Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1362: Ancestor

"A group of young people who want to contend with the prestige of heaven? Really a fool."

A disdainful voice came from afar.

I saw the sky in the distance, a man with white hair in an emperor's robe and a shawl. Even though his looks are old, the powerful men who are still capable of walking in the sky come slowly.

Although Li Mo doesn't know this old man, but can't he recognize those eyes?

So seeing these eyes, Li Mo's expression changed suddenly. Shouted "Guzu!"

That's right, this time it is no longer the incarnation of the ancestral ancestors, but the real ancestors!

It's just that the ancestral ancestor at the moment looks like it's a dying lamp.

"Tianshan Snow King, I said that. I will go out and fight again!"

Li Mo didn't even glance at him. The ancestor of Guzu directly locked the snow king of Tianshan and drank it.

"Humph! It was your doppelganger that killed you in the last battle. This battle. This king is going to kill you!"

Tianshan Snow King snorted again and drank.

"Hahaha, can the dying person also run wild?"

Tianshan Snow King's voice had just fallen, and a distant mocking sound came from the distant sky.

Then, the posture of the five strong men slowly took off.

Li Mo's current cultivation practice can also be seen at a glance.

Coupled with their cultivation practices, these five are not the ancestors of the wolf-eating clan, the ancestor of the Juli ant clan, the ancestor of the Centaur clan, the ancestor of the red-flame rat clan, and the ancestor of the clan of the swallowing python. who is it?

Looking behind them, ten thousand elite troops of pseudo heavenly courts!

These were carefully selected by the ancestors, only waiting for the ancestors to slay Li Mo's several strong players on their side. Ordinary tribes are the lambs to be slaughtered in the elite eyes of these ten thousand pseudo-celestial courts.

The sea below is already bloody.

It seems that the big demon of these aquariums are going to stop the ancestors of the ancestral ancestors and the pseudo-celestial court, but they fail.

"Tianshan Snow King, kneel down and submit. I will let you suffer less."

Guzu, dressed in an emperor's robe, stood in the sky and scolded the Snow King of Tianshan.

How strong is the Tianshan Snow King? That's one of the three **** king realm that hasn't been born on the earth of Kyushu for thousands of years.

Such a strong man kneeling? That is more humiliating than death!

Therefore, Guzu's words immediately angered Tianshan Snow King, and only heard Tianshan Snow King shout.

"Old and undead! Take your life!"

The voice fell, and Tianshan Snow King's body suddenly swelled. What attracted the most attention was the two arms that gradually crossed the knee! It is their top supernatural power of the Tianshan Yeti tribe-Tong Mu Quan!

Afraid of the angry Tianshan Snow King who suffered losses from the Guzu, Li Mo also immediately recruited Lingxiao Mountain. Xiuwei entered the mid-term peak of Tenjin Mirror!

The ancestor of the Dragon Eagle tribe also followed, following Li Mo and Tianshan Snow King to fight against the ancestors.


The battle of these four powerful men can already be called the pinnacle of this world.

The whole blue whale island below is trembling violently even with a large guard.

"Between all!"

Can't bear to watch his juniors die tragically, the blue whale ancestor screamed. At the same time, the palms of the blue whale ancestors showed endless strong winds, and took a group of powerful people below to fly to the distant sky.

"Jin Jie, want to run? Nowadays, where is Kyushu, where is your hiding place?"

Watching the blue whale ancestors' movements, the powerful Juli ant ancestor sneered, but the strong ants such as the Juli ant ancestor, the wolf ancestor did not stop the blue whale ancestor Zu means.

After all, the battle in the sky is already the battle of the **** king realm. Even they are afraid to be too close.

And when the war between the ancestors ends, where can these people go?


Between the words, the figure of a big cough in the sky fell. It hit the blue whale island below.

The guardian formation over the blue whale island has long been crumbling, and where can it stand the figure?

So the figure directly passed through the golden light and hit the island. The whole island was suddenly smashed into the ocean.

Fortunately, the blue whale ancestors had taken all the people, Meng Zhentian, Egg, Dongfang Yibai and other strong men to fly out of the island. So there are no casualties.

But the blue whale ancestors in the distance looked at the island that had disappeared below, and they grinned and felt a pain.

This is the root of their blue whale clan, this battle is gone?

"Dragon Eagle Race Ancestor! It is the Dragon Eagle Race Ancestor!"

Blue Whale Patriarch Blue Dragon's eyes widened and he roared in horror.

This dragon eagle family is among the top three in all the gods and demon families, and the dragon eagle ancestor is one of the strongest people in the world. Before the ancestors of the Longying tribe also vowed to say that one of their feet has stepped into the early stage of the **** king realm, which caused envy of ancestors of other races.

But the result is that such a strong man was beaten like this? How can everyone not be surprised?

"Human sword unites!"

The ancestors of the Longying tribe were hit hard, and Li Mo suddenly used the sword together.

Now Li Motian's mid-peak peak cultivation practice, coupled with the existence of Jian Xin. So the glare of the sword suddenly appeared in the sky, and a force of destruction came!

Li Mo's sword heart is a force of destruction, which is why Li Mo's sword heart has always been stronger than others' sword heart.


On that day, the Mountain Snow King also roared with a fist. A thick wave of air came over, as if attacking the Guzu at this moment. Not at all the fist of the flesh, but two mountains.

"Trick and worm skills."

The momentum of Li Mo and the Snow King of Tianshan here is that ordinary strong people in the early days of the King Realm should drink hatred. But here in Guzu, only a contemptuous smile was exchanged.

"Vajra hood!"

Suddenly, the Guzu suddenly opened his eyes. A thick breath rushed across the face, I saw Zhangzu's palms in front of him. A faint golden light was born and protected beside the Guzu.


The sound of thunder came from the sky, and I saw the sword and fist. The golden light beside the ancestor was fiercely This golden light seemed to be invulnerable. Except for bringing a trace of ripples, there was no slight defeat.

"This is... the vajra hood of the ancient heaven court!"

Looking at the golden light in front of him, Li Mo moved his expression and said in surprise.

After Gu Tianting collapsed, many of Gu Tianting's top-level peerlessness had been lost.

The three heads and six arms used by the ancestral ancestors were the same, and the Vajra hood is even more so!

And which of the top supernatural powers of the ancient heaven is taken out, is it not the existence of Weizhen Huanyu?

"Huh, you're a bit of an eye."

Looking at Li Mo, Guzu smiled contemptuously. It's just that those eyes, looking at Ling Xiaoshan on Li Mo's other palm, are full of greed.

This Lingxiao Mountain is a quasi-imperial weapon. If the Zuzu is given to them, they will at least create a strong God Mirror! Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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