Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1410: Heavenly Tribulation

"It's you! Bad son!"

Listening to the words of His Royal Highness and Prime Minister Kame, how can the veteran Jiaolong King guess the ins and outs of things?

In fact, even those high-ranking members of the aquarium are also clear.

Several high-level aquarists who had ‘browed and eyed’ before and under the lord, hurriedly left the lord. Afraid to displease the King of Dragons, even they cleaned up together.

Of course, these guys would not know before. His Royal Highness was so bold that he could count on Dragon Ball!

"Father King! Children know the wrong!"

The pale, terrified hall shriek on his knees and shouted.

Although the main hall was dedicated to the throne, he still wanted them to the dragon family. Otherwise, you can't do the same calculation as the prime minister.

Now it seems that such a great trouble has been caused to the Father, and the Highness is no longer hiding.

"Come back and clean you up!"

Scrapping the hall fiercely, the Dragon King took a big step towards the Prime Minister Kame.

"Old things, bow your heads, I will spare your life."

Looked at the still emperor Yu Xuanang, extraordinary magnificent dragon king. In the heart of the tortoise, there was a burst of irritability, and he couldn't help scolding the dragon king.

Of course, he is willing to spare Jiaolong Dragon King's life, but not in the old feelings.

It's just that the Dragon King has been holding the tortoise for thousands of years, like a sharp knife, always hanging on the tortoise's item, maybe when it will fall.

Guicheng Prime Minister also wanted to try pressing on Jiaolong King's body to make Jiaolong King feel the fear and fear all the time.

"You beast, I really regret why I didn't kill you!"

King Jiaolong pointed at the tortoise, gritted his teeth and scolded.

"Hahaha, it seems that you can't see the situation clearly..."


The tortoise laughed loudly, and then only heard the roar of the roaring mountains shaking.

I saw that the tortoise of the tortoise gradually disappeared, and a giant tortoise appeared in front of everyone.

The thick turtle can be compared to a small palace!

The most dazzling thing is the turtle shell behind him. The spirit on it is rolling. Looking closely, it actually depicts a defensive formation!

The strong turtles themselves are good at defense, and now they have this defensive formation. Coupled with the practice of the completeness of the God King Realm Realm, the degree of defense is afraid that it is the invincible rhythm of the God Realm Realm!


Today's tortoise is not the former tortoise, so after the tortoise appeared. Jiaolong King also roared, showing his own body.

I saw a silver-white body, a huge figure, a magnificent dragon appeared in front of everyone.

The breath of both is so huge, the body is so vast.

All the Shui people around retreated backward. They didn't dare to touch even the breath of King Dragon King and Prime Minister Guicheng.


The King Dragon King's figure didn't move, and the tortoise king took the lead in making trouble.

Just listening to the sound of water bursting through the air, all the body of the tortoise king shrunk inside the turtle shell. The thick tortoise shell gleamed into the formation and slammed into the dragon king...

Besides Li Mo, the outside world has quietly passed for a month. Li Mo also passed a year in the rod of origin.

Although there is no natural material to help Li Mo's cultivation, Li Mo and Yuan Yuan said before.

If you want to enter the realm of heaven, one year is enough!

Over the course of a year, Li Mo exchanged several gatherings in the Staff of Origins. On that day, the tactics of steadily absorbing the aura of the Lingling Formation finally made Li Mo's half feet enter the heavenly realm!

And the sky outside, lower the sky-tribulation!


Above the sea, the clouds were overcast. The power of thunder turned into a dragon and roared in the sky.

A group of aquatic demon in the sea were terrified and trembling.

Li Mo wants to successfully enter the Heaven and God Realm, this day's disaster is inevitable.

So just listening to Li Mo drinking lightly, Li Mo's figure suddenly burst out of the space of the rod of origin and went all the way upstream in the sea water.

With a clatter, a figure rushed out of the water.

Above the water, there is a rolling sky-tribulation, and the gloomy sky-tribulation, can't say when it will split off.

But that figure seemed to be not afraid of the general, even surging upward, chasing the sky-tribulation!

He, rush into the clouds! To be tough, this ruinous heavenly catastrophe!

"Crazy, crazy..."

"Some people dare to contend with such a catastrophe?"

"Ah, why do you say this person is familiar?"

"It sounds familiar to you to say so..."

Under water, some little demon looked at Li Mo's swaying figure and said in surprise.

Of course, these little demon's status in the aquarium is not high. Even the soldiers of the aquarium, they can't be taken.

If you change to the elite soldiers of Shui, I'm afraid you can recognize Li Mo's identity at a glance.

After all, in order to find Li Mo, Shui soldiers have not been idle for a month.

But right now there is chaos inside the high level of the aquarium, I believe that those soldiers will not run so far.


Li Mo's figure rushed from top to bottom, but inside the cloud. But there was a dragon that had been transformed into a thunderbolt and rushed towards Li Mo with open teeth and claws.

The dragon claws shimmering with golden light seemed to tear apart Li Mo's body.

It's no wonder that the aquatic demon under the sea are surprised by Li Mo's boldness, and their aquarium is not lacking in the powerful gods.

So some little demon also had the luck to see those high-level Shui aboriginals in the sky crossing the sky, but their sky-robbing, how can they compare with Li Mo's sky-robbing?

The normal Tianxian Realm Great Powerful man stepped into the Heaven Tribulation caused by the Heavenly Divine Realm, and it was already remarkable that the Heaven Tribulation could turn into a python. It must be said that the robbers are rare geniuses in order to attract such robbers.

And this kind of Heaven Tribulation can be realized to the point of Jiaolong, let alone these aquatic demon see. Based on their experience, I'm afraid they haven't heard it before.


The sounds of dragon roar wrapped around Li Mo's ears, but Li Mo didn't have the idea of ​​recruiting weapons, and gave a light blow to kill.


The world shook and shook, the momentum was huge.

If the Aquarium Dragon Palace at this moment is not also a major event, the momentum here will inevitably attract high-ranking members of the aquarium.


I saw that the Jiaolong was crushed by Li Mo with a punch, and the light thunder power permeated Li Mo's rumbling..."

The companion was killed, and the roar of the sky robbery in the sky was even stronger.

Just listen to Long Xiao, this time. There are four dragons heading directly to Li Mo to kill!

The thick and vast body is not as strong as Li Mo's.

But it was such extremely unequal parties, but Li Mo was so active that he smashed a dragon with one punch!

After a long time, Li Mo's arm also began to show cracks. As for the coat, it was already broken.

But Li Mo didn't seem to feel the pain. He was still in the sky, and he walked slowly into the sky. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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