Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1232: deadline

"I found Meng Yichen and that humanoid kid, and the Holy Child command in their hands was half-shared. After solving them, we would contest the Holy Child command in our hands, how?"

The two giants stood on the top of the mountain, and Menglong asked first. The sound rolled and reached the hill opposite.

"Okay, this is my jade jade. After crushing the jade jade, I will have a feeling."

Meng Lei responded lightly and threw her jade slip to Meng Long.

Originally, Menglei did not care about eggs, only Menglong as his biggest opponent.

But the eggs, they forced the manchurian wood, this can't bear Menglei.

Of course, Menglei is willing to endure. The mantis forest can't bear it anymore. For this man, the strongest generation in the manchu family, the manchurian forest has a higher combat power than Menglei. Menglei still has to take care of one or two.

"This is my jade jade."

Meng Long smiled indifferently, and threw jade slips to Meng Lei.

Then the giants of the two forces dispersed, and walked down the road. Menglong asked Mengbao

"Can you guess how many son orders they have received now?"

For his third brother's mind, Menglong is still optimistic. Such a question, if Menghu is here, Menglong will never ask Menghu.

With his brain, it is also nonsense.

"We only have four saints in our hands. Menglei has always been proud and can now join forces with us. I am afraid that the sons in Menglei's hands haven't even got half of them, so Menglei is also anxious. Ray should have received only four saints like us. Or less, but this should not be possible. It would be impossible for them to get so many saints."

Dream Leopard pondered for a moment and responded.

Menglong nodded and recognized

"Well, so there should be two saints in the hands of Meng Yichen."

"Yes! These two child orders are the key. Now whoever can get these two child orders will have more than half of the child orders. By then, the child will not be able to run away!"

Dream Leopard flashed his eyes and smiled.

"But if Menglei find Li Mo, what if they don't find us?"

Aside from the incomprehension of rodentism, today's rodentism is still one-armed. It's just that the wound is bandaged.

The Wonderland Powerhouse can regenerate the broken arm, but after rebirth, the Wonderland Powerhouse must be weak for a long time.

In this mystery, combat power is of great use. So Menglong has never let the rat rebirth.

Listening to the question of rat surgery, Menglong grinned proudly

"How about not looking for us? The jade jade I gave to Menglei was specially processed, and I can sense it without crushing it. As soon as we feel the fluctuation of the battle, we will kill it."

With that, Menglong's eyes were cold. Obviously, a good show is going to be staged for snipe clams to compete for fishermen.

Besides, Menglei is also walking down the mountain.

Looking at the indifferent back of the older brother Meng Lei, Mengdian asked

"Brother, do you believe in Menglong? They are not afraid of Menglong. They swallowed the Holy Child Order in Meng Yichen's hands?"

"Solo alone? Hahaha."

Meng Lei laughed, and then looked to the Kun Kunlin beside him.

"Listening to what you said about Li Mo's record, I can feel it. Menglong and their waste can't deal with Meng Yichen and Li Mo. We will have to come by then."

In the end, Menglei also looked down on them. Menglong, they are just a lot of people, how can Menglei have their elite cultivation?

"That is, in the face of absolute strength, everything is nothingness." Kun Kun smiled contemptuously.

Both forces want to find Li Mo and Eggs, but Li Mo and Eggs seem to have evaporated.

These people searched hard for nearly half a month, but none of them found Li Mo's figure.

"This dream is a dust! Will not give up!"

Mengdian asked Menglei, Menglei also frowned. Looking at the sky in the distance, fisted

"If we can't wait for a dream, we will start with Menglong!"

What Menglei thought, but they didn't know how Menglong thought.

There is no more than a few days away from the one-month period. There are only four sons in their hands, and no one is eligible to win.

The next day, the sky was still gray. There is no sun and moon here, only stars can be seen.


Sha Shifei Shuo, the big stone blocking the entrance of the cave was smashed by Li Mo.

There is looming coercion in Li Mo and Egg, which is obviously just a breakthrough. And can't control the breath in your body very well.

"It's eight days before January, and this time we almost closed the gates!"

The egg wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said a little horror.

That is, they dare to be so crazy, who to change. In this tense assessment of the Son, can you break through such a closed door?

Li Mo grinned. "Look at where there are tokens in the vicinity. Let's go with all our strength. That Dream Leopard is willing to stand by and wait for the rabbits. Maybe they will find Dream Leopard in those places."

"it is good!"

With a cry, Eggan hurriedly took out the map.

Now the egg, but not willing to waste time at all.

There are seven or eight days left until January. There are only two saints in the egg's hand, can't you worry?

Even if you want to lose, do you have to get a few more child orders? If you lose this way, it would be too shameful. My own father, Meng Zhentian, will later become the laughing stock of the nightmare tribe.

Determined the direction, egg and Li Mo flew together at low altitude.

After two days, I finally arrived at my destination, but unfortunately, the location that the egg was confirmed was empty. Not to mention Dream Leopards, even tokens are not available.

In fact, this time now. The token is already in everyone's hands, and nothing is left out.

Without any gains, the egg is unwilling to delay for a minute and a second, so it has determined its position and Li Mohuo hurriedly flew away.

It was a valley, according to the marks on the map. There are tokens in the valley.

After five and a half days, Li Mo and Dandan finally arrived at the valley. There are also many demon outside the valley, and these demon are all the appearance of jackal hyena.

They are still scarlet eyes, irrational.

When he saw Li Mo and Egg, they attacked frantically, but the two killed along the way. These little demon could not stop Li Mo and Egg.

Just as the two were approaching the valley, Li Mo frowned. Then Li Mo directly pulled the egg on the two stood on the spot and stopped.

"what happened?"

The egg's consciousness is not as powerful as Li Mo, and no strange things are found in the valley. So asked Li Mo.

"There are immortals fighting in the valley."

Li Mo frowned and said.

"Fairies fight? It was Menglei and Menglong who shot!"

Listening to Li Mo's words, the eggs lit up. There was a smirk.

In this mysterious realm, the demon are generally the cultivation of Jindan Realm and Yuanying Realm. Only a few of them can step into the fairyland. So Dandan thought of Menglong and Menglei directly.

"There is still a day before the examination of the Son is over. It seems that Menglei and Menglong can't help but also go, let's go and see."

Li Mo also laughed, and then Li Mo bent down, lowering his body and slowly approaching the valley.

The eggs followed Li Mo's movements and walked all the way.

The two found a boulder flexibly, leaning against the boulder and looking out.

I saw that the powers of Menglei and Menglong were fiercely fighting, and Menglei stopped Menglong and Python Dragon.

It's just that Python Dragon, as the strongest person who swallows the sky python family, has the same strength as Menglei. Coupled with a dream dragon, Menglei appeared to be crippled.

As for the wasp and rat technique in the Land of Wonderland, it was beaten by Manchurian Lin.

Don't look at the cultivation of the three are in the fairyland, but everyone is not at the same level.

The dream leopard was beaten by dream voltage.

Anyway, Mengdian is also the pinnacle of the late peak of the fairyland. Is it not as simple to play the dream leopard in the early stage of this fairyland?

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