Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1386: The person who killed you

"Hum!" Looking at the momentum of the wolf bite ancestor, the nightmare ancestor snorted again. The nightmare ancestors also showed their bodies. They clasped the mountain peaks of Lingxiao Mountain with both hands and photographed them against the wolf ancestors. "Boom!" There was a trembling in the sky, and endless waves of air hit, "Poof..."

Then, I saw a silver figure falling down. Directly smashed the ground into a big pit, showing the sky of dust. "This... how is this possible?"

Looking at the battle in the distance, Rao is the ancestor of the Juli Ant King clan and couldn't help but swallow a spit and said in surprise.

The ancestor of the horse race of the man was pale and scared.

It is difficult for them to understand that they are also the strongest in the perfection of the gods. The wolf-eater ancestor has been immersed in the heavenly realm for many years. How long did this nightmare ancestor enter the heavenly realm? Didn't arrive for a quarter of an hour?

How can the wolf bite ancestor lose to the nightmare ancestor? "Dog thief, take your life!"

With one blow, the nightmare ancestor once again slayed to the embarrassed wolf eater ancestor.

How could they know that although the wolf bite ancestors and the nightmare ancestors are the perfect practice of the gods and gods.

But don't forget, there is a quasi-imperial weapon as a weapon in the hands of one party.

No matter how hard the body of the wolf-eater ancestor is, there is no such weapon with the word "Emperor".

Of course, this is also the reason why the wolf bitter ancestors were too big. Otherwise, the nightmare ancestors will not be hit like this. But who can be a character of a family, which is not arrogant? "Oh!"

There was a wolf howling in the deep pit on the ground, and the wolf bite ancestors who refused to lose were killed again.

For a time, the splendid aura in the sky was rolling and the momentum was huge.

Under the astonishing waves, the palace of the Pseudo Heavenly Court was destroyed in countless numbers.

All the strong men nearby ran to the distance. The slower one can only end up with those palaces and be destroyed.

But don't look at the fierce fighting in the sky, but it is no longer to underestimate the enemy, and has used the full strength of the wolf bite ancestor, still falling out.

Looking at this situation, losing is sooner or later. "What are you doing! Don't help me yet! Alas..."

The angry wolf-eater ancestors roared angrily to several distant ancestors, with anxiety in their voices.

Although I am very dissatisfied with the wolf bite ancestor screaming at myself, but now everyone is a grasshopper on a rope, so of course the Juli ant royal family can't sit and watch the wolf bite ancestor die.

I saw that the body of Juli Ant King's ancestor gradually expanded, under the thick shell, there were uneven muscles.

Then, the ancestors of the Juli Ant King family rushed towards the direction where the wolf bite ancestor and nightmare ancestor were located.

But even if there is a giant ant ancestor in the battle, you can only fight the nightmare ancestors. The two ancestors have no tendency to win. "kill!"

Seeing the nightmare ancestors relying on Lingxiao Mountain, they alone dragged two strong men.

So the blue whale ancestors and the nine-tailed fox ancestors were very excited, and they all shouted to kill them.

The two of them, it is not difficult to stop the remaining three ancestors of each other.

Of course, there are also some of them because the horse ancestors are too weak.

When Meng Zhentian burst into a storm at the beginning, he could stand evenly with the ancestors of the Centaur race. Not to mention the battle at this level, so if the strength of the ancestors of the Sagittarius can be compared with other ancestors. The blue whale ancestor and the nine-tailed fox ancestor still can't stop the three. "Kill!" "Ah..."

The sky is full of screams and shouts of killing.

One side of the Pseudo-Heavenly Court retreated.

Even the Gu Zu handed over to the pseudo-Tiantian Tianbing Tianjiang combination formation these days, it didn't help.

Of course, it cannot be said that Guzu's formation is weak.

It's just a party to the Pseudo Heavenly Court, except for the crickets. It is very difficult for other ethnic groups to have the determination to fight for the false heaven. "Stubborn boy!"

Eerie voice came, and I saw a golden emperor robe. With the long, scattered hair, the haggard ancestors came out.

Standing above the Heavenly Emperor's Hall, the ancestral ancestors now look much older than they appeared last time.

It can be seen that Li Mo's severe damage to the ancestors was so serious.

But now that the Pseudo Heavenly Court is losing ground one after another, the Ancestral Gu also has to show up. "Stinky boy! Who are you!"

The ancestors did not go to see the Snow King of Tianshan and the ancestors of the Dragon Eagle tribe. Their deep eyes kept looking at Li Mo, as if to see Li Mo's details.

In the mind of the ancestors of the ancestors, the Snow King of Tianshan and the ancestors of the Dragon Eagle tribe even entered the early stage of God King Realm. But it is still not enough to worry about. I have worked hard for so many years. It is not difficult to count the strong men in the early days of the two gods.

But this kid, who looked like he was in his twenties, was so difficult.

This kid has a staff of origin, and he knows how to run the staff of origin.

It was the boy who seriously wounded himself that day. Today, he saw through his combined formation at a glance and knew how to break his combined formation.

So now the ancestral ancestors don't understand more and more. A man in his twenties who only cultivates to be in the late days of Heavenly Wonderland. How could it be so difficult?


Listening to the words of Guzu, Li Mo grinned

"The one who killed you!"

"At that time, you betrayed the ancient heavens and assassinated your colleagues. Then this **** storm set off on the ground of Kyushu, because of you, how many creatures were killed or injured? You are not sorry for your death!"

"Are you the heir of Gu Tianting?"

Facing Li Mo's curse, Guzu had no anger. Instead, he put all his attention in Li Mo's words.

It is a well-known thing to want to join Gu Tianting by yourself and become a general in Gu Tianting.

But when Gu Tianting collapsed, he defected himself, beheaded his colleagues, and killed others. This is the secret of Guzu, no one in the world knows about Kyushu.

So after hearing Li Mo's words, Gu Zu asked in surprise.

"That's right!"

When the voice fell, Li Mo held the rod of origin and killed him.

This rod of origin was the treasure of the ancient emperor, so Li Mo took the rod of origin to fight the ancestors of the ancient ancestors. "I should have thought that you are theirs!"

Looking at Li Mo rushing to Gu Zu's face appeared awful.

Since the other party is a person of Gu Tianting, then those things that you do. The people of Gu Tianting will inevitably die with themselves, although it is not known how many heirs of Gu Tianting.

But in the mind of Guzu, when he saw the voice of Gu Tianting, he also saw one kill one! "Oh!"

A gleam of golden light appeared in the sky, and the Zuzu brought Ling Xi fist to coax Li Mo. "coax!"

With a heavy voice, Li Mo was still immobile, but the Guzu stepped back seven or eight steps in a row.

Li Mo's current practice is to forcibly use the rod of origin to improve his practice. Although it is also a load for the rod of origin, the energy of the rod of origin now. In addition to the peak cultivation of Li Motian in the late fairyland, the origin of the spirit can also help Li Mo enter the middle of the God King Realm two or three times, without having to be comatose like last time. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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