Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 420: White Mother and Child

   This is a very old house with a small area.

   "Brother and sister are my home when they arrive here. Although they are broken, they are very clean!"

  Bai Xiao seemed to be afraid that Li Mo could not look down on his house, so he hurried to explain.

  Li Mo is silent, still looking at this small courtyard,

   "Xiao'er? Are you back?"

   A woman who looked only about thirty years old, but was stumbling and came out in a room!

   "Mother, why did you come out, and you are still ill."

   Bai Xiao hurried forward to help his mother.

   "Look, you kid, why don't guests from home call me! Are these two?"

   "Mother, yesterday the two hundred or two silvers were given to me by these two brothers and sisters. Today they came to see our house and want to rent it."

   "Auntie is good! The younger Li Mo, this is Liu Yan, I have traveled here, and I want to live here for a while. It just happened that Brother Bai Xiao talked about a few rooms, so I came to check it out."

"Ah! It's me who dragged the child down. His father left early. I was sick again. The family can only rely on him to make money to support the family. Don't laugh, our family is indeed a bit dilapidated. If you don't dislike it, move Came to live for a while and the rent was raised. Yesterday you gave enough money!"

   "Auntie! That's not okay. Yesterday was Bai Xiao's toll. We can't live in this house in vain!"

  Liu Yan interjected.

   "No, I said don't just don't want it, if you give it, just go find another house!"

   Bai Xiao's mother is also very stubborn.

   "Auntie, don't worry about your body. We'll just stay here. Liu Yan, take care of your aunt. Bai Xiao, please follow me to the inn to get something."

  Li Mo explained everything and took Bai Xiao out of the yard.

   "Brother Li Mo, I'm sorry, but I can't help it either. You also saw my mother..."

   "Okay, don't say it! I understand your bitterness." Li Mo took out several hundred and two silver tickets from his arms and stuffed it with Bai Xiao.

   "Take it to see your mother!"

   "Brother Li, no... I don't mean that!"

   "I know you don't mean that. You are so young, you take on the heavy burdens at home. This is loaned by your brother. I will return it to you later when you have money!"

   appreciates Li Xiao in Li Mo's heart. At such a young age, he is so sensible, supporting this family and taking care of his sick mother. This makes Li Mo feel moved to help Bai Xiao.

   "Thank you Big Brother Li! I will definitely return this money to you!"

   Bai Xiao can't control her emotions.

   Li Mo gently patted Bai Xiao's shoulder and walked towards the inn.


  When returning to Bai Xiao's home, Liu Yan had already packed up their two rooms and was teasing Xiaobai cheerfully.

   saw Li Mo come back and hurried forward.

   "Li Mo, Bai Xiao's mother and son are really poor, can we help them!"

   "Relax, I will do what I should do!"

  Liu Yan smiled and said nothing, she knew that Li Mo was also a kind person, otherwise, she would not live in Bai Xiao's house.

   "Okay, let's go out for a stroll, Xiao Xiao is already waiting for us outside!"

   "Great, do you know Li Mo? I haven't had such a comfortable life for a long time, I'm in the county guard house every day, and I'm almost suffocating!"

  I have to say that this peaceful town has attracted many foreign martial arts strongmen because of its unique advantages. Although the area is not very large, the street situation is very lively.

  Not only were local people yelling and selling their goods, Li Mo even saw some martial arts strongmen selling stalls and some magic weapons and other things, of course, the price is naturally high.

  Liu Yan is like a happy elf. Gu Youpan looks at everything fresh, and the little white on his shoulders is more timid. The two front paws are holding Liu Yan's clothes tightly, and his big eyes are watching the surroundings cautiously.

   "Huh!" Li Mo stopped by when he passed a street vendor with only the strength of a warrior. He became interested in a simple mirror on the booth.

   "Yo! This little brother, you really have a vision. This ancient mirror is a treasure passed down by my teacher. See you should also be a fellow of the same way. Sell it cheaply. How about a thousand and two?

   "Wow! You might as well grab it, one thousand or two for a broken mirror?"

Bai Xiao beside him could not help but exclaim.

   "What do you know, a little doll? This is a treasure of my teacher's door. Go and go and play, don't disturb the uncle to do business!"


Li Mo didn't pay any attention to the stall owner. If he really said, how could this bronze mirror be sold? There are only two possibilities. This is just an ordinary bronze mirror. The stall owner just took it out and made it mysterious, or This stall owner's low strength simply did not see this as a treasure.

Li Mo has been looking at this simple bronze mirror. Although the back of the bronze mirror has been partially covered by mottled green rust, Li Mo can still see that the back of the mirror is carved with green dragon, white tiger, suzaku, Xuanwu Four holy beasts, as for some inscriptions around, Li Mo does not recognize it!

  But I don't know why, this copper mirror always gives Li Mo a familiar feeling!

   "One hundred two, I want this bronze mirror!"

  Li Mo withdrew his gaze and looked at the stall owner.

   "Little brother, I am a treasure of the master's gate, one hundred or two? You should go to another place!"

   The stall owner despised Li Mo and was silent.

  Why would Li Mo not know his little trick, he would leave when he stood up.

   "Hey! You take away the little brother 500, how about doing the second good deed today?"

This bronze mirror was an unexpected result of this stall owner. When he saw the pattern behind the bronze mirror, he used it as a treasure, but no matter how he studied it, he didn’t see any difference. He finally gave up and got it. The stalls are sold to see if they can be sold at a good price, but no one has been interested in the past month.

   Today I saw Li Mo interested in this bronze mirror and became a lion's mouth!

   "I don't want more than one hundred and two points."

   "Eh! Little Like this, three hundred and two, okay, this is already my biggest concession."

   "Hehe, goodbye!"

  Li Mo no longer ignored Liu Yan and Bai Xiao and left.

   "It's bad for me today, little brother, you have picked up a big bargain. If I'm in a hurry to use the money, I can't sell it!"

   The stall owner picked Li Mo really wanted to leave, and hurriedly stopped him.

  Anyway, this thing is like broken copper and iron in your own hands. It is useless to keep it. It is better to exchange some silver for it.

  Li Mo handed the silver to the stall owner, took the bronze mirror and left, and no longer talked nonsense with him.

   "Li Mo, what exactly is this bronze mirror?"

   looked at Li Mo's non-stop playing with the bronze mirror in his hand, Liu Yan asked curiously.

   "I don't know what this is, but I always have a familiar feeling about it!"

   "Ah! You don't know what it is, then you still spend a hundred or two to buy it, I think you really have no place to spend more money!"

  Liu Yan didn't pay any attention to Li Mo after she finished speaking, and ran to other stalls to pick her favorite items.


   "What the **** are you?"

  Li Mo looked at the bronze mirror in his hand and always felt that it was not a mere thing!


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