Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1137: Sword pick

"court death!"

Watching Li Mo voluntarily give up his defense, Ge Fang shouted with pride. The long sword in his hand split against Li Mo's throat, and Gefang's weapon was extraordinary.

Although there is no resource training for the Presbyterian Church, the level of the sword in Gefang's hands is still beyond the reach of the master.

Coupled with the strength of the Wonderland Powerhouse in half a step, Ge Fang was confident to cut Li Mo's head with a sword.


Mars splashed and the long sword fell. The sword wind drifted back with Li Mo's temples, but the long sword seemed to be chopped on a weapon instead of the throat.

The sharp blade stopped in front of Li Mo's throat.

"what happened?"

"Can't pierce?"

Everyone in the Godot cottage said in surprise that the battle in front of them had exceeded their cognition!

Where do these people know that Li Mo is standing firmly on the ground at the moment. All the body's offense was passed to the ground underneath, so Gefang's offense was not attacking Li Mo, but the land underfoot.

No matter how strong your sword is, will you try to split the earth for me?

But it is also Li Mo who is now cultivating to improve, and his flesh is getting stronger. Otherwise, Li Mo's body acts as a medium for transmitting damage, and still has a limit.

"Do you want to kill me?"

Looking directly at Gefang's eyes, Li Moxie smiled. After gazing at Li Mo's eyes for a long time, Ge Fang shuddered.

In the face of their ruthless patriarch, Ge Fang did not have such a strong fear in his heart.

"Dead! Give me death!"

The more afraid he was, the more Gefang wanted to kill Li Mo. The long sword in his hand cut off Li Mo's body with amazing sword and spirit.

If you can't cut your throat, I will cut your chest. Cut your arms, cut your legs! I don’t believe I can’t cut your body!

However, Ge Fang was disappointed, and Ge Fang fell with his sword. The best result is to leave some white marks on Li Mo's body and nothing else.


Li Mo's mouth slightly raised, and Ge Fang wanted to kill him. Why did Li Mo release Gefang?

Immediately Li Mo raised his fist around his waist and sipped

"Heaven and Earth Fist!"

The voice fell, and Li Mo's fist fell into aura. And the aura is getting thicker and thicker, and the coercion is getting stronger and stronger. It is the first form of heaven and earth fist to absorb the blow from the aura between heaven and earth.

Ge Fang panicked as he looked at the increasingly powerful fist in Li Mo's waist.

Can't beat Li Mo by all means? Even serving the Soul Eater Pill and repairing into the half-step fairyland, can't win Li Mo?

"Impossible! Impossible..."

Ge Fang kept shaking his head and took three or four steps backwards.

In Ge Fang's heart, this Li Mo is simply not an individual. How can a person have such a combat strength against the sky, how can such a physical strength against the sky?

"Blue Bird Sword Art!"

Ge Fang once again made use of his unique skills, a long sword in his hand. The blue sword energy is interwoven with aura to form a blue giant bird, with the increase brought by the soul eater. This giant bird is more than double the blue bird condensed by the previous blue bird sword tactic.


The cyan giant bird seemed to have life, raised his head and roared upwards. Then the giant bird rushed towards Li Mo with a flap of his wings, and the beak of the bird was like a sharp sword tip, hitting Li Mo's chest.


Li Mo accumulated all the power of the ground fist and suddenly swayed. That punch, like a punch that was ruined to the earth, was printed on the beak of the blue bird.

Jade Bird didn't utter a scream, and immediately let Li Mo blow away.


This blow has gathered all the power of Gefang. So after the cyan giant bird dispersed, Gefang coughed up a bite of blood again.

Then Ge Fang spread on the ground like mud, without any strength on his body.

This is after the effect time of Soul Eater, and the side effects are coming.

However, Ge Fang couldn't move, but Li Mo could rush. Although the fist lost eight out of nine forces after coaxing the giant bird, it still could kill Ge Fang's life.

"you dare!"

The angry Gron suddenly screamed and killed. Ge Fang was the elder of their Godot cottage. If let other cottages know that Gefang died like this, I am afraid that in the future Gelong will become a joke of the entire Jiuli tribe.

However, Ge Long's body just moved, Feng Yuwei rushed over. The white jade fingers lightly clicked.

Before Ge Fang exhausted his means, Feng Yuwei didn't shoot. Because Feng Yuwei knew that Li Mo had the ability to cope with it, if a monk would always protect the strongest man, how could he become a strong man?

And now Gelong shot in the middle of the fairyland, which is the strong man Li Mo can't deal with now. So Feng Yuwei shot without hesitation.

Gron had noticed Feng Yuwei before, but now it was important to save people. What's more, Gelong didn't expect how much the cultivation of this Fengzu Land's fairyland could be stronger than himself.

But then Gron regretted it, and Gron's rough palms were printed on Feng Yuwei's jade fingers. It was as if the child stretched out his palm and vigorous fingers competing for strength.

The palm is indeed stronger than a finger, but the strength of the two is even more different. With a whine, Gelong let Feng Yuwei point to fly.

Even the jade xiao with aura in the palm of the sky is gradually dispersing the power of the palm. There is no large guardianship of Lingxiao Mountain here. So Yu Xiao knew that he could not treat Feng Yuwei.

Besides, this grandpa's friend, how dare he punish him.

"Waste! You weren't Feng Yuwei's opponent when you were full, let alone want to hurt yourself!"

Yu Xiao, who was in a bad mood, couldn't help but scolded Grum.

At a glance, Yu Xiao could see that Gron had a serious internal injury, which was a backlash after being punished.

Just in the delay time of several powerful land Li Mo punched on Gefang's chest.

A strong punch directly smashed Ge Fang's chest, and blood flowed directly. Ge Fang swallowed directly without even screaming.

"Hahaha, Gron, tomorrow I will send someone to the territory of your Gordo cottage to see which spiritual line I want."

Meng Lin laughed, and the anger in his chest spit out quickly. Cool! I almost gave myself a half of death just now. Now that Gefang and Gelong are so miserable, Menglin is certainly happy.

And the Jade Xiao in the sky, without saying a word, flew directly in the direction of Lingxiao Mountain.

If you can see the face of Yu Xiao on the front, you can find that Yu Xiao's face has been angry. Lips closed, scolding Groon constantly useless.

It was hard to see that Li Mo was going to eat deflated, but Li Mo made his face blunt.

"Master! Won! We won!"

Chi You and A Shui are a little better, but Fat Ball ran to Li Mo and said excitedly.

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