Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1263: And walk slowly

"Humph, the mouse is north. I will meet you for a while!"

The voice fell, and Meng Zhentian's figure rushed like a ghost.

The speed of the nightmare strong is extremely fast, not to mention the dream of the sky in the fairyland.

So Meng Zhentian just rushed in front of the mouse to the north, his face changed to the north, and the palm of his hand turned into a red claw in a hurry.

But Meng Zhentian didn't do anything at all, just an understatement.


A big mouthful of coughing up blood flew out, not who the rat was going north?

The mouse went northward for the cultivation of the mid-day fairyland, so in the heart of the mouse northward.

Meng Zhentian in the late days of Tianxian Realm is stronger than him, but not much better?

But now the mouse knows north, he is not Meng Zhentian's opponent at all!

On the same day, even the worms were struggling to get a tough dream, not to mention him?

"Damn! Come and help me!"

The rat shouted north to the mouse south and the sea of ​​pythons. I screamed in my heart, ‘I didn’t see that I was not Meng Zhentian’s opponent! You still have to help them. ’

The mouse looked south and the sea of ​​pythons and watched the battle between the manchuria and the mouse north, and he had to grind his teeth to help the mouse go north.

They couldn't watch the mouse who was watching the northward being killed by Meng Zhentian.

The three powerful players in Heaven Wonderland joined forces to stop Meng Zhentian.

And the battle in the fairyland, Yuanying Realm, Jindan Realm, Jiedan Realm.

Due to the great difference in the quality of the strong of the two camps, even if tens of thousands of troops of the Nightmare tribe joined the battle, the Jiuli tribe still fell to the disadvantage.

Jiang Song, a three-lander wonderland siege, is caught off guard and can only passively defend at a time.


Watching the people around him die one by one, Jiang Song's eyes became scarlet.

Just listening to Jiang Song's smile, a madness appeared in his eyes.

"I am proud of Jiang Song's natural talent. He has been preaching for three hundred years and cultivated into a fairy. It is extraordinary. But think about it, I am a fart! How much have I done for the Jiuli tribe? My elder... "

With that, Jiang Song looked again at the bodies in white shirts around him. They are all deacons or messengers of the Presbyterian Church. Jiang Song sees them die in front of their own eyes but is powerless.

"Today! Let me be the Presbyterian Church. The Jiuli Tribe will go on this last blow! It is also worthy of me Jiang Song being the elder of Jiuli Tribe!"

The voice fell and Jiang Song began to swell quickly. An extremely dangerous breath spread on Jiang Song's body.

"No! He wants to explode himself!"

"Retreat! Rewind!"


Seeing Jiang Song's movements, the three pseudo-Tiantians besieging Jiang Song's look suddenly changed, and they all backed away.

Since the defeat of the crickets, Jiang Song's heart has changed a lot. This time, he wanted to save his life for the Jiuli tribe.

Of course, Jiang Song once had no Jiuli tribe in his mind. Otherwise, he could not be the elder.


The sound resounded from heaven and earth, and the sky was stained with blood.

The flesh and blood flew in mid-air, and it was impossible to tell which was Jiang Song's flesh and blood.

Of the three earth fairyland generals, only one of the powerhouses in the late land wonderland was fast enough and responded quickly enough to retreat. The other two generals in the middle of the fairyland disappeared along with Jiang Song.

"Jiang Song!"

The land wars, Jia persuasion, Li Xue and other strong men shouted in the direction of Jiang Song's disappearance.

At this moment, even Li Xue, who never looked at Jiang Song, shed tears.

"Hahaha! Brother Jiang Song and walk slowly, my brother will come down to accompany you!"

When the voice fell, Mu Shi decided to explode in everyone's eyes.

The self-explosion of the powerhouse in the fairyland has stained the sky with blood. The two pseudo heavenly courts across from Mu Shi were caught by surprise and were blasted together.

Mu Shi's cultivation performance and combat power are not as good as Jiang Song, but Mu Shi uses his last blood and even his life to defend the Jiuli Tribe!

To die for the Jiuli tribe, although there is no regret!

"Brother Mu Shi!"

Tough guys like the land war shed tears.

Mu Shi is not good at speaking and does not like disputes. But ask yourself, the strongest sense of honor and disgrace of the Jiuli tribe is Mu Shi!

Not only did the Grandpa Long like the character of Mu Shi, but other elders also like it.

But today... Mu Shi rarely said a few words, but it became the final farewell.

The same scene is staged everywhere in the 100,000 mountains, the people of the Jiuli Presbyterian Church. The place of death, the glory of death! No one step back!

Led by the Presbyterian Church, the other villagers of the Jiuli tribe are also tragic killing enemies.

Besides, inside the Lingxiao Mountain, Li Mo is still inheriting the inheritance of the Jili ancestors. After bursts of spirit, Li Mo's coercion is also rising.

At the same time, two uninvited guests came inside the Lingxiao Mountain.

" did you come in!"

Ling Lingxiao, who has been playing the role of a dad and caring for children, looked at the two powerful men who came to Lingxiao Mountain suddenly.

"Ji Jie, this Jiulian formation was changed from the formation of the ancient heaven. The ancestor can figure out the four formations of the Jiuli formation, but how can you not calculate where you are at Lingxiao Mountain?"

A middle-aged middle-aged man who is not tall and obese said proudly.

The other figure is diametrically opposed to this middle-aged man. The long and thin middle-aged man proudly took out a golden booklet.

The golden light of this golden brochure is a bit dim, showing but in order to let these two people enter the interior of Lingxiao Mountain. It also paid a lot of strength.

Then the man holding the booklet laughed

"As for how to get in, there is the Emperor's Handbook. How can we not get in?"

"Tiandi's handwriting?"

Ling Xiao looked at the golden book carefully, and then could not help but ridicule, "What Emperor's Handwriting! Gu Zu paid a great price to repair the handwriting that was written to restore the King Realm temporarily?"

"How many times can he write such a handwriting? He's exhausted and he's old!"


"Dare to insult to death!"

These two men are also the elders of the crotch clan. The fat and short are the crickets, the three elder crickets of the clan clan.

As for the size of the elders, the younger ones are the fun of the four elders. Xiu was in the early days of Heavenly Wonderland.

They followed the army, but they were not there to fight. Instead, he was ordered by the Guzu to take this quasi-imperial tool.

From the clan, how can these two listen to Ling Xiao insult their ancestors.

Immediately, the fun of the four elders of the crotch clan suddenly threw the handwriting of the Emperor of Heaven in that Lingxiao.

Although this handbook has only half of the power left, it is enough to deal with this quasi-imperial weapon that does not yet have a master!

The Jiuli tribe is not the strongest among the powerful forces in Kyushu. But it is the strongest defensive force!

The ancestral ancestors can calculate the Jiuli of the Jiuli tribe with such a big mind, and even start the war at any cost. One is to give some benefits to other forces that joined the Jiuli tribe, and the other is for this quasi-imperial weapon.


Looking at the deceived Guzu's handwriting, Ling Xiao snorted again, and his figure continued to enlarge. It seemed to be turned into a mountain and pressed down on the emperor's handwriting that day!

But when the small body of Ling Xiao who came to the height was enlarged to the height of the two, the emperor's handwriting rose to the top of Ling Xiao's head that day.

A golden light appeared, covering Ling Xiao's body.

An irresistible force came, that was the coercion of the God King! It seems that you can decide your life and death at a glance.

Under that golden light, Lingxiao's body that finally rose up was gradually suppressed back.

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