Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1474: Abnormal Windblade Poison Sect

"How long will it take for your injury to be cured?"

I have to say that Wu Motian's attitude makes Li Mo very satisfied.

Although Wu Huatian is a little bit of his own intestines, he is also worth seeing, and even knows how to be grateful.

Such Wu Huatian, Li Mo will not hesitate to promote one or two.

"Return to the poison ancestor, a week. Huatian will surely heal!"

Nowadays, Li Mo is a poisonous ancestor who is high above the ground, and Wu Huatian cannot tear off his old face and match his brothers.

"Okay, that's a week's time. After a week, let's go to Fengdengduzong."

With that, Li Mo saw a killing intention in his eyes.

Despite today's events, Wind Blade Poison Sect did not participate.

If Wind Sword Poison Sect participated, Li Mo arrived today. Maybe the entire Purple Feather Poison Sect had already washed people's blood. By then Li Mo had just killed Bai Jin and they were too late.

However, although Wind Blade Poison Sect did not participate in the war, Li Mo subdued them half a month ago.

Therefore, the wind blade poison sect is also the person of their poison sect. Knowing that the white fog poison sect besieged the purple feather poison sect, why didn't Feng Shuang come with the wind blade poison sect to reinforce?

Although Li Mo wanted to integrate the poison sect, he did not lack the subordinates of the God Realm.

Li Mo can completely kill these poisonous ancestors who harbor ghosts and train the next generation. By that time, the next generation of masters of the poison sect that Li Mo cultivated must be more loyal to Li Mo.


Noting Li Mo's cold eyes, Wu Huatian couldn't help but tremble in his heart and responded.

Wu Huatian then yelled at Ma Hao, "Things with no eyesight! The poisonous ancestors rushed back to rescue us, and don't hurry to prepare a banquet for the poisonous ancestors!"

"Ah... yes! I'm ready!"

Hearing Wu Huatian's scolding, Ma Hao wakes up like a dream. With a cry, he got up to prepare a banquet for Li Mo.

But Li Mo of Skyrim was pale.

This is not due to Li Mo's previous battle, but to think of Wu Huatian's banquet here. Li Mo hurriedly waved his hand

"The banquet is not necessary. Suddenly remembering my ancestors, I still had some confusion in the cultivation of poisonous roads. Ma Hao, hurry and prepare a room for my ancestors. I want to retreat.

"this is!"

Not daring to go against Li Mo's intention, Ma Hao hesitated for a moment and then responded. Then went to arrange to prepare a house for Li Mo.

Looking at the white shirt figure in Tianshan, Wu Huatian couldn't help but admire

"It's a poisonous ancestor, and I have to practice it all the time. No wonder there is such a cultivation practice at this age."

Hearing this, the senior officials of the Purple Feather Poison Sect couldn't help but look black.

Halo, how do they feel that the poison ancestor heard you said that they fled after setting down the banquet, not in a hurry to practice?

Things are the same as Li Mo imagined, although Ma Hao is only the strength of Tianxianjing.

But the Baiwu Poison Sect and Dayan Poison Sect all surrendered elitely, so the disciples who stayed inside the two Poison Sects. Without much resistance, they let Ma Hao take them down.

In half a month, the big poisonous state. Except for those areas that are too dangerous to be developed. In the remaining areas, two-thirds of them have fallen into the hands of Li Mo's integrated poison sect.

Li Mo, they have such a big movement here, it stands to reason that Feng Shui Du Zong should have received the news long ago.

But half a month later, it seemed that nothing happened, and the silence remained silent from beginning to end.

But even so, it is impossible for Li Mo not to ask them to settle the accounts.

So early in the morning, Li Mo and Wu Huatian took the high-level members of the current drug sect to the wind blade of the drug sect.

This time, the strongest of the drug sect selected is not weak.

So that night, Li Mo rushed to the location of Wind Blade Poison Sect.

Wind Blade Poison Sect is located on a bare mountain, probably because of its scarce vegetation. Anyway, Li Mo can feel that the wind blowing down this mountain is indeed not small.

"Poison ancestor, this wind and frost will not do anything?"

Standing at the bottom of the mountain, looking at the quiet mountain. Wu Huatian frowned and asked Li Mo on the side.

After all, if Fengshuang feels dangerous, they can completely open the guardian formation of their sect.

But right now, Wind Blade Poison Sect has done nothing. Not counterattack, nor defense, this is too abnormal?

"Sure, go up the mountain."

Li Mo waved lightly and said.


Behind him, a group of powerful drug sects responded, and followed Li Mo's vigorous steps toward the mountain.

Note that these are not only the strong ones of the Purple Feather Poison Sect.

Among this group of strong men, there are the Purple Feather Poison Sect, and the White Mist Poison Sect and Dayan Poison Sect, masters gathered.

"Why haven't even the spies of the Wind Blade Poison Sect seen this way?"

Walking all the way up the mountain, looking around in a circle, Wu Huatian's brows became tighter.

Li Mo, however, has been exuding consciousness and observing the left and right without saying a word.

After half of the incense stick, a group of people finally came to the cottage of Wind Blade Poison Sect.

It was a cottage built on a high mountain, and it looked no better than the cottage of Ziyu Duzong.

But for now, there is no one outside the cottage. On the simple lookout on the cottage, there is not even a disciple of Feng Shui Du Zong.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Rao Li Mo also frowned.

Ran? No, there are tens of thousands of Fengshenduzong. If they withdraw, the movement will certainly be not small, how can the spies of the poison sect not find out?

And this poisonous state is such a big place, they just want to run, and where can they run?

Run outside the poisonous state? They don't have the courage to wind and frost.


Thinking, Li Mo shouted.


Ma Hao in the crowd stepped forward and bowed to Li Mo.

Today's Ma Hao treats Li Mo and admires the five-body cast.

"Leader guards several roads down the mountain, no one is allowed to leave." Li Mo's eyes looked around and said.


Ma Hao responded, and then ordered dozens of people, followed him to withdraw.

"Look into the Wind Blade Poison Watching Ma Hao withdraw, Li Mo waved his hand.

Afterwards, there were four poisonous strong men trotting forward, crunching and pushing open the door of the cottage.

A lot of people thought that there was no one inside this Fengshenduzong, after all, this way came. There is no one on the bare mountain.

But the opening of the mountain gate surprised everyone.

I saw tens of thousands of people standing neatly inside the Wind Blade Poison Sect! These people should be all the people of the Wind Blade Poison Sect?

Rao Shi Wuhuatian did not expect that opening the door of the Fengduduzong's cottage would be the scene in front of him.

But besides being surprised, Wu Huatian also hurriedly drank

"Drug Sect disciple! Prepare for battle!"


In response to Wu Huatian's voice, Lingran's shouting of fighting spirit came.

I saw all the senior officials of the drug sect lined up. The weapon in his hand pointed directly at the direction of the Wind Blade Poison Sect, and his expression killed.

After half a month of integration, they have fully integrated into Li Mo's integrated poison sect. Everyone is better able to cooperate in this way. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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