Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1434: Hit the Yinyun Peak

"Damn! Wasn't you crazy just now? Why would you just run away now!"

Looking at the figure flying in the sky, Yin Yunfeng couldn't help but scolded.

"You have the ability to catch up with me."

Li Mo's playful voice came from the sky, and Li Mo was flying on one side. The heaven and earth fist in the hand is absorbing the spirit of heaven and earth, and the pressure is more and more powerful.

Yin Yunfeng also noticed the changes in Li Mo's fist. Of course, Yin Yunfeng, who was experienced in fighting, saw Li Mo's thoughts and murmured.

"Damn! Can't give him any more time!"

The voice fell, and Yin Yunfeng patted his chest.


A large mouthful of blood spewed out, which was like life. In the mid-air split into three strands, and then shot at the three behemoths of the sky.



The blood gradually entered the bodies of the three behemoths and roared.

Then, the speed of the three behemoths skyrocketed. Directly narrowing the distance between them and Li Mo, the real dragon is a flick. The five-finger dragontail behind him caught Li Mo's direction!

Looking at the approaching Dragon Tail, Li Mo's eyes tightened.

Immediately Li Mo turned around, seized the opportunity of the gap between his five fingertips, and flew out.

However, because Li Mo wanted to avoid the true dragon's five fingers, his speed slowed down.

So just when Li Mo burst out of the finger joints of the true dragon's five fingers, the five fingers on the tails of the other two behemoths also grabbed Li Mo directly. The two palms seemed to form a large net and fell in the direction of Li Mo.


Facing the rushing'big net', Li Mo sipped. The figure is like a flexible Kunpeng, walking between the fingers of those three hands flexibly.

I saw Li Mo flashing from left to right, and it took a lot of effort to fly out of these three palms.

When Li Mo looked back at the three palms, he couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that in order to catch Li Mo, they followed with a series of claws and dancing claws behind Li Mo.

I saw three palms intertwined, like a big chain. Make the three-headed giant be struggling.


Pythons, dragons, and real dragons keep roaring.

But they are now in three directions, and they are also running in three directions. This can only make their tails tighter and tighter, and they cannot be separated at all!

At the same time, the heaven and earth fist in Li Mo's hands also stopped absorbing heaven and earth aura.

"Break me!"

Just listened to Li Mo scream, and pointed at the real dragon with a fist.

"Roar to the sky!"

The true dragon transformed by the palm wind is intentionally avoiding Li Mo's attack, but at the moment his tail is entangled. Therefore, the heavy dragon's body couldn't avoid Li Mo's attack at all, and he could only watch Li Mo's fists coaxing toward his own head.


There was a heavy noise in the sky, how strong is Li Mo's strength now?

How much is the absorbed aura? So this powerful fist directly shattered the head of the real dragon.

Li Mo's figure did not stop after passing through the head of the real dragon. Instead, he rushed straight in the direction of the dragon.

No surprise, just listen to poof. Jiaolong's head also shattered in response. Immediately afterwards was the python, which was also smashed by Li Mo!

The heads of the three behemoths were shattered, and their dragon bodies gradually dissipated.


Li Mo successively destroyed the sixth, seventh, and eighth palms of Yinyunfeng's nine silver serial palms. This made Yin Yunfeng directly repulsed and coughed up a bite of blood.

And the people of the Silver A tribe around them seemed to be silly. Mumbling to each

"how is this possible?"

"How could such a strong attack break?"


Including Silver Daytime, these eight silver armor clan powerhouses with great consummation are also horrified. These palms, so that they as the king of the realm of the great consummation, face a palm alone, they can not connect. After all, Yin Yunfeng's half foot stepped into the quasi-Emperor's cultivation behavior, which was not a joke.

But right now, this humanoid kid broke his palms one after another!

"Go to hell!"

After solving the three-headed monster, Li Mo screamed and rushed in the direction of Yin Yunfeng.

Yin Yunfeng at the moment, because of the backlash. You can only sit on the ground to recuperate the internal injuries in the body, everyone can see faintly. Yin Yunfeng's body shuddered faintly. Obviously, Yin Yunfeng suffered extremely serious internal injuries.

Therefore, the Silver King's God King Realm can no longer sit still, and rushed up with a loud shout.


"Li Mo! Die!"

For a time, eight powerful **** king realm perfect, ten ordinary **** king realm siege to Li Mo.

These 18 strong men, only one of them came out to fight Li Mo, neither of them was Li Mo's opponent. He didn't even get out of the ten rounds of combat power in Li Mo's hands, as did the powerhouses such as Silver Daytime and the Great Realm of God King Realm.

But at the moment, the eighteen strong men came up together. The momentum is actually not weak.

"Qiao! Coax..."

I saw that Li Mogang dangling the attack of two or three strong men, suddenly more than ten weapons greeted him.

It is also due to Li Mo's strong physical strength now, and the mysterious rune flashes constantly on his body. Otherwise, if it is replaced by a general strongman, it must not be cut into flesh at this moment?

"Will the number be great?"

Backed away, watching the strong man who attacked from all Li Mo scornfully smiled.

Immediately, Li Mo showed a billowing aura, silently meditating in his mouth.

"Five Qi Chao Yuan!"

As Li Mo's voice fell, Li Mo was besieged by eighteen silver armor. It suddenly became five Li Mo!

The five figures, whether they are imposing or cultivated, are exactly the same. For a time, everyone could not tell who was the real Li Mo.


The five Li Mo shouted together, and their movements were uniform. Separately killed the eighteen strong men.

Seeing these five Li Mo rushing in, eighteen silver clan strong men couldn't help but have a cold sweat.

Just now Li Mo's fighting power, they looked at the whole process.

A Li Mo dealt with them, and rubbed them together. But how can they fight against these five Li Mo?

"Don't fight dead! Stop Li Mo and give the patriarch time to recover. When the patriarch recovers, let's go together again, Li Mo will definitely die!"

At the critical moment, Yin still drank his teeth during the day.

Because Yin saw during the day that the direction Li Mo rushed in was exactly himself.

It seems that Li Mo wanted to avenge the Dragon Eagle tribe's ancestors, so Yin knew during the day. He does not fight, is it not possible!

"it is good!"


The rest of the silver armor clan had no time to think about it, and they killed with a loud shout.

But before they were eighteen strong men attacking Li Mo, but at this moment they became three or four strong men besieging one Li Mo.

In this way, their advantages suddenly disappeared!

The most important thing is that several of Li Mo's incarnations have Li Mo's super power!

Therefore, I saw that Li Mochi grabbed those silver armor strongmen in the early stage of God King Realm and the middle stage of God King Realm.

Even if there is a layer of silver armor outside their bodies, Li Mo's palms can't be overcome.

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