Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 929: Flower dragon

"Not good! The toxin in this mist just canceled out with the toxin of the panacea in my body just now, and solved the poison of the panacea in my body! But now the toxin of the panacea in the body has been consumed, and the toxin of the poison mist can be left It's in my body! Not to mention the aura that mobilized the aura in the body just now, accelerated the flow of poison gas in my body, and made these toxins all over my body..."

Li Mo said tremblingly, but for a moment, Li Mo was already sweating and drowsy. But Li Mo bit his tongue so tightly that he didn't faint. Li Mo knew that in this fog covered with dense fog, he could only be more poisoned and deeper, and the consequence was only a dead end!

Immediately, Li Mo braced his trembling body and ran down the mountain. However, it can be said that going up the mountain is easy to go down the mountain. Li Mo is weak now, so Li Mo fell asleep without paying attention. Li Mo's body that was falling to the ground kept rolling on the hillside, and finally a huge stone blocked Li Mo's figure.

But with the collision of the boulders, Li Mo vomited again with a **** blood. Li Motong's face was awful, not only the pain caused by the toxin attacking in the body, but also the moment when Li Mo's body collided with the boulder, Li Mozhi felt that the bones in his body had been smashed by the boulder better.

Li Mo's arm gradually returned to its original shape, and the entire arm was dark. These toxins are much stronger than the toxins of panacea!


At this time, unpleasant voices kept coming from Li Mo's side. Li Mo couldn't help turning his head when he heard the sound, looking in the direction where the sound came from. This look directly scared Li Mo's cold sweat. A giant snake with more than 20 feet in length appeared behind Li Mo, the flower dragon on the top of the mountain!

When Li Mo noticed that he noticed himself, Hualong couldn't help but stop his figure. Immediately Hualong lifted his body high and kept spitting out the snake letter, a pair of cold eyes staring at Li Mo from the top.


Li Mo found out that as the flower dragon kept spitting out the snake letter, the color of the dense fog around it was even thicker. At this moment, Li Mo also knew the source of this poisonous mist.


Hualong continued to spit the snake letter, looking at Li Mo's eyes as if looking at a prey. Then Hualong's eyes were cold, and his figure rushed towards Li Mo. In Hualong's eyes, Li Mo is already its prey. A kid who leads the middle stage of the spirit realm can run in front of the spirit beast in the early stage of the knotty realm? That's a joke.

"Dirty beast!"

Looking at the rushing dragon, Li Mo growled with a roar. Then Li Mo exhausted all his aura and strength and used the power of the totem again! Li Mo, who jumped into the air, lifted up his two happy arms and patted Hualong.

But when Li Mo was close to Hualong, Hualong straightened up and opened his blood basin.


With this roar of Hualong, the smell of odors came from Hualong's blood basin. Then the endless gust of wind blew outward in Hualong's throat.

This blast has endless power. This power is Li Mo's irresistible power! Li Mo's figure in the air immediately flew backwards unsteadily.


"Click click..."

The sandstone flew and the unlucky Li Mo hit the previous giant stone again. This time, Li Mo smashed the boulder. But Li Mo wasn't much better. He broke two bones again. Now Li Mo just couldn't stand up if he wanted to stand up. Moreover, the dark color on Li Mo's face was even stronger. Just now, there was a lot of exhalation in Hualong's mouth, which made Li Mo hit him right.

But where does Li Mo care about the pain in his body at the moment? Li Mo looked at the flower dragon in the distance, his face changed, and he couldn't help but say in surprise

"Jiedan Realm!"

Ge Yuanshan, the patriarch of Li Mo and Fengxun Tribe who leads the Great Realm of Spiritual Reality, is able to draw a hand, but now Li Mo can't even touch the Hualong in front of this Hualong! There is only one possibility to cause such a situation, that is, the cultivation of the Hualong is above the Spiritual Realm, the strong man in the Dandan Realm!

Hearing Li Mo's words, Hualong gradually narrowed his eyes, as if showing a smug look. Also, the IQ of the spirit beast in the Dandan Realm is almost the same as that of the human race. In the legendary spirit beasts of Jindan Realm, they even speak out, but in front of the spirit beasts of that level, Li Mo is not enough to stop his teeth.


Hualong spit the snake letter, while luggage drew indifferently.

"Damn it! Li Mo turned out to be this beast's food!"

Li Mo, who fell to the ground, gritted his teeth and couldn't help it, but Li Mo's current body couldn't even move at all, not to mention running away in front of the spirit beast of the knotty kingdom.

Finally, Hualong drew near to Li Mo, and then Hualong opened his blood basin to bite at Li Mo and burst into a rotten face.


Li Mo opened his eyes wide and shouted unwillingly. But at this time, what can Li Mo be willing to do?


Suddenly, a broken voice came, and Li Mo only felt that something was moving on his chest. And Li Mo's breath is getting stronger and stronger, and Li Mo broke through in a moment! Li Mo believes that he still has two months to break through to the late stage of Ling Ling Realm, but now it is only after a while, Li Mo breaks into the late stage of Ling Ling Realm!

Li Mo couldn't help but think of it. The little devil in the egg said that the blood contract with the demon would be fed back. If the cultivation of a person is high, it will feed back to the gods and deities. Thinking of this, Li Mo's eyes lit up and he screamed

"Damn save me!"

With Li Mo's big Li Mo's chest stepped out a foot of a little demon. The little demon was blue all over, and under his arm was a piece of blue-black wings. Looking down at the little demon, you can only see the phantom of the two legs, and the more unreal, the more illusory, until the foot position, you can't see it anymore. This little demon floats in the air like a ghost! The face of the little demon seemed to be a ghost face, and a pair of blue eyes flickered like a ghost.

Say this face is a ghost face, but he does not have the grim face of ghost face. The exquisite facial features are put together, and there is a hint of nobleness. A small demon drilled out of the hide in Li Mo's chest lifted his head and looked at the big mouth of the blood basin opened by the python.

"My God! Why are you in danger every time I wake up? I still have a blood contract with you! How do I feel like I won't live long!"

"What else to say! Hurry up to me! Or should we die together!"

Li Mobai glanced at the little devil and said leisurely. Now that Xiao Shenmo has appeared, Li Mo is certainly not in a hurry. After all, Li Mo knows that this little demon, no matter whether it is right or evil, won't make a joke about his life?

(End of this chapter)

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