Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1443: Build forces

In the following days, Li Mo feeds Tianshan Xuewang a lot of elixirs every day to help Tianshan Xuewang recover his body.

However, the cultivation of the Tianshan Snow King God Realm, plus his own powerful body of the Tianshan Snowman Race. It still took half a month to recover.

It can be seen how serious the previous injury of Tianshan Snow King was.

For half a month, the Dragon Eagle clan ancestors have led the Dragon Eagle clan seniors to Tianshan again.

The other high-level leaders of the Kyushu forces also came to Tianshan.

Although everyone didn't say what the purpose of their trip was, they didn't say so. Everyone knows that the other party's non-stop rushing out of the secret is the same as their own purpose.

So for a while, Yunzhou Tianshan became much more lively than usual.

"There are people working these days, especially Li Mo. The king owes you again. But the king owes you, the king is willing to come. Come, this king honors everyone!"

In the palace of the Snow King of Tianshan, the tribe of the Snowman of Tianshan has just been called back in the secret realm. Tianshan Snow King held this banquet, everyone had a good drink.

"Hahaha, where did the predecessors say. We still need to be so polite among us?"

Li Mo shook his head and smiled helplessly. Immediately drink the wine in the glass.

"You kid, wake up and know to run out. You haven't known how ingeniously worried you have been for the past six months. You will spend more time in the future and go back to accompany your ingenuity."

Feng Yuwei attended the banquet on behalf of today's Jiuli tribe and sat beside Li Mo. Looking at Li Mo, the strongest person in Kyushu today, Feng Yuwei couldn't help but give Li Mo a glance and said unhappyly.

Whatever Li Mo's cultivation practices are today, no matter how much you admire Li Mo today.

Anyway, in Feng Yuwei's heart, you were the humanoid kid I brought out in Luofengpo Di Palace. When I saw something wrong, I would say a few words.

Li Mo knew that Feng Yuwei was the tofu heart of the knife, not to mention Feng Yuwei mentioned Jin Qiaoxin. Li Mo was also guilty in his heart, and he missed it.

So Li Mo smiled and said, "That's it, you must be with your ingenuity to be busy with this time."

Just as Li Mo and Feng Yuwei were talking in this group, the ancestors of the Longying tribe, the nightmare tribe, the blue whale tribe, etc. all took a look at each other.

Then everyone nodded together and suddenly walked to the center of the hall. Facing Li Mo's direction, bowing down

"I will ask Master Li Mo to build Kyushu forces together and protect my people in Kyushu!"

"I will ask Master Li Mo to build Kyushu forces together and protect my people in Kyushu!"


Outside the hall, the shouts shook like the sky.

At this time, Li Mo only noticed outside the hall. I don't know when I started, the outside of the hall has already kneeled down a lot!

There are clan people of all forces, all kneeling piously outside the palace.

These are also the mainstay of the various forces, and the presence of the tribes underneath when taken outside.

But at the moment, they knelt here willingly.

"You don't need to do this, even if I don't build any forces. But Kyushu is in trouble, I will still shoot."

Li Mo waved his hands at the crowd and said helplessly.

Of course, Li Mo knows that these people want to establish themselves as a unified force similar to the Southern Xinjiang County Tribe Union of Xutian Prefecture, and to accommodate all forces.

With this force, Li Mo is the co-owner of Kyushu. When the forces outside the universe want to invade Kyushu again, that is the forces that invade Li Mo, and Li Mo will of course shoot.

But what Li Mo yearned for was the vast starry sky. So Li Mo did not want a mainland of Kyushu to stumble on his feet.

"Sir Li Mo, Kyushu has been loose in the past few years. It is a piece of sand, fighting alone! Otherwise, it will not give the Guzu an opportunity. Now the mainland of Kyushu has attracted the attention of races outside the universe. This makes us know that we How small and ridiculous the parties have been fighting for so many years.

So we really urge Master Li Mo to be the master of Kyushu and unite our Kyushu forces. Let all races in the universe know that the strength of our Kyushu mainland is definitely not weak! "

The nightmare ancestor bowed and said bitterly.

The ancestors of the Dragon and Eagle tribes on the side also echoed, "That is! Let Li Mo be the master of Kyushu, it is the wish of several of our old guys. With Li Mo Xiaoyou leading the forces of Kyushu, Kyushu will surely be able to kill in the future Universe. You can also have a place in the universe, so please ask Li Mo to not shirk it!"

"You are what you are when you are the master of Kyushu, we will serve. Change to someone else as the master of Kyushu, you ask us some old guys, who will serve?"

Tianshan Snow King also got up, said domineeringly. Anyway, regardless of others, Tianshan Snow King recognized Li Mo. It is not easy to change someone else.

These are old guys who live like human Can they not see that Li Mozhi is not in Kyushu? Without the fetters of power, Li Mo is a human being to help them, and it is his duty not to help them.

When Li Mo was in Kyushu, everything still said. But if Li Mo went to the universe, their Kyushu was invaded by race in the universe. How did they ask Li Mo for a shot?

It is to ask Li Mo to take action, but for no reason. People Li Mo can help you once or twice, but are you embarrassed to let Li Mo help you three times or four times?

But if you have your own power, it will be different. Once the power is established. Isn't the force outside the universe hitting Kyushu, just hitting Li Mo's face? No matter where Li Mo is outside the universe, he will kill him back.

"I will wait for Master Li Mo to build forces and protect my people in Kyushu!"


Inside and outside the palace, there was a shocking sound again.

"Li Mo, Ben Wang sees you to establish a power. Ben Wang knows that you are not like setting up a power. On the one hand, you are also afraid of trouble. After all, take care of your own power, allocate resources, resolve disputes, select senior people, and evaluate younger generations. . These are troublesome things.

But we old guys can still live for a few years, so we do these things. You can feel at ease as your leader, the Kyushu co-owner, can't you? "

Tianshan Snow King said so many things for Li Mo.

This is what makes Li Mo a stubborn shopkeeper. Everything is done by us. Are you still inappropriate?

Hearing the words of the Snow King of Tianshan, I was looking at the high-level leaders who bowed to the center of the hall.

Looking around, outside the temple are the neat people of all races kneeling neatly. Li Mo shook his head helplessly and grinned helplessly.

"Seniors have spoken to this part. If I refuse again, I will miss the old feelings of the past."

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