Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1367: Defeat Guzu

The origin of the instrumental spirit of the rod of origin was said before Li Moxiu entered the heaven. He can let Li Mo step into the middle of the God Realm after leveraging the power of the rod of origin.

But in that case, Li Mo can be allowed to use the power of the rod of origin several times. In other words, if Li Moxiu entered Tianshen Realm, with the power of the rod of origin, the origin of the spirit would not be comatose.

But now, Li Mo forcibly draws on the power of the rod of origin. It is estimated that after this battle, the origin will be comatose because of consuming all the power.

Besides fighting, Li Mo at the moment completely gave up defense. I saw that between Li Mo's big opening and closing, the speed of the scepter of the right hand is the main speed, and the power of the Lingxiao Mountain is about.

In addition, Li Mo's cultivation practice in the middle of the God King Realm now has an advantage in weapons. The ancestral ancestors, who had never been able to live forever, fell into the disadvantages comically again.

"Guzu! Take your life!"


Only two loud shouts came, and the snow king of Tianshan and the ancestor of the dragon eagle tribe who had received the heavy damage before came to kill again.

It's just that this time Li Mo is the main one, supplemented by the Tianshan Snow King and the Dragon Eagle Clan Ancestor. The trio pressed the ancestors.

"not good!"


Seeing Li Mo's war situation reversed here, several ancestors also knew that the current ancestors could not come up with other means.

So everyone shouted and led the withdrawal of the elite army of false heaven.

As for the blue whale ancestors, they just wanted to stop. But how many people are called the ancestors of various forces alone?

Therefore, the blue whale ancestors and the nine-tailed fox ancestors can’t stop it, nor dare to stop it! I can only watch as a group of powerful people gradually disappear in front of everyone...

"Coax! Coax! Coax!"

The rod of origin in Li Mo's hands coaxed on the ancestors of the ancestral ancestors three times in a row, and the golden light on the Lingxi fist became dimmer. It seems that after this war, the Lingxi fist's instrument Lingling Xiu was estimated to be comatose again.

Of course, this is also the gap between Li Moxiu and Guzu. Only then did Li Mo use the rod of origin to fight the spirit rhino gloves without much effect.

If Li Mo's self-cultivation enters the realm of God King, this Lingxi glove does not have the power to fight against the rod of origin.


The ancestral ancestor was directly hit by Li Mo's successive attacking forces, coughing blood downward while falling.

Just listening to the clatter, the endless water waves were photographed, and the Guzu fell into the water.


In three directions, three shouts of killing came. Li Mo, the Snow King of Tianshan and the Dragon Eagle ancestors joined forces to kill.

Just now they have hit the ancestors, so the three strong men are very confident. If you fight again, you can kill that ancestor!

This united with several other forces to establish a pseudo heaven, so that the culprit of Kyushu's unrest for more than a year can finally be killed!

The ancestors of the Dragonhawk tribe felt a sense of relief in their hearts, although their Dragonhawk tribe's most precious blood, the sea lotus, was lost.

But right now, Guzu is killed. Their dragon eagle tribe is still preserved, and killing the ancestors can be regarded as revenge on the blood sea dragon lotus.

As for the snow king of Tianshan, the ancestor died, and their vendetta against the snowman of Tianshan was also rewarded.

The three sounds of clattering into one, Li Mo, the Snow King of Tianshan and the ancestors of the Dragon Eagle tribe directly enter the water.

But after entering the water, the three people discovered that they were quietly everywhere.

They are strong at this level, even under water. Vision is also the same as on land, so three people and six eyes look around. Except for the torn apart piece of water, the island fell to the bottom of the sea. The bodies of a few aquatic monsters are really nothing.


The ancestor of the Dragon Eagle tribe looked at Li Mo blankly and had been in contact with Li Mo for so long. The ancestors of the Longying tribe no longer dared to treat Li Mo as a junior. So now the Longying tribe ancestor wants to hear Li Mo's thoughts.

"It should be the water escape technique! And it is the top-level water escape technique!"

With that, Li Mo raised his head and looked in the distance.

"This ancestral ancestor has long escaped from this vast ocean! How much skill this ancestor has learned in the ancient heaven!"

Truth be told, victory is in sight. This time let Guzu escape, how could Li Mo be reconciled!


The Tianshan Snow King roared angrily, and saw the water rushing out like a waterfall.

Out of the waterfall, Li Mo, the Snow King of the Tianshan Mountains and the ancestors of the Dragon Eagle tribe walked in the direction of everyone in the distance.

Meng Zhentian, who was devastated by the ancestors of the ancestors, sits in the air with Dongfang Yibai to recuperate his injuries. In fact, Guzu wanted to kill Meng Zhentian and Dongfang Yibai, not difficult.

But before the ancestral ancestors wanted to use the lives of Meng Zhentian and Dongfang Yibai to threaten Li Mo. This also made Meng Zhentian and Dongfang Yibai leave a life.

The eggs that have gone through the Heaven Tribulation are guarded by the side.

You can see the wound that has not healed on the egg, and the blue blood will know. This time he went to Heaven Tribulation, because of the distraction of the war, the egg was almost chopped to death by Heaven Tribulation.

"Friend Li Mo..."

Looking at Li Mo, the blue whale ancestor and the nine-tailed fox ancestor stepped forward and said apologetically, they didn't know what to say.

Li Mo was in a difficult situation and almost died. Allies of these allies should have been saved, but under the pressure of the Guzu. These people hesitated, and hesitated for a moment before they died.

So Li Mo broke out and defeated the Guzu. The blue whale elders and the nine-tailed fox ancestors really don’t know if Li Mo will admit the relationship between their allies, will they settle the accounts after autumn?

Li Mo, who came slowly, did not speak, but waved his hand pale. It's just the look on that face, but it's very unsightly.

Seeing Li Mo's attitude, the two ancestors felt cold. Finished, this Li Mo is afraid that he will have to settle accounts in the future.

If you let Li Mo know the thoughts of the two ancestors, I'm afraid they will cry and laugh.

Li Mo has no displeasure to these two ancestors.

It's just that Li Mo can now feel that the power of the rod of origin has faded a little bit.

There was the blessing of the Staff of Origin before, suppressing Li Mo's injury. Li Mo can still stick to the battle with the ancestral ancestors ~ ~ or even almost defeat the ancestors.

But right now, the power of the rod of origin disappears. The injury in Li Mo's body broke out again, and severe pain struck.

The pained Li Mo's face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were trembling slightly. So Li Mo couldn't say a word now, and his face was painful and unsightly.

"Li Mo, are you okay?"

The egg came to Li Mo and asked Li Mo.

Others didn't notice it, but the eggs who had been fighting side by side with Li Mo for so many years could not be noticed. At this moment, Li Mo should already be a strong twister.


Li Mogang wanted to open his mouth to respond to the egg, but it was at this moment. Li Mo only felt that the power of origin in his body had disappeared, and Li Mo could no longer control it, and a big gulp of blood spewed out.

Then, Li Mo was directly comatose in the egg's arms. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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