Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1278: The situation in Xutianzhou


Needless to say, Li Moduo said that nearly a million creatures of the Jiuli tribe killed the tribe of the Green Snake tribe.

The nightmare powerfuls stood on the side and did not mean to leave. Without the command of Meng Zhentian, Li Mo could not call him.

And where is a small green snake tribe eligible to attract Meng Zhentian's shot?

The Green Snake Tribe is stronger than the Tribe Alliance, but compared with the Jiuli it simply not comparable?

The Jiuli Tribe is a village where the Green Snake Tribe is easily destroyed, not to mention the millions of souls gathered by the Jiuli Tribe.

Even the shouting and killing sounds directly changed the shouting and roaring of the people of the Green Snake tribe.

For a while, the flamboyant Green Snake Tribe has become a sword on the board and can only be hacked by others.

Li Mo's shot was a million creatures, and this scene really shocked the tribes of the tribe alliance.

A crowd of people looked at Li Mo more crazily and admired.

Their tribal alliance until now has only the leader, so the leader is also the existence of their grandfather.

Fortunately, with such a powerful grandpa, can the members of these tribal alliances not be excited?

"This guy is strong again..."

Looking at the sky, the figure of the totem in the middle of the fairyland. Ge Fatzi and others murmured to their hearts.

When I thought about it, Li Mo was chased out of Nanjiang County by the Wudu tribe.

Later, when everyone thought Li Mo was so young. It is not the opponent of the Wudu tribe that has stood for nearly a thousand years, but Li Mo has turned the Wudu tribe to the ground and rebuilt a tribal alliance.

This time, Li Mo returned strong again. One sword beheaded the fairy demon, one arm glowed a million creatures.

What strength is this?

Anyway, this method is something that these members of the tribal alliance once dared not even imagine.

The battle did not last until half an hour, and ended.

All the green snake tribes are killed!

For these opponents who want to kill the clan, Li Mo did not retain their meaning.

"What's going on? How long did it take for the Horde Alliance to be formed like this?"

Li Mo and the egg who came with him from behind fell to the ground and asked angrily.

"What's the matter with the Blue Whale Tribe? So the tribes of other counties are allowed to attack in Nanjiang County?"

In Li Mo's mind, the Green Snake Tribe is so much stronger than the Horde Alliance. Therefore, the Green Snake Tribe must also be the kind of big tribe in charge of a county.

They want to attack Nanjiang County. Without the overlord of Xutianzhou and the approval of the Blue Whale Tribe, where would they dare?

Li Mo's scolding made everyone dare not raise their heads, when Li Mo left before.

These people lined their chests one by one, saying that when Li Mo came back. Li Mo must be handed over to an intact tribe.

As a result, the tribe has now become like this, and the tribe is almost wiped out by other tribes. Of course, they face Li Mo without words.

"Dad, are you okay."

Jin Qiaoxin came to Jin Dazhuang and looked at Jin Dazhuang, who was pale, and asked distressedly.

"It's okay..."

Watching his daughter come back, Jin Dazhuang was certainly happy.

But seeing the son-in-law with some inquiries, Jin Dazhuang didn't even know what to say.

Because of his relationship with Li Mo, it was his turn to take care of the Horde Alliance. Now that the Horde Alliance has done this, he has the greatest responsibility.

"Save your darling first."

Egg egg persuaded Li Mo, then egg egg in the storage bag to take out some immortality medicine into the mouth of the barbarian cow.

On the way back, I listened to Li Mo talking about these years. Therefore, Dandan also knows this barbarian cow. I saw that the barbarian cow has such a spinelessness before, making it very good for the barbarian cow.

"Grandpa, we have too many people in the Jiuli Tribe. Your tribal alliance may not be able to accommodate..."

Dongfang Yibai also came forward to change the subject.

"Your things will be said later."

Li Mo's sharp tone finally eased a bit, and then Li Mo looked at Ge Fatty.

"Ge Fatty, tell me what's going on. Is it related to the Blue Whale Tribe?"

Hearing Li Mo point to himself, Ge Fatzi rubbed his hands and walked up. "The blue whale tribe is now overwhelmed by themselves, where can we control our tribe."

"Huh? What's going on?"

Li Mo frowned, feeling that he had gone this period of time. Earth-shaking changes have taken place in Nanjiang County.

The blue whale tribe used to be the ruler of this Asahi State, and the blue whale tribes behind it were even more powerful.

But listening to Ge Fatzi's tone, is this someone shaking their rule over Xutianzhou now?

"It is the Clan and Clan of Yuezhou who attacked Xutianzhou in a big way. But the Clan and Clan are also really strong, and they have fought a few tough battles. The blue whale and blue whale tribes can only passively defend, so they can only watch. Watched several subordinates of the subordinates being eaten up by the other party's forces."

"Centaur? The Blue Whale is still ranked higher than the Centaur in the Demon Clan. The Centaur has such a skill. The Blue Whale can only defend?"

Egg egg asked with a puzzled look.

"This... what's going on, we don't know."

Looking at the clothes of the egg, the experienced Ge Fatian knew that the identity of the egg was not easy. And just now others did not dare to persuade Li Mo, but the egg behaved so casually.

So for the egg, Ge Fat didn't dare to delay, just said awkwardly.

"Forget it, the power of the Horde Alliance. It's not easy to know these."

Li Mo shook his head and interrupted the egg.

This is still the tribal alliance of the blue whale tribe. If you change to the tribal alliance of the white bear tribe, it may not even be clear.

"It should be the help of the Puppet Pseudo Heavenly Court. The Centaurs have done so many things for the Puppies. It is impossible for them to get no benefits.

Li Mo continued, and then Li Mo looked at the bustling crowd of the Jiuli tribe. The voice spreads everywhere with aura

"Jiuli Tribe has been reduced to zero from today, hidden in Nanjiang County! Awaiting counterattack!"


"Strictly obey the law of the public!"


The vast voices came and went, shocking.

Feeling the momentum of the row of mountains, the members of the tribe alliance all took a breath. They can feel that these millions of creatures are far more powerful than they are. So one by one even worshipped Li Mo, wondering where Li Mo assembled so many strong men.

Not knowing what everyone is thinking, Li Mo said to Ge Fatzi: "The whereabouts of these people can't be revealed, Ge Fatzi. Their housing problems will be left to you."

"Relax, lord, our tribal alliance can put down a group of The territories of the Taurus tribe, the wind training tribe, the shadow leopard tribe, and the viper tribe are still empty.

Over this period, the Green Snake Tribe has exterminated some small tribes. So their fiefdoms are also empty, and some people can be arranged. The rest allow them to settle in the tribes of our subordinate forces.

In this southern county, as long as our tribal alliance does not let out the wind, no one knows the existence of these people. "

Don’t look at the millions of creatures, it’s not easy to hide anywhere.

But now here is Nanjiang County, the tribal alliance is the same as the five poisonous tribes. That is the existence of the ruler of Nanjiang County, and it is not difficult to close the matter of millions of people.


A smile finally appeared on Li Mo's face, and he saw the smile on Li Mo's face. The senior leaders of the tribe alliance exhaled for a long time.

Don’t look at Li Mo’s relationship with them, but Li Mo’s cultivation is getting higher and higher. The pressure on him is getting stronger and stronger. Without being angry, these people are still afraid of Li Mo.

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