Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 742: Trouble is coming

"Huh! Wulie, you Liulicheng Guild is too arrogant? Why do we bind our students for no reason?"

Seeing this, Land Rover stretched out his strong arm against Li Mo and questioned Wu Lie with an angry face.

"For no reason? A month ago, dozens of students from our guild disappeared in the misty forest. I suspect that it is related to this kid, you better not stop it, or you will not be able to eat it after you report it to the empire. Go around!"

"You fart! Your students lost it and you said it was our people who did it? Maybe they were all eaten by monsters and beasts! You might not want to spur on people without real evidence, otherwise you would blame me Land Rover for being rude!"

"Huh! Our people have always been on the edge of the misty forest. It is impossible to encounter any powerful monsters. Even if it is encountered, it is dozens of people! How should one escape, and they disappeared In the time, he was the only one in the entire misty forest. Can you say that it has nothing to do with him?

"Okay! Wu Lie, what's so noisy with them. Whoever prevents you from catching someone will be useless!"

While Wulie and Land Rover were still arguing fiercely, a lazy voice came from the carriage of the Liulicheng Guild.

"Yes! Mr. President!"

Wu Lie heard that he gave a salute to the carriage and looked at the Land Rover and Li Mo.

"Land Rover, you have heard it too. We have grown up and confessed to you, so you should leave. Don't make our relationship tense because of a student!"

"Humph! If you want to catch my students, then ask the mountain axe in my hand!"

As Land Rover wiped the storage belt, a huge axe flashed in his hand.

"I don't know anything about life and death, everyone is ready to fight!"

Wu Lie shouted, and dozens of students behind him showed their weapons! The two sides were struggling, and the battle was on the verge!

"Have me stop!"

At this time, Han Tianyu's voice was heard, and then came to Wulie in front of Ye Fan and others.

"Oh! Isn't this President Han Tianyu? You see, if you don't shout, I really don't know if you are here?"

There is no trace of respect in Wulie's words, and even more sarcasm.

"You are not qualified to speak to me, so that you President Gan Peng will come out to see me!"

Han Tianyu didn't care about Wulie's attitude, and seemed to be used to it.

"I said President Han, our President has already explained that all things are my sole responsibility. If you have anything, please let me know!"

Wu Lie did not care about Han Tianyu's words, nor did he go to the carriage to call their president. Instead, he looked at Ye Fan several people, when he saw Zi Lingwei, his face immediately became difficult to look.

"You stinky girl, you are here! You said, what about our guild students who entered the forest with you?"

"Humph! The forest is so big that we are gone, how do I know where he is?"

Zi Ling's slightly cold answer even made Wu Lie anger!

"Yeah, today you will not hand over these two students to us at the Fall Leaf Town Guild. No one of you can go today! Our students must have been killed by them!"

Speaking of Wu Lie, he took out his scepter and was ready to attack.

"Ravage! With me Han Tianyu here, you dare to do it?"

"Huh! President Han, don't say that my martial arts won't give you a face. But we lost dozens of students in the misty forest a month ago. I have to find out, your two students are the biggest. Suspects, they must follow me back to investigate."

Seeing Han Tianyu angry, Wu Lie's tone softened. If he really started, he was really not Han Tianyu's opponent.

"Nonsense! That's dozens of people. How could my students have the ability to do such a thing?"


"Wu Lie, can't you handle such a small thing as waste? Do you have to let me teach you how to do it?"

Just when Wu Lie didn't know what to do, the carriage of the Liulicheng Guild was opened, and a middle-aged man with a frivolous look, about 40 years old, walked down from inside. It is Gan Peng, president of the Liulicheng Guild.

"Adult President, this President Han..."

Wu Lie hurried forward to help, trying to explain but was interrupted by Gan Peng waving his hand.

"Master Han, you and I are both presidents of the Imperial Guild. You should know the rules laid down by the empire. Why do your guild cadets suspected of killing our cadets? Why do you have to give me an explanation? Do you want me to This tells me that my brother, who is the prince of the empire, will not succeed?"

Gan Peng dismissively said that you didn't treat Han Tianyu as chairman at all.

"Gan Peng, I know that you have a huge influence in the empire, you don’t need to press your brother to press me. You must show evidence in everything, as long as you can produce evidence to prove that what you say is what our students do for me. Shield. But if you want to be out of nothing, I will never agree to blame my guild!"

Han Tianyu did not care about Gan Peng's attitude, nor was he frightened by his forces, and he was still guarding Li Mo and others.

"Haha...Okay! Do you want evidence? Yes. Presumably you are going to participate in the empire's contest. Just as we went together, when the emperor saw my brother, I will tell you what is evidence. The people will take them. Several people surrounded me. Don't let them run away."

After all, Qian Peng's mouth sneered and returned to the carriage.

Wu Lie immediately took his students to encircle Han Tianyu and Li Mo, etc. according to his instructions. They were not afraid that Han Tianyu would start, Wu Lie even wanted Han Tianyu to do so.

"What should we do, President, are we going to rush out?"

Land Rover looked at the people around the Liulicheng Guild with a watchful face, and whispered to Han Tianyu.

"Chong what rush? We will be even more unclear if we do that. As long as Xiao Mo did not do such a thing, we don’t have to be afraid even if he did report to the Imperial King! Listen to my rest in place! Xiao Mo , Zi Lingwei, you two come over!"

Hearing Han Tianyu, Li Mo and Zi Lingwei came to his side.

"You tell me if anyone killed their guild?"

"Adult President, I..."

"Adult President, we haven't done these things!"

Zi Lingwei was picked up by Han Tianyu since childhood and has always been taken care of by his own granddaughter. To make her lie to Han Tianyu, Li Mo knew that it was impossible. So I interrupted Zi Lingwei's words.

"Okay! Since I am at ease without me, let him go and say yes, I see what evidence he can come up with!"

Hearing Li Mo's words, Han Tianyu sighed a lot and relaxed a lot. He sat down to close his eyes and no longer talk.

"Li What should we do? In case they really have any evidence, then our guild is really over?"

After a moment, Zi Lingwei asked Li Mo with a voice that only she and Li Mo could hear.

"Don't be afraid, no matter who asks you, you just say you don't know anything! I did it very cleanly, and they said there was evidence that they just wanted to defraud us."


Li Mo's words calmed Zi Lingwei's tense mood, and he closed his eyes and rested.

"Humph! Liulicheng Guild? Gan Peng? After this contest, I will make you a group of mischievous chickens and dogs restless!"

Li Mo glanced at the students of the majestic Liulicheng Guild all around, and pouted his lips contemptuously. A plan of revenge has formed in his mind!

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