and its bloodline is also very strong. The most famous one is the strong cow.

Compared with the bull demon king, the barbarian is clearly incomparable. But it should not be underestimated.

The barbarian copper bell's big eyes looked at Li Mo, and he growled more angrily

"A kid in Jindan Realm! Dare to offend Niu Wei of Niujia Niu's grandfather and find death!"

With that, the forearm of the angry barbarian slapped the ground hard.

As the bull's hoof fell, the mountain shook. Boulders are constantly rolling down the hill.

However, Li Mo, who was a quasi-emperor in the previous life, was used to these worlds, so Li Mo did not show a trace of panic. Just listen to Li Mo shouting in his throat

"Oh! Boldly evil animal, obediently knelt down and bowed his head, I consider considering you as my mount!"

"Yeah! I killed you!"

The unbearable barbarian cow screamed at Li Mo and looked at the barbarian cow rushing in. Li Mo's expression tightened, how powerful is the barbarian cow in the late Yuanying Realm?

Li Mo didn't dare to give it a try with the power of the third fist. So Li Mo immediately ran away and shrunk into an inch of magical power to run behind him.

"Stinky boy! Where to run!"

Looking at Li Mo who fled, there was a contempt in the eyes of the bull, shouting while chasing.

In the mind of the barbarian, even if the barbarian family emphasizes strength, they are not good at speed. But his cultivation behavior in the late Yuanying Realm is not good at speed, and it can't be slower than this kid in Jindan Realm?

But as the barbarian chased for a while, the barbarian could not help but be surprised. Why is this boy who looks weak and can't be weaker so fast? The barbarian used all the speed, and ran all the way, but he couldn't beat Li Mo's speed!

"Stinky kid! Your grandfather Niu won't believe it, and it's not as fast as you. The energy consumption of my Yuanying Realm also consumes you! When your reiki runs out, your grandfather Niu must kick you to death. !"

Looking at Li Mo's back, Manniu Shen murmured to himself.

What Manniu didn't know was that Li Mo, who was running all the way, was also uncomfortable. After all, Maniu's own cultivation is in the late Yuanying Realm, and he is fully committed to speed. Li Mo is trying his best to expand and shrink into a magical power, and can only keep a distance from the barbarian, and cannot leave the barbarian.

Soon, Li Mo flew under a cliff. Came here, Li Mo stopped.

"Shy boy, why didn't you run? You run again."

Li Mo stopped, and Maniu also stopped. The barbarian walked step by step, laughing playfully.

In the mind of the wild cow, Li Mo must have used some high-level secret method to expand his magic. In this way, Li Mo's consumption of Reiki is huge while gaining speed.

So Li Mo stopped his body right now, precisely because the aura within him had been consumed.

"No, no, I don't want to run. Dirty beast, obey it, chase your master all the way."

Li Mo shook his head, noble raised his head, proudly said.

"Stinky boy!"

The boy who was already a dead man in his own eyes slammed into his own master, and the barbarian jumped up angrily. The two powerful front hooves kicked in front of Li Mo.

Looking at the barbarian cow jumping to the sky, Li Mo's eyes lit up. Then Li Mo stomped on the ground fiercely, and an aura sent secretly into the ground.


Then, the sky was full of golden light. Barbarian only feels six golden lights appearing all around, all around. Then it turned into a prison, gradually shrinking, trapping the barbarian cow in it.

"Roar! Damn! Cunning human!"

Right now, the barbarian no longer knows his fortune, this barbarian is not simple in mind, but stupid.

With the roar of the barbarian, the barbarian raised his horns and ran into the golden light in front of him.


The whole golden prison shook violently, but the bull was knocked back. The prison, still intact, fell to the ground in a steady manner.

Although the quality and quantity of this trapped array can't be compared with Li Mo's trapped array under the space crack arrangement last time, this time it was to trap several powerful players in the fairyland at the same time.

And this time, as long as a barbarian cow trapped in Yuanying Realm. So even if this barbarian has great strength, he still can't break through the trapped formation under Li Mo's eyes.

"Play slowly, I will collect the fruits of victory."

Li Mo beckoned to Manniu, threw Manuiu a big head and walked towards Manniu's cave.

Of course, this trapped formation cannot trap the barbarian for a lifetime. When the spirit in the spirit stone is used up, the trapped formation will naturally dissipate. Of course, if the trapped array has been running for a period of time, it will eventually be knocked away by the bull because of insufficient energy.

So Li Mo now has to seize the time to find Luo Feng Guo.

When he came to the cave of Manniu, Li Mo discovered that in addition to a plant with seven or eight pine nuts, there were several pieces of ore for the refiner. In addition, there are some spirit stones.

Spirit beasts don't make storage bags, so everything is in their own cave house.

Of course, there is no absolute thing. Those demon kings in the fairyland will have their own storage bags after turning into a human form.

"It seems that this bull is still a collector."

