Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 726: Launch an attack

There was a loud noise, and the dust was all over the sky! Li Mo hurriedly retreated ten meters away.

"This flaming lion is worthy of the top-level existence of the fifth-level monster, such an attack has not killed it!"

Not feeling any energy pouring into his body, Li Mo looked at the smoke that had not dispersed in front of him in surprise.


At this time, a blaze of fire flew out of the smoke and the target was directed at Li Mo.

"Fuck! This way you can still attack!"

Li Mo hurriedly used the release skills to break through the air, and he will only hide. Then he saw a huge figure in the smoke and dust come out!

"This... what's going on here? did its size suddenly become bigger!"

Li Mo's wide-eyed eyes are incredible. The flaming mad lion that appeared in front of him was twice as large as what he had just seen. If he could not see the blood stains and the bone wounds, Li Mo even suspected that it was not the flaming mad lion just now. .


With a loud roar, the ears of Li Mo's ears were temporarily deaf. And also attracted some other guild personnel around!

"Oh my god! Look at that monster!"

"No, let's go quickly, don't watch the excitement here. That monster is a flaming lion! It is said that this guy has the strength of level 7 monster!"

"That person is too self-disciplined to attack the flaming mad lion, this is really dead!"

"Look, look, that person is also very powerful. He actually hurt the flaming lion!"


Sounds of discussion rang out among the crowds who had come to see the lively crowd, but these people did not come close and watched from a very safe distance!

"It's true! This guy couldn't get promoted after eating the earth dragon just now? My Li Mo's luck is really home!"

Looking at the red flame mad lion that was completely different from before, Li Mo couldn't find any other explanation. But in fact, as he said, this flaming mad lion has indeed advanced to level 6 monster level after eating the essence of the earth dragon!


There was another roar, and the flaming lion rushed towards Li Mo without paying attention to the wound on his body. Seeing that cruel look, it seemed unwilling not to tear Li Mo apart.

The speed of level 6 monster is not what Li Mo can match now. Fortunately, this guy had just received a big blow just now, so Li Mo was able to withdraw from the whole body, otherwise it would have become a food in his stomach.


There are also some people in the distance watching the crowd with a level of more than 30. Facing the wounded flaming lion, he started to move around. After all, this opportunity to upgrade his level is still very rare.

In the crowd, a black man stared at the flaming lion with his eyes glowing, his fists rattled with his grip.

"If I can injure this flaming mad lion, my level will directly exceed the 35th level. It is best for you to be both defeated and injured, then I will effortlessly. Hey..."

The man said, walking towards the front of the crowd. Everyone who is in front of him automatically gives way, and it seems that this guy is still famous on this death plain.

"It's over! The kid is going to be out of luck. If he doesn't die in the hands of the flaming lion, Heyan will also **** the monster!"

"Hey! This brother doesn't know whether it's good luck or bad! Finally, he met a flaming lion, and this black rock appeared."

"Be quiet, don't let him hear it. Otherwise, you're out of luck. Heiyan has the strength of level 34!"


Seeing Heiyan walking to the front of the crowd, everyone else was talking in a whisper, sorry for Li Mo who was still fighting fiercely with the raging lion. It seems that they haven't lost the loss of the man named Black Rock!

However, Li Mo here does not know that someone who has already played the fierce lion's idea still fights it again.

After releasing several bone removal skills, Li Mo's physical energy has been consumed by more than half. However, because this flaming lion suddenly advanced to the strength of the sixth-level monster, the defensive strength has improved a lot, and this attack did not cause any harm to it. Instead, it angered it even more.


With a roar, the mane on the neck of the red flame mad lion exploded, and fireballs continued to spew out of his mouth. Not only that, its tail like a steel whip began to grow quickly. Draw towards Li Mo!



This time Li Mo has taught him how powerful he is, and he flew up and down to dodge its offensive.


Just after avoiding a ball of fire, the tail of the red flame mad lion followed. Due to the excessive consumption, a left arm that could not dodge Li Mo was drawn by its tail.


The hot pain immediately hit the whole body!

"Yes! It won't work like this. Sooner or later, this guy will die here. You must get closer to it to get a chance to kill it!"

Covering his injured arm, Li Mo quickly searched for a way in his head.


At this moment, Zi Lingwei's voice appeared in Li Mo's ear. Then a figure skipped beside Li Mo and rushed towards the flaming lion.

"Zi Lingwei, you come back to me!"

Li Mo was very anxious and shouted that seeing did not stop Zi Lingwei, and forced her to rush up with her pain.

Seeing the two human beings towards themselves, the red flame mad lion twitched its tail more frequently. The spout in the mouth is no longer a fireball, but a blaze of flames.

"be careful!"

How can Zi Ling's slight strength evade its attacks. Seeing to be engulfed in flames, Li Mo threw himself down to the ground, and then rolled quickly to the side.

"Silly woman! Leave me here soon!"

Although Li Mo knew that such a practice by Zi Lingwei was intended to attract the attention of the flaming lion and win time for himself to escape. But how could he let his companions sacrifice for himself.

"No... I won't go, you leave quickly, I will lead it away!"

Zi Lingwei pushed Li Mo away, and then rushed towards the Red Flame Mad Lion.

But before Zi Ling rushed over, there was a black figure rushing towards the flaming lion from a distance and a near speed. It also successfully attracted its attention, making Li Mo and Zi Lingwei temporarily safe.

The person who came is not someone else, it is the man named Black Rock who has been observing from a distance ~ ~ is still not going! "

Seeing that someone had joined the battle circle, Li Mo immediately grabbed Zi Lingwei and left towards the safety zone.


It wasn't until he ran out of a hundred meters in one breath, that Li Mo sat on the ground panting. But his eyes were not on the man in black and the flaming lion, but on Zi Lingwei.

"What happened just now will be settled with you later. Now you are here to be honest with me, do you understand what I said?"

Li Mo's tone is beyond doubt.

"Now we are safe, what else do you want to do?"

Seeing Li Mo didn't seem to mean to leave, Zi Ling asked aloud.

"Humph! This man actually shot while we were both defeated. Although he was considered to save us, I must not let him **** my monster!"

"But...but you are not the monster's opponent! Even if he doesn't show up, you can't kill it. Let's leave here soon, don't go again, OK!"

Of course Li Mo knew that Zi Lingwei was concerned about himself, but he couldn't swallow it.

How could it be that the man who spent more than half of his energy would get the man cheap. And he has noticed that although the Red Flame Mad Lion attacks constantly, it only releases his skills in place. This shows that its consumption is very huge now, and its injury may be the end of the crossbow. As long as he can continue to attack its key points, Li Mo can still kill him!

"Less nonsense! I said, you have to listen to me. I have a way to kill it, you are here to be honest with me!"

After all, Li Mo no longer ignored Zi Lingwei. In the storage belt, he took out a lot of energy-recovering elixir and stuffed it into his mouth.


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