Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1384: The war is back

At night, the high-level leaders of various parties also organized a lot of patrol teams. After all, everyone is afraid that the playful ancestral ancestors attacked at night, but obviously, everyone is worried.

Li Mo led the powerful of the three parties to rest for three days outside Zhongzhou before they came to the army of the Yeti, Dragon Eagle and Nine-Tailed Fox Clan in Tianshan.

The mighty army of millions cannot see its head at a glance.

Just look at it, it is so vast.

Li Mo, the Tianshan Snow King and the Dragon Eagle tribe ancestor stood at the forefront side by side.

On their side, there are only two powerful individuals in the King Realm. This does not include Li Mo, who is the pinnacle of cultivation in the late days of Heavenly Wonderland, but with the help of the rod of origin.

So looking at the three strong men on the head, the morale of the alliance of the six parties has soared.

"set off!"

Li Mo waved his hand, and a million troops marched toward Zhongzhou. The vast sound of footsteps made the ground tremble. This trembling sound seemed to hit people's minds directly.

"Dragon Eagle tribe, patrol in high altitude. If there is danger, report it immediately!"

Li Mo was at the front, shouting loudly.

The strong dragon eagles are not only good at flying in the sky, they are extremely fast. That keen vision and consciousness is the strongest of all races in Kyushu.


In response to Li Mo's order, the elite of two hundred dragon and eagle clan suddenly killed and flew forward.

The elite of these dragon and eagle tribes are the cultivation of Yuanyingjing. Coupled with their combined formation method, even the powerful players in the Wonderland Realm are not afraid.

"Be careful, Guzu is tricky, don't look for his way!"

Looking at the powerful dragon and eagle clan that appeared in the sky and the black pressure was flying away, Li Mo reassured.

Then, in the sky, there are powerful dragon and eagle clan in front of them as spies. In the rear, the mighty million army marched towards Zhongzhou.

Don't look at this million-strong army as the elite soldiers selected by all forces, but their training is uneven.

It is also the march of a million troops, so the speed naturally slowed down. Everyone spent five days together before they came to the plain where the Pseudo Heavenly Court is located.

Millions of troops approached the city, and across from them were the vast palaces of the Pseudo Heavenly Court.

Even if it is far away, even now the pseudo-celestial court has launched a large defense.

But with a touch of defensive golden light, one can still see the glory of those palaces.

Not to mention the strength of this pseudo heavenly court, the scale of the pseudo heavenly court they built is really grand.

"It's been five days and five nights along the way. No ancestors sent troops to attack, which is a bit abnormal."

Looking at the vast palaces in front, the ancestors of the Dragonhawk tribe frowned and muttered to themselves.

"It's really abnormal..."

Li Mo nodded and responded, and then Li Mo turned to look at the powerful six million power behind him. Laugh

"Don't care what the Guzu fights, but he refuses to shoot now. Pseudo-Tianting shows a defensive formation, and even puts on a defensive state. This makes the morale of our soldiers boost, right We are still favorable."

"No matter what his ancestral ancestors are counting, we have the upper hand now. When the time comes, just rush all the way to the past!"

Tianshan Snow King waved his fist and said domineeringly.

Li Mo did not respond to the Snow King of Tianshan, but turned and shouted loudly.

"One night off, attack tomorrow!"

The voice was rolling, not only Li Mo's million troops could clearly hear.

Even the soldiers in the pseudo heavenly court heard Li Mo's voice.

So even though Li Mo didn't write a battle book in this battle, Li Mo's voice is already a battle book.


The six-party powerful millionaires all responded with one voice, and then patrolled patrolling, cooking and cooking.

We have been familiar with each other for a few days. So everything has been done naturally, without the need for senior leaders of all parties to make arrangements.

"Morale morale is a good thing, but it's not good to be conceited. Tomorrow's attack, we can't carelessly tonight. It is necessary to guard against the ancestors attacking in the middle of the night."

Standing at the forefront, Li Mo frowned and said to himself.

"Well, tonight the king personally keeps watch. You go back to rest."

The Snow King of Tianshan looked at Li Mo and the ancestors of the Longying tribe and smiled.

"There will be Senior Labor."

Li Mo grinned and said with a clenched fist. There is a **** king realm vigil, this night must be safe.

Immediately Li Mo and the Longying tribe ancestors returned to their camps.

The Million Army, the strongest of the six parties, is divided into six large accounts.

But among the six big tents, most of them are human races. After all, these top demon and demon families are followed by human tribes.

Of course, except the nightmare. At the beginning, the ancestral puppet heavenly court wanted to stand up, and the tribe of the nightmare tribe was slaughtered clean. These are blood feuds, of course the nightmare can not let go.

No words for a night, the ancestral ancestral court of the Guzu still has nothing to do.


The sky had just lighted up, and there was light dripping rain falling on the sky. A vast expanse of shouts greeted the rain, and millions of troops rushed to the false heaven.

Above, the powerful dragon hawks circled. They appeared one by one, the dragon head and eagle body. The sharp eyes looked towards the sky soldiers of the pseudo heavenly court, as if picking their prey again.

And below, the strong men of the Tianshan Yeti rushed to the front. They acted as human shields, and behind them were the powerful men of several other forces.


Above the pseudo heaven, the golden formation became more mellow. It made everyone gradually unable to see the palace inside the pseudo heavenly court.


Facing the formation of the pseudo heavenly court, I only heard three loud shouts.

Then, three figures rushed to the sky.

One of them, with a magnificent posture, seemed to have a pair of fists.

Another figure, the dragon head and eagle body, and the sharp eyes are the unspeakable vicissitudes, not who is the ancestor of the dragon eagle family?

The last figure is Li Mo.

Li Mo holds the rod of origin and wears a white shirt. But the whole body is the golden light of the rod of origin, like a **** of war.

"Break me!"

The three raised their fists and shouted together.

Immediately, I saw the arms of the Snow King of Tianshan burst, and the ancestors of the Dragon Eagle Clan showed their claws.

As for Li Mo, it is the hand holding the rod of origin that coaxes towards the golden barrier in front.


The violent noise came as if the sky were falling apart. The entire golden defense trembled violently, and it was suddenly covered with cracks.

Even though the defensive array of the Pseudo-Tianting has assembled all the spirits underground, it is still unable to withstand the attack of the three powerful kings comparable to the King Realm.

"Come again!"

One blow did not explode the defensive formation of this pseudo-celestial court, and the Snow King of Tianshan shouted Immediately afterwards, the attack of the three men flooded this formation again.


Without any hesitation, the defensive formation suddenly shattered. Revealed the pseudo-garrison soldiers waiting for the whole army below!

The front three rows of pseudo-garrison soldiers filled the bows and arrows in their hands and looked nervously at the million troops outside the pseudo-garden.

Although it is said that the ancestors of the ancestral ancestors have gathered all the powerful forces of the subordinates of the Pseudo Heavenly Court recently, the number is more than one million.

But these people did not have the determination to fight for the false heaven.

Therefore, all the soldiers in the false heaven court will be more than Li Mo's morale. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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