Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1270: Sword Slash

"Huh, are you satisfied with your strength? Eat me another blow!"

Li Mo snorted again, and had already made a killing heart for this mantis.

Then Li Mo cut the sacrificial star sword in the other hand.

What did not rush to do, under the sorrow of the mantis, he had to raise the double claws to meet the star sword.

This time, the worms did not dare to carelessly, and exerted a lot of energy.

But as the master of the quasi-imperial weapon, the breath of Li Mo's body continued to consummate in the fairyland.

Of course, if there is no Jiu Li big battle. A quasi-imperial weapon could not simultaneously increase the cultivation practices of Li Mo and Li Renlong.

When Li Mo from the Heavenly Wonderland consummates the sword and kills it, this holy weapon is so sharp.

Hearing the sound of Qiang, he cut off a cheek that was proud of the moth, and sprayed out blood.

The severe pain made the moth-eater suddenly sweaty, but the moth-eater was also a man, and he didn't even call it.

Then, Zhizhiyuan hurriedly backed away, trying to distance himself from Li Mo.

But where did Li Mo agree, and even the Zhizhiyuan did not see Li Mo's figure clearly. Li Mo then drifted to the front of the cockroach.


Three feet of blood! The sharp starry sword was inserted straight into the chest of the cockroach, and the lips of the cockroach opened a few times, wanting to say something.

But the worms of this state gradually dissipated their vitality, and they had no strength to support what he said.


Li Mo killed the mantis so neatly that all Ant Biao saw it.

The worms and ants are in the same territory, and the worms die so easily. Where did Ant Biao dare to meet Li Mo this way?

So, after twitching her eyes, Ant Biao clenched her teeth. Directly used blood escape technique!

Even if Antbiao of the Juli Ant Royal family is not good at speed, but the strongest in Heavenly Wonderland makes bleeding escape, how fast is that speed?

So the ant biao disappeared in front of Li Mo in an instant.

As for revenge? Who tells you so much about life and death?

Looking at the direction in which Ant Biao disappeared, Li Mo did not rush to chase.

I saw Li Mo's lips open and meditated on the magic of light spirits.


A sharp hissing sound like Dapeng came over Li Mo's body.

Dapeng spread its wings for 90,000 miles!

Li Mo sprinted towards the sky, chasing into the direction of Ant Biao as a blast.

Li Mo was pushed to the limit by Li Mo, and a swinging arm was 90,000 miles.

So for a few swings, Li Mo chased out of the vast mountains. Stop the ant biao!

Looking at Li Mo's figure, Ant Biao's face was pale and scared.

Is this still human speed? Are you sure your ontology is not Kunpeng?

"Stop it all, leave you a whole body."

Li Mo said plainly that it seemed to be sentenced against Ant Biao.

Now that these people have decided to kill the Jiuli tribe, they must be prepared to be killed.

In the same way, if the Jiuli tribe is defeated, they will not let go of the people of the Jiuli tribe.

"Want to let me die? Impossible!"

How can the pride of the powerful in the fairyland kill themselves!

So the voice fell, and Ant Biao's six feet kicked Li Mo together, as if to kick Li Mo into a crush.


The Star Sword whispered, slashing with endless sword intentions.

Only listening to Qiang Qiang, the sword walking between the dragons, Ant Biao's six feet have been cut off.


This is all six feet! With blood flowing directly, Rao is the late Ant-Biao in the Heavenly Wonderland and also shouted.

However, without further ado, Li Mo raised his sword to kill again.

The sword broke Changhong, with a sharp sword intention. Without a few strokes, Li Mo chopped off Antbiao's gritty head. Ant Biao's body fell helplessly downward.

"Li Renlong! You crazy dog!"

In the distant sky, the voice of Chou Fengchun was desperately corrupted.

At this moment, Feng Fengchun also showed the body, and the quasi-imperial weapon and rhinoceros gloves were on the cheeks.

But one claw of Fengfengchun has been beaten, and the other claw, you can see that all parts of the complete set of the spirit rhinoceros are not cracked.

And under Feng Fengchun, it was smashed.


Li Renlong just slammed, carrying Ling Xiaoshan in his hand and smashing again.


Looking at Li Renlong rushing in, Li Fengchun's face changed. Then Feng Fengchun clenched her teeth as if she had made a decision.

"Boom! Rumble..."

The harsh noise came, and the tentacles of Zhou Fengchun's body burst into flames.

The power of Tianxian Realm's body explodes, and the power can be imagined.

And this method of self-explosive body, although not to kill the body's life. But it is also invincible, and attacking the Li Renlong, at the same time, it will also hit Feng Fengchun hard.

Moreover, part of the body explodes, but it consumes sperm and blood. If you explode too much, Chou Fengchun will have to lose half of her life, and she broke through in this life.

Li Fengchun's original intention was to let his body explode to stop Li Renlong's attack, but where did he think about it?

There is not much life left for this Li Ren dragon, and he will die after this battle.

I can't live myself anymore. The self-explosion of these tentacles can hurt Li Renlong, but how can I force Li Renlong back.

Li Renlong's lifeless play really scared the Feng Fengchun, so the Feng Fengchun was not delayed, and his body quickly escaped to the distance.

As long as he runs out today and kills again tomorrow, there will be no resistance from Li Renlong.

"Want to run?"

Looking at Zhou Fengchun's back, Li Renlong frowned.

Then Ling Xiaoshan in the hands of Li Renlong suddenly threw away in the direction of Feng Fengchun.

At the same time, Li Renlong's hands were transformed, and pure aura was injected into Lingxiao Mountain.

Lingxiao Mountain trembling tremblingly, and constantly changing along the way.

By the time it flew to the top of Li Fengchun's head, it had recovered the size of Lingxiao Mountain.

Feeling the danger behind him, Feng Fengchun couldn't help turning his head.

A closer look really scared sweat.

"By this time, why do you still have such a powerful aura?"

Chou Fengchun said to himself in horror, so he had to greet him with his only claw and his spirit rhinoceros.

Feng Fengchun clearly forgot that Li Renlong forcibly entered the realm of God King at the cost of expending life.

So even though Li Renlong's body is now full of light and dry, the purity and vastness of the spirit in the body ~ ~ is not comparable to that of Fengchun.

In this state of the world, every spring has been badly hit by itself. Just now my tentacles exploded, and the injury was even more serious.

Therefore, even with the quasi-imperial weapon of Lingxi fist glove, Li Fengchun is still not the opponent of Lingxiao Mountain.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Lingxiao Mountain directly pressed the cricket Fengchun all the way to the ground.

The whole hundred thousand mountains shivered. Lingxiao Mountain still does not move, and the suppressed Chou Fengchun disappeared for a long time.

"Ling Xiao! You are waiting for Lao Tzu!"

A pair of golden gloves with dim flies flew to the sky, put a ruthless word on Ling Ling Xiao of Ling Xiao Mountain, and then escaped to the distant sky.

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