Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1229: repel


Just listen to the mangrove wood scream and raise his fist to kill.

Li Mo is also a punch, both attacks are physical attacks, can not use Aura.

"Bang! Bang!"

When the fist hit the flesh, the Yuezhan Mu's face tightened.

I am a strong man of the clan clan. Why is my physical strength similar to that of this clan?

The most unacceptable thing for Manchuria is that this human race kid's cultivation practice in the middle of Wonderland!

And Li Mo's speed is so that he made himself a little clumsy.

"Wan Chou hands!"

With the screaming of Manchu Wood, Manchu Wood wanted to make the Manchus out of school.

But tens of thousands of tentacles had just formed a prototype, and then they drove away.

In this mysterious realm, they have limited aura that can be used by the powerhouses of the fairyland, where can the mantis wood be used.

"Poof! Damn it! This broken place!"

The aura was pressed back into the body, and the mantis wood was suddenly choked with a bite of blood. Annoyed with a scream of Managi, then Manamu shouted to Mengdian

"Let's clean up this kid together!"

Watching Li Mo fight with Mangmu for so long, Mengdian could not help but understand Li Mo's fighting ability.

In order to let the eggs leave here obediently, Mengdian nodded and agreed to Manchu.

However, Mengdian promised, and Dandan obviously would not agree.

Egg egg stepped forward, blocking the path of Dream Electric.

"Do you want to stop me?"

Mengdian frowned and said contemptuously.

"If you don't shoot, I can stop you. But if you want to help Manchuria, then I will stop!"

Saying, the egg's long arm showed sharp nails.

"Hahaha, can you stop it?"

The voice fell, only to hear a swish. Mengdian rushed to the egg, and punched the egg with a punch.

The egg licked Mengdian's punch, and her body stepped back three or four steps in a row to stabilize her footsteps. While Dream Electric, the figure remained standing still. None took a step back.

The dream of the same family, the peak cultivation of the late fairyland, the physical strength is much stronger than the egg.

"It's hard to stop...and stop!"

After glancing at Mengdian, Dandan's gaze threw a sentence. Afterwards, Eggan took the initiative to attack and attacked Mengdian.

"court death!"

There was a trace of anger in Mengdian's eyes, and sharp nails on his palms attacked the eggs.

Both sides are physical collisions, and there is no blessing of Reiki. This makes the battle between the two parties not flashy, but it is even more dangerous.

Either side can't take care of it, and there will be a wound with deep bones on the body.

The egg training time is still short, even if there are dreams of training in these years. It was only in the middle of Wonderland that the egg was cultivated, so at the beginning of the battle, the egg fell.

However, the eggs are still unwilling to let Mengdian join Li Mo in their fight there.

Knowing that there were difficulties in dealing with the dream of the same family, Li Mo didn't keep his hands.

Speed ​​makes Li Mo run to the extreme, and the strongest of the clan clan is speed.

The tricks that can make up for speed can't be used at this moment.

So Mangmu fell into the wind directly, although it was all fist-to-meat fighting. But Man Mo can hit Li Mo with a punch. Li Mo has greeted Ten Boxing on Man Mo.

For a long time, even the strong mantis wood could not withstand it.

"Damn! It seems that only Kun Lin's cousin can defeat this Li Mo! A humanoid kid in the middle of a fairyland, how can the combat power be so perverted!"

Managi was surprised, this moment of distraction. Li Mo's figure was directly coaxed by Li Mo and smashed into the ground.

"Bah! Bah! Bah..."

He spit out a few bites of dust fiercely, Manchu could not help shouting at Mengdian

"Mengdian! What are you doing? Don't come to help me yet!"

At this time, the two no longer called brothers and brothers.

Anyway, the two did not have a very close relationship. In order to bring the nightmare as an alliance to build a heavenly court, the Crows only helped the Menglei Mengdian brothers compete for the position of the Son.

In order to win the position of the Son, the brothers of Menglei can only form alliances with the crickets. Just take what you need.

"Wait a minute! I will take my dream and help you!"

"Fuck me!"

Li Mu just cursed, Li Mo's attack came again.

Managi is already injured, where is Li Mo's opponent.

So next, it was Li Mo's turn.

Manchuria was pressed by Li Mo on the ground to die, and finally Manchuria finally could not bear it, and shattered the jade card in his hand.

The jade card shattered, and a blue light separated Li Mo from Manchuria.

Then Managi's figure faded away and was sent out of this secret Damn it! If I can use Reiki, I will cut you off! "

Looking at the disappearing direction of Manchuria, Li Mo clenched his teeth and drank unwillingly.

Just looking at what the ancestors did in the heavenly court, Li Mo saw the clan ancestors killing one!

Solve the mangrove wood, Li Mo looked for the dream.

But at the moment, Eggan was sitting on the ground and breathing heavily. Where else is there a dream figure?

"Mengdian looks away."

After taking a few deep breaths, the egg also said unwillingly.

However, Mengdian's repair is far more than an egg, and is of the same race. So Mengdian wants to run, and the egg can't stop it.

"Our strength is here, it is too bad."

Li Mo frowned and murmured.

Did not say more eggs, took out the map and continued to look up.

"The first son of the Son would have met his opponent, and the ones in the back might be more difficult to get."

With that, the egg pointed to a location on the map.

Even if you know that the Son of God behind is difficult to get, you must get it.

Otherwise, I'm too sorry for what my father paid to him over the years.

"It's okay, the soldiers came to cover the water and the earth." Li Mo grinned. The two brothers were together, not afraid of difficulties.


Dandan remembered that Li Mo was chased and killed by the enemy all the way. It's time for them to pass the battle to survive.

At that time, the egg and Li Mo who had not dealt with each other became good brothers who depended on each other for life and death.

Without further ado, Li Mo followed the eggs and flew low in the direction of the map.

Li Mo now knows it, not just suppressing Reiki. There is no way to replenish aura.

So if you want to fly at a high altitude, I am afraid that the aura has run out, and you can only use elixir and spirit stones to supplement the aura.

But while grabbing the Holy Son within the stipulated period, while spending spirit stones, immortal medicine to supplement the spirit?

At that time, the Son of God would let others take it away, and there would be no place to cry.

Stop and go, it took five days. Li Mo and Dandan felt their target location.

It was a ruined city, but in this dark world, it seemed a bit gloomy.

There are still some bones outside the city, but they are all bones of some demon.

Li Mo and Dandan glanced at each other, and without further ado they walked into the city.

"Call, call..."

A moist wind blew, Li Mo frowned.

"Be careful, I have a bad hunch."

Years of experience have made Li Mo believe in his hunch.


The egg nodded and looked around.

"The Holy Child is in this city. I will search east of the city, and you will search west of the city. If there is danger..."

Said, egg egg took out some fireworks in the storage bag and handed it to Li Mo.

"Just put this in danger."

It seems that while the egg is playing with Li Mo and he is having fun every day, he has not less prepared for what he can use in this trip.

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