Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1157: Stormy


Seeing Ge Xiaoshan and Li Mo here to make a final decision on the wind tribe, Ge Yuanshan couldn't help but remind.

Ge Xiaoshan looked at Ge Yuanshan and shook his head. Immediately asked

"Yuanshan, how many years have you stayed in the state of spiritual perfection?"

"More than sixty years."

I don't know how Grandpa suddenly asked about this. Ge Yuanshan stunned and answered honestly.

"Sixty years, how many monks are there in Ling Ling Realm? Your time in Ling Ling Realm is not too short. You know why you haven't been able to break through the Dandan Realm?"

Instead of explaining to Ge Yuanshan what he wanted to form an alliance with Li Mo, he asked Ge Yuanshan about cultivation.

Ge Yuanshan is also a little puzzled, but the entire tribe worships and respects Grandpa, as does Ge Yuanshan. So Ge Yuanshan is honestly asking for advice

"Please Grandpa enlighten me."

"It's because you lacked the ambition to fight for the hero, and you became the chief of the upper tribe. The days are too easy to dare to fight. A monk does not have the ambition to fight for the hero. Breakthrough cultivation?"

Ge Xiaoshan said with some disappointment.

Listening to Ge Xiaoshan's words, Ge Yuanshan was startled. If Ge Xiaoshan didn't mention it, Ge Yuanshan hadn't found it yet.

But now Ge Xiaoshan mentions it, Ge Yuanshan knows, Grandpa is right.

Recalling my own practice over the years, every time I stepped into the formation of the Dandan Realm. Whenever he felt dangerous, Ge Yuanshan stopped.

Of course, Ge Yuanshan would not consider himself timid. I only think that my accumulation at the level of spiritual perfection is not enough, so I feel dangerous when I break through. If the accumulation is enough, it will be able to enter the knot pill realm.

So Ge Yuanshan has accumulated for sixty years!

"Thank you Grandpa for pointing."

Ge Yuanshan paid respect to Grandpa Ge Xiaoshan again, then Ge Yuanshan looked at Li Mo

"We wind tribes participate in the war, everything is dispatched by Master Li Mo!"

"Okay, a week later, send the five poisonous tribes. In a week's time, I will also fulfill my promise, let you enter the Dandan Realm, and let A Gongxiu make a breakthrough."

Li Mo laughed.

"Thank you Master Li Mo!"

From the grandpa to the ordinary tribe, all bowed down to Li Mo. Everyone felt sincere admiration for Li Mo.

A superpower shouldn't need to talk to them like this. Who dared not to obey several people who directly killed their tribe? At least the Five Poison Tribe would do this.

But Li Mo, while possessing strength, served people with virtue. This is where everyone respects.

That night, Li Mo helped Ge Yuanshan enter the Jiedan Realm.

Ge Yuanshan thought that he had not settled in Ling Ling Realm enough, but he had settled in Ling Ling Realm for more than 60 years. How can it not be enough?

It's just that Ge Yuanshan hasn't had that confidence to pierce that barrier, that barrier is like window paper.

The window paper blocks the outside view, and makes you think this world is so big. But if you poke through the window paper, you will find that there are no holes outside the window paper!

So Li Mo just gave Ge Yuanshan a bottle of ordinary liquor and told him it was a good bottle of medicinal liquor. Will definitely help him break through to the Dandan realm.

As a result... Ge Yuanshan also believed!

After drinking the medicinal liquor, Ge Yuanshan's confidence increased greatly, and he used his strength for many years to hit the bottleneck. This is something that Ge Yuanshan never dared to think about.

The barrier of Jiedan Realm can't stop Ge Yuanshan's Aura deposited for many years.

Therefore, Ge Yuanshan entered the Dandan Realm very easily. After all, this was the easiest time for Li Mo to help others break through. None of the panacea was used.

As for the wind tribe Agong Ge Xiaoshan, Li Mo has a good elixir and spirit stone. It's not difficult to help him break through once a week, and Li Mo also wants to help Ge Fatty break through.

On the third day of Li Mo's wind tribe helping the wind tribe to help the clan to improve their strength, the clan of the Shadow Leopard tribe finally quickly sent the war book to the hands of the Wudu tribe.

The fact that the two armies did not fight each other in the Wudu tribe did not work, so the unlucky messenger failed to go back alive.

The Wudu Tribal Chamber, the Wudu Tribal Patriarch Snake Tiangang, and the Great Elder Scorpion Venom sit high. Below are the elders of the Wudu tribe.

The cultivation practices of these ordinary elders are all in the Dandan realm, which shows that the strength of the Wudu tribe is not comparable to those of the small tribes below.

Today's scorpion venom, his face tense, looks like his dead son. Oh wrong, Scorpion root, the son of Scorpion Venom, had just let Li Mo bear fruit.

"Good you Li Mo! I didn't kill you at first, but I dare to come back to challenge the majesty of our five poisonous tribe!"

The patriarch Snake Tiangang holds a war book in his hand, and looks like he gritted his teeth.

"The Shadow Leopard Tribe dared to turn to Li Mo and waited for Li Mo to clear up. The Shadow Leopard Tribe... wiped out!

The scorpion venom on the side even said sharply that his son let Li Mo kill him. This is a never-ending situation. At this time, the Shadow Leopard tribe casts its eyes on Li Mo, so the scorpion poison hates the Shadow Leopard tribe.

"I'm afraid there is more than one Shadow Leopard tribe throwing at Li Mo."

"The people sent to the Jinniu Tribe, the Viper Tribe and the Wind Tribe have not returned. I am afraid that these tribes have also turned back.

"And the other tribes have three attitudes. It seems that they dare not visit this muddy water."


A few elders below you I said in a word. Listening to She Tiangang's irritability for a while, then She Tiangang squeezed the battle book into a ball and drank

"What a panic! Those tribes that cast in Li Mo, all genocide after the war! As for the other tribes, the wall head grass, three swords on both sides. Wait for them to clean up after the war!"

"Want... Grandpa?"

An elder asked probingly.

Although Shetiangang is also a strong player in Jindan Realm, he has been in the early stage of Jindan Realm all these years.

Although this kind of cultivation practice can go sideways in the county, it is obviously not sure about Li Mo at the moment. So everyone wants to invite Grandpa to go out. After all, Grandpa is a strong man in the Golden State.

And only the grandfather can call the totems of their five poisonous tribes, that is the totem of the five yuan infantry.

What would they fear when the five totems shot?

"Little Li Mo shocked Grandpa? Was it too big a problem?"

Scorpion poison shook his head and said.

They are all grandpa's juniors. If anything goes to grandpa. Doesn't that explain their incompetence?

Scorpion poison's words, a group of elders bowed their heads, blushing. Mumbling to each other

"Yes, I think we are also the elders of the tribe. How can Li Mo's kid be scared like this?"

Then, the entire Wudu tribe also entered a state of preparation.

The Wudu tribe did not take the initiative to attack, which made the county peaceful.

But everyone knows that this is just the tranquility before the storm. When the storm arrives, I am afraid the sky of the whole county is about to tread.

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