Looking at Maniu's inventory, Li Mobo was satisfied. Needless to say, Li Mo put all the treasures in the cave house into the storage bag.

Then Li Mo left Maniu's Dongfu and found a quiet place where the meat was roasted.

Not long afterwards, an amazing enchantment came from the distant sky. Just heard a deafening roar

"Moo! Damn human, I'm going to kill you!"

Listening to this voice, it's no doubt that that bull. Li Mo just smiled and ate the meat in his mouth again. The IQ of this wild cow is to find Li Mo. Li Mo can also give him another set, afraid of anything.


At this moment, the grass shook. A group of figures seemed to see the fire in front of Li Mo and gathered around.


Li Mo's experience is so rich, so Li Mo found someone in the grass almost immediately. Although it is not clear who will come to Fengfeng, it is better to see if the enemy is a friend first.

So Li Mo's mouth reckoned with the method of earth escape, and his figure sank down. However, as soon as Li Mo's knees were not over the ground, a shocking coercion locked Li Mo.

This coercion raised his hand and cast its own immortal energy. The cultivation of Jindan Realm was like a ant in front of it. A high voice came from above

"Boy, don't move. Otherwise I don't mind killing you."

The voice was arrogant, but Li Mo stopped sinking. Li Mo knew that the master of the coercion was the strong man of the land fairyland. His current practice is that there is no chance of facing the powerful in the fairyland.

When Li Mo stopped his body, dozens of people came out from the grass. Dozens of people were stout men, and the spears in their hands were uniformly aimed at Li Mo.

"who are you?"

A man with braided hair on his head stepped forward and asked proudly.

"I want to ask who you are!"

Li Mo said unpleasantly that he had a good meal here. Let these people be surrounded. If there is no breath of the powerful fairyland in the sky to lock himself, Li Mo has long used the earth escape technique, or hit the people in front of him.

Seeing that the young man dared to talk to himself like this, the young man with a braid suddenly displeased his fist. At the same time, the coercion of the late Jin Danjing appeared.

Li Mo's current practice of Jindan Realm's Great Consummation is almost a monk who can crush this late Jindan Realm with his hand raised. But now he is locked by a strong man in a fairyland, so Li Mo's figure can't even move.

But this does not mean that the young braid can hurt Li Mo. The heavy fist of the young braid hit Li Mo's chest. Just listening to the dull voice, the person who turned down turned out to be a young man with a braid.

Li Mo's current cultivation practice and physical body is to defend the third fist without using earth fist. This young man with pigtails in the later stage of Jindan Realm couldn't do it if he wanted to hurt Li Mo.


When did you get angry like this, the young braid screamed. With fingertips, aura, youth roared

"Dali King Kong means!"

"Are you from the Jinshan cottage?"

Looking at the youth's fingertips, Li Mo said with some surprise. This vajra refers to the uniqueness of the Jinshan cottage, and only those who have a high status in the Jinshan cottage are eligible to study. The young man in front of him was obviously of extraordinary background.

Although Li Mo once defeated Jin Batian, it is undeniable that this vigorous King Kong finger is indeed not weak.

Li Mo can't move now, otherwise it's not difficult to break this vigorous King Kong finger. But now we can only rely on the physical body to resist. In desperation, Li Mo can only keep his third fist in motion.

This wave means killing chickens with a bull knife, but besides this, Li Mo can't make anything else.


Two fingers seemed to point to a wall, and the young man with braids only felt pain at his fingertips. But Li Mo didn't hurt at all.

Looking at Li Mo's body, the young man said in surprise

"What's going on? How can the body be so strong!"

The young man with a small braid does not believe that the strong vajra finger that he once had no disadvantages will lose its effect, so this time the young man used his hands together. Both palms showed fingers and clicked on Li Mo's body.

But it was still the sound of clang, and Li Mo's body was not hurt at all. It was the palm of a young braided young man, showing a flush of red. In this way, Li Mo has nothing to do. Instead, this young man with a braid will be injured.

" You are not his opponent."

There was a helpless voice over the sky, followed by a long gown. The figure is also strong, and the old man with a similar appearance to that of Jin Yongliang slowly fell down. The pressure from the old man was the pressure of the strong man in the early stage of the fairyland.

Seeing this old man, dozens of young people around him bowed down

"Great elder."

In front of him, it was Jinzhun, the elder of their Jinshan cottage.

Because the assessment of the presbyterian meeting last year was that the Jinshan Shanzhai patriarch Jin Gang took his subordinates, so Jinshan Shanzhai elder Jin Zhun and his men did not know Li Mo.

"Dad! I don't believe it!"

Jin Yongliang shook his head, shouting in disbelief.

Although Li Mo's cultivation base is higher than that of Jin Yongliang, Li Mo is only a kid with an ordinary golden pill realm in Jin Yongliang's eyes. Jin Yongliang doesn't believe that his vigorous King Kong can beat Li Mo.

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