Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1306: Tianshan Yeti

   "Damn, put away your eyes, let's go."

  Li Mo swooped down and whispered to the egg.

   nodded, and hurriedly put thirty-six high-order spirit stones into the storage bag.

   Today's Fudan and Li Mo, although they have a great career, can't just throw so many high-level spirit stones for no reason.

   That's it. The 8,100 high-level spirit stones that served as the flag were too late to take away. This is more than eight high-level spirit stones.

   Of course, this is not to say that Li Mo is afraid of this huya poetry. It's just that Li Mo still wants to pull the Jiuwei Fox Clan as a helping hand, so he can't consume the Jiuwei Fox Clan's power too much, nor can he reveal his identity.

   Just when the egg put away the last high-level spirit stone, Li Mo grabbed the egg's shoulder. Hurry to run the earth escape technique and drill into the ground.

   disappeared, the gray smoke gradually dissipated, and Li Gui disappeared. The whole world was clear again.

In    formation method, except Hu Yashi. There are also nine powerhouses of nine-tailed foxes.

   It's just that except for the three nine-tailed fox clan strongmen that Hu Yashi sent before, all the other six nine-tailed fox clan strongmen are pale and weak in eyes.

   It seems that if Li Mo does not leave the formation again. They might have been killed in this formation by alive.

   The eyes of Fox and Poems looked around and shouted angrily

   "Find me! Be sure to find him out for me!"


  Several strong men of the nine-tailed fox clan dispersed, not daring to touch the mold of fox poetry at this time.

   However, Li Mo has long disappeared thousands of miles by virtue of the earth escape technique. So these people of Jiuwei Fox clan just dug the ground for three feet, and they couldn't find Li Mo and Egg.

   "Return to the Nine-Tailed Fox Race."

  Nine-tailed fox powerhouses are still looking for Li Mo and Egg, of course, they only think they are two human powerhouses.

   However, as everyone knows, these two are already on their way back to Jiuwei City.

   However, just before approaching Jiuwei City, a group of strong men of Jiuwei fox raced in front of Li Mo on a horse.


  Seeing Li Mo's figure, the youth headed by the team immediately stopped the horseshoe and returned with the team.

   "Brother Li Mo, Xiandai!"

  Isn't the person coming from the nine-tailed fox clan's eldest son Hu Lin still able to be?

  Before Li Mo and the egg entered the crack of time and space, the fox shower was closed.

  Looking like this, the Fox Lin is now out of the customs, but Xiu Wei still stays in the Wonderland. Did not enter the fairyland.

   Of course, the cultivation of Li Mo and the egg are still suppressed in the middle of the fairyland. So Hulin didn't see anything.

   "Hehe, we had some things before, so we left Jiuwei City. I don't know what Brother Hulin is going to do, hunting?"

   Standing under the horse, Li Mo arched his hands to the fox and asked.

   Listening to Li Mo's words, Hulin shook her head with some headache

   "Hunting? Where else do I have that leisurely elegance now."

   "Well? What happened?"

   asked frowning.

"The barbarians of the Tianshan Yeti don’t know what’s going on. They came down from Tianshan in Yunzhou and entered the border of Zhizhou. My father went to the front line a few days ago. I don’t hear that there are two counties in these two days. It was broken, and it was about to lead people over."

  Frozen explained to Li Mo and Fudan.

   Listening to Fox's words, I don't know what is going on. Li Mo smelled a hint of conspiracy.

   No wonder Li Mo is too sensitive. It is really the ancestral ancestor of the pseudo-celestial court who is really too good at calculating. As if all the major forces of Kyushu in the world are in his meticulous calculations, such a ancestor. One careless thing, Kyushu is the thing in his pocket.

  As for the Tianshan Yeti in Yunzhou, Li Mo is of course no stranger. After all, he used the Tianshan silk to refine one flower and one world. It is the product of the Tianshan Mountains, and Kyushu is the only one.

   Of course, this kind of thing has always been sold by the tribes of the Tianshan Yeti tribe.

  Li Mo frowned and looked at the fox. "We haven't been to Yunzhou yet. How about this trip as we followed Brother Hulin?"

   "Okay, Brother Li Mo and Egg Egg Hyun Brother joined. I am more confident to regain one or two counties of lost ground!"

  FuLin nodded and smiled, did not suspect Li Mo and the egg because of the recent rumors of the Jiuwei Fox clan.

  Although the time when Li Mo and the egg disappeared, it was more consistent with the time when the empty crack appeared.

   But as soon as it comes, Foxlink believes in friends.

  Second, both Huguang and Huchi said in a voice, it was the two human powerhouses who snatched the'treasure'.

  Eight of the powerhouses in the fairyland can't distinguish between the human race and the devil race? Unless they are idiots.

   So Hulin did not doubt the eggs of the nightmare and Li Mo of the human race.

   Of course, in the eyes of Hu Guang, Hu Chi and others, the King Fox Heart Xuan is a treasure. It is estimated that if the top management of the nine-tailed fox family knows that the treasure in the mouth of the eight guys is this, it will definitely be mad.

   "However, it seems that there is no horse anymore. Or Brother Li Mo is wronged and squeezed a horse with me? Egg egg wise brother and my leader squeezed a horse?"

  Frozen is awkward to say that these horses are monsters in Yuanying Realm. The number is limited, and when I walked, I didn't even think about meeting Li Mo and the egg, so I didn't prepare extra horses.

   "Anyway, I also have a horse."

  Li Mo smiled and patted the pet bag around his waist.

   A burst of green smoke appeared, and then only heard the hiss of'Lü'. Tsing Ma Wang appeared in front of everyone's eyes, Tsing Ma Wang shook his head, looking at the sky excitedly.

   Grandma I can figure it out!

  How long has the owner paid me a pet bag? Didn't ask me to come out once, if not the means of fearing the master. I really want to ask, did the owner forget me?

   "Late Land Wonderland!"

  Looking at the Green Horse King's cultivation practice, Rao Shihulin was not only surprised.

  The fairy king in the fairyland can be transformed into a human form. Which is not an arrogant, so easily tamed?

   And Li Mo's cultivation behavior is only in the middle of the fairyland. It is said that the demon clan strongmen in the same realm are stronger than the clan strongmen in the same realm, let alone those who are still in the higher realm.

   So the fox is also not clear, how can Li Mo in the middle of the fairyland be able to tame the demon king in the late fairyland?

   "I can just sit with the egg."

   said, Li Mo turned over. Egg egg rides on the back of Tsing Ma King.

   looked at the sturdy, shiny blue horse king. He Lin was envious for a while. Once the fox shower of the nine-tailed fox clan master, his mount was only a cultivation practice in the early stage of a fairyland. The other guards are the leaders of their mid-land fairyland, and the seats are only monsters in Yuanying Realm.

"it is good!"

   The fox shower responded with a slap, with a horse's belly, running forward with his mount, slowly ascending into the air.

   Li Mo's guards following the fox shower followed, the horses hissed, and the sound of horseshoes kept coming.

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