Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 758: Peak loop

Lan Jingyuan's panacea really had a miracle effect, and the strong Han Zhe had already woke up that night. It is estimated that in a few days of rest, you can live like a tiger.

Zi Lingwei and Lan Xin's physique was weaker, and they were awake until the next morning.

"Hehe...they finally woke up, we stayed for another three days, and after three days we left this place of right and wrong and went home!"

Han Tianyu stood in the living room and arranged the following itinerary to Li Mo and Ye Fan. Since they were unable to continue to participate in the contest, it would be meaningless for them to stay here. After Han Zhe and the three of them recovered slightly, Han Tianyu was ready to leave and return to Luoye Town.

"Sir, President, we have to go back in three days, and Qian Peng's **** has also been arrested. Look, can you..."

"What can you do? Do you still want to go out and have a good stroll?"

Looking at Ye Fan's tumultuous appearance, wouldn't Han Tianyu not know what he was thinking in his heart.

"Hey... I still grow up wise, I can't hide you from my careful thinking!"

"Huh! I don't want to be fart here, you don't want to go out by yourself! I will take you out when Han Zhe's three of them recovers. Now you still stay in this house honestly for me, If you dare to sneak out, see if I don’t discount your legs!"


Ye Fanwen Yan subconsciously touched his leg and dared not bargain, and ran back to Han Zhe's room.

"Hehe... this stupid boy has a natural, easy-going and big-hearted nature. He doesn't care about anything!"

Seeing Ye Fan leave, Han Tianyu laughed and scolded.

"In fact, this is also very good! He can reduce a lot of trouble, isn't it? I think a talent like Ye Fan is a wise man! It's much easier to live than us!"

Li Mozhi gave Ye Fan a very high rating, and seemed to envy him very much.


At this time, the door was pushed open from outside. Lan Jingyuan, who disappeared overnight, came in!

"Lan Xin, how is he? Wake up?"

"Senior Lan, Lan Xin has woke up..."

"Haha... That's great! You are waiting for me here, and I have good news to announce later!"

Before Li Mo finished talking, Lan Jingyuan hurried to Lan Xin's room.

"Good news? Is there any good news?"

Li Mo looked suspiciously at Han Tianyu.

"This...I have to wait for the old guy to say it himself. Hey~ at such an old age, when will his flamboyant personality change?"

"Chairman, Xiaomo!"

Just when the two were baffled, Land Rover's voice suddenly sounded.

"Ah! How did you come out of the Land Rover mentor, the medical officer didn't tell you to ask you to rest for a few days!"

"I'm all right. It would be better to kill me if you let me lie in bed again! These days, I'm bored."

Speaking of Land Rover, he also showed the duo his biceps as thick as a normal man's calf!

"Haha...Okay! It’s okay, it’s okay! Come and come, sit down and tell us about the specific circumstances of your attack that day!"

Han Tianyu couldn't wait to know what happened exactly that day when he and Li Mo left. Although Wu Lie had been captured, he could not believe him alone.


After listening to Land Rover's story, it was already an hour later, and Han Tianyu walked in the hall with his eyebrows closed. Although the incident has passed and Qian Peng has been detained, Han Tianyu still has a sullen face after listening to the whole story.

"Sir, President, don't you say that Qianpeng has already been arrested? I think His Majesty the King will give me justice and will punish them severely! Hey! At that time, it was useless to blame me, if the strength can be stronger, The three children will not be so seriously injured."

"Land Rover, you can't blame you for this matter. At your level, how could it be said that you can improve if you improve. Over the years, you have worked hard enough, but you can only have such achievements in your 30s. It is already extremely rare! If you want to blame it, blame Gan Peng for being too sinister."

"Senior President, let's not be entangled in the matter between us. Doing a lot of wrongdoing will kill you, and it won't take long for Qianpeng to get the due punishment! We still think about waiting for us to return to the Guild At that time, how to expand the size of our guild! This time we defeated the Liulicheng Guild and showed our strength in front of the world. I believe there will be many people to join our guild!"

"Well! Xiao Mo makes sense, although we did not come to the end, but the name of our guild has already broken out! It is time to consider the expansion of enrollment!"

After listening to Li Mo, Han Tianyu said thoughtfully. However, his thoughts were soon interrupted by Lan Jingyuan who had just left Lanxin's room.

"What does it mean that you haven't come to the end? Are you thinking about going home before the competition is over?"

"Old guy, the rules of this competition are team battles! We are now left with only Xiao Mo. How do you let us go to the competition? Is it possible for Xiao Mo to compete with one enemy and five?"

"Oh! It's because of this thing! Didn't I just tell you that I have good news to tell you? That's because the rules of this game have changed again! But the news hasn't been sent out yet, it should be fast. !"

Lan Jingyuan looked at the gate intentionally or unintentionally.

Han Tianyu, Li Mo and Land Rover were all surprised when they heard the words!

"The rules have changed again? Who changed them? Without the approval of His Majesty the King, who would dare to change the rules of this conference? The reason why Qian Kun changed the rules was because the king authorized him to host this conference. He and The hatred of our guild is not shared today, and it will definitely not be his. Difficult... Is it that Lan Jingyuan’s predecessor failed? If so, then what would his identity be? It should never be under heaven and earth. Right?"

Thinking of this, Li Mo looked at Lan Jingyuan.

"Old guy, can't you joke about such things!"

"Haha... Han Tianyu, do you look like I'm joking? Is it true or false? I'll know it later."

Sure enough, as Lan Jingyuan said, about ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door outside. When Li Mo opened the door, several soldiers came in!

"Respected Just issued a notice in the palace. The second stage of the competition will be started tomorrow. The rules have been changed to the previous single-player system. The President will also be asked to choose a student Take part in the competition tomorrow!"

Said the soldiers retreated, Han Tianyu three people look at me, I look at you. Finally, he looked at Lan Jingyuan with a smug look!

" don’t have to look at me like this. The reason why I did this is because I don’t want to bury a genius like Xiaomo. I think you must all want to know how I did it. Wait for this event until the contest Say it after the end!"

Without talking back, he got into Lan Xin's room again.

"Haha... This is really good, I have seen Xiao Mo's single-player combat strength!"

"Well! It seems that our Lost Leaf Town Guild has started transferring!"

Although Li Mo didn't say anything, he was ecstatic. I finally have the opportunity to prove myself in the Heavenly Wind Empire!


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