Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 612: Strong return

   "Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could Langli be defeated in your hands!"

   Mo Yun had also hoped that Yu Langli could save himself. But seeing such a situation immediately disheartened her. At this time, she no longer had the slightest hatred in Li Mo's gaze, and replaced it with a look of despair.

   "Li Mo, I don't want to go back to that **** space, as long as you can give me a happy heart, I will tell you everything you want to know. Please, please! Stop torturing me."

"Hehe...Mo Yun! I said long ago, I won't let you go so easily. You are just a **** under Wushen, I am afraid that you may not give me the answer at all. You still Let's go back honestly. With your companion this time, you should not feel lonely anymore!"

   "No! I don't want..."

  Although Mo Yun shouted in tears, Li Mo didn't have any pity for Xixiangxiyu. For a woman like a viper, torturing her is the best way.


  Baimang flashed, and Mo Yun and the unconscious Lang Li disappeared together.

  After doing this, Li Mo turned and came to the people in black who fell to the ground. Now they are no longer struggling, although the face is covered with black cloth, but from the eyes of their dementia, it can be seen that they have now become waste people under Li Mo's mental attack.

   "Be yourself, be a good person in your next life!"


   A flame erupted, and the ten black men were buried in the sea of ​​fire!

  Li Mo then came to the forbidden exit again, and the spiritual force that had carried his whole body was gathered in his hands.

   "Sunburn Boxing!"

   screamed, and fist hit the ban directly.


   Suddenly there was a sound of landslides and cracks. Even Qingshui City, a hundred miles away, is trembling!


  The appearance of the black man delayed Li Mo for a few days. At this time, he had already raised his speed to the extreme, and flew towards Xianyang Zong.

   "Haha... Finally back!"

  After three days, Li Mo finally returned to Yuhuazhou. Looking at so many scenes and cities that are no longer familiar, Li Mo is even more difficult to control his inner excitement.

"Hey! I said Xiaomo. How do you say that you are also a strong Wudi Emperor, and how can you still be like a child. Don't you know the mood is not good? Don't you know the masters have the momentum of masters! I don’t think you are happy because you came back to Zongmen. I’m afraid it’s because you want to meet people who think day and night!”

  After Ao Ying made such a ridicule, Li Mo almost didn't control his figure and fell from the air.

   "What do you know, a little girl! You know where to talk nonsense."

   "Hey...Which of us is **** and who knows by ourselves."

   After talking about Ao Ying, he no longer ignored Li Mo.

   It was a few hours later. Li Mo has arrived above the Panyang Jun where the Liu family was originally, close to his sect gate!

   At this time, Ao Ying suddenly appeared beside him, but at this time she actually appeared as her real body.

   "Ao Ying! What are you doing!"

   Li Mo glanced at the hundred-foot-long red golden dragon and asked with some doubt.

   "Silly! Hurry up on me. Let's be more high profile so that Zongmen will know your Li Mo's power!"

  Li Mo heard the black line, but did not expect that Ao Ying did this but wanted to punch himself.

   "I said that Ao Yingzong's gate is all my loved ones, why don't we have to do this!"

   "What's not necessary! As my master of Ao Ying. It must be a dragon and phoenix among people. How can I do without a little extravagance. Without further ado, hurry up to me!"

   Ao Ying's tone was aggravated, and Li Mo had to stand above the dragon head. Moreover, Ao Ying actually lowered her flying height so that the passers-by below could see clearly.

   "God! Let's see what the sky is!"

   "Dragon! It's a dragon! Is there really a dragon?"

   "Haha... That's Li Mo of our Xianyang Sect is back! Look at the person on the dragon head."


   Ao Ying's move not only surprised those passers-by, but was also seen by a disciple who went out to do things.

   "Ao Ying, is this a bit too much!"

  Li Mo heard the shouting below, and felt that he was too shocked.

"Huh! I said you are a child, you are really a child, don't you know what I did for this? I see you were stunned by the joy of going home. You let out your consciousness, you know it is What's going on!"

   "What do you mean, what can happen to our Xianyangzong realm!"

  Li Mo was confused by Ao Ying, and quickly released his consciousness. It doesn't matter at this moment, Li Mo's originally good mood disappeared immediately, his eyes flashed.

   "Ao Ying, advance at full speed! It seems that Emperor Liu Jing is enough!"


   Ao Ying uttered a huge dragon chant, and the body dragged a long virtual shadow to the Xianyang Sect.


   At this time, the disciples in Xianyangzong's square gathered. Even Bai Yichen, who rarely showed up, stood with a very ugly offhand. Wanling, Liu Shizhong, Liu Changhe and other backbone forces all stood behind him.

   And they also stood a group of people, headed by an old man. No one else, it was Wu Daoling, the imperial prince. Between the two groups of people, Xuanyuan Invincible was in a contest with a strong martial artist. Although Xuanyuan Invincible has only the strength of an intermediate Wudi, it has already fought hundreds of rounds with that senior Wudi powerful, and has clearly lost ground.

   The two sides just separated after a single attack. Just when the senior Wudi wanted to use his full blow to the invincible Xuanyuan, the sky was suddenly full of wind, clouds, and thunder and lightning!


   A dragon chanted through Jiuxiao.

   Baizhang dragon hovering above the Xianyangzong. Li Mo stood on top of the dragon head and stared at the senior Wudi below with a cold look!

   "Dare to spread wild in my Xianyangzong, you are looking for death!"

   His voice resounded through the whole Xianyangzong like Hong Zhong.

   "Wow! It's Li Mo!"

  Xuanyuanqing screamed for the first time.

  Chen Yuanyuan and Lu Xinyue standing beside her looked at the dragon and Li Mo was already excited and speechless.

   "Haha... Xiaomo is back! Xiaomo is back!"

  Wanling sees Li bold personality is undoubtedly revealed. Waving at him, there is no image of Wu Di at all, and he is like a child.

  Liu Changhe and others were also excited.

   Only Bai Yichen smiled and nodded slightly.

  Compared with the joy here, Wu Daoling is frowning. Especially when I saw Li Mo appearing in such a shocking way, I already had a bad feeling in my heart.

   "Dare to hurt my grandfather, let me pass this level first!"

   Li Mo shouted, Dragonscale Chijian appeared in his hand.

   Ao Ying immediately realized that the huge dragon disappeared and turned into a red golden light and returned to the sword.


   Several bucket-like thicknesses of lightning fell in response to the senior martial emperor directly on the ground!


  Li Mo's emergence to complete the attack is only an instant matter. The attention of the senior Wudi was still on Xuanyuan's invincible body. It was too late when he realized the danger.


   After the loud noise, look at the senior martial emperor, with ragged clothes, unkempt tops, and a ray of green smoke standing still on the spot. The bare skin is already flesh and blood, and you can still see the blue current across the body!


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