Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 961: Hungry

Li Mo took the jade slip from Menglin's hand and listened to Menglin's words very seriously. Then Li Mo asked

"Senior, that is, the first level of sleep will sleep for a year, then not starved to death?"

"What do you know, stinky boy, you will know it when you step into the Dandan Realm. The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the blood gas in your body. When you sleep, it consumes these blood gases. In the northern Glacier State, there is a There is a spirit beast called a polar bear on the cold island. The low-level polar bear spirit beasts sleep for four months a year, and the advanced polar bears can sleep for several years. The same reason as the big dream gods, they also sleep Cultivation. But the difference is that ours is the practice method, and the polar bears are their bloodline talents.

Polar bears have to eat a lot of food every time they go to bed, and they have to eat a lot when they wake up. I am inspired by polar bears, so I have to feed before and after every practice. But having said that, the last time the husband retired for 50 years, he almost starved to death. "

Listening to Meng Lin's words, Li Mo couldn't help but grin. Li Mo didn't want to be hungry like Meng Lin had before, a skinny look.

Seeing Li Mo's disgusted look, Meng Lin could not help but scold

"Stinky kid! This great dream **** skill is one of the exercises decided by our Jiuli tribe, but because of its special reasons, others just want to practice and can't practice. You can do well, pick up cheap and sell well!"

"Hey, dare, dare." Li Mo said with a smile.

Then Meng Lin explained to Li Mo the essentials of the Great Dream Divine Skill. After all, this skill can be very dangerous. If you are not firm enough, you will be trapped in your dreams. Even if you are determined, you can't practice the dream of long-term dreams for a long time, otherwise your body will be starved to death.

Then Menglin taught Li Mo to practice alchemy again. Li Mo, who has hundreds of years of experience, even achieved much better than Menglin. However, the prescription of Xueqidan in Menglin's hand, that is, Li Mo, which is rich in stock, is not available.

Blood Qi Dan, as the name suggests, is to restore blood gas. Before practicing the Great Dream, how much can you eat the meat of the spirit beast alone? This blood energy pill is made from spirit blood, and the blood gas in a blood gas pill is equivalent to the blood gas of a spirit beast. If the stronger the spirit beast is, the stronger the blood is.

So this blood qi pill is simply an auxiliary elixir for practicing the Great Dream Divine Skills. If you take a few more of this Elixir before practicing the Great Dream Divine Skills, the effect will be obvious. However, Meng Lin still repeatedly told Li Mo that Xue Qi Dan can't eat too much. If it is too much, the thick blood gas may even support Li Mo's small body. Finally, there is someone who can practice and dream big dreams, and Meng Lin doesn't want him to die halfway.

The two of them had a discussion for a day. At night, Li Mo had dinner with Meng Lin at the back of Menglin before returning. After learning the Great Dream Divine Skill, although Li Mo and Menglin did not have the name of a master or apprentice, even Menglin didn't care about this. However, he has the role of a master and an apprentice, so Li Mo has become a clan of their downhill cottage.

In fact, Meng Lin wants Li Mo to apprentice, and Li Mo will not. Master Li Mo is in charge of Pangu, how can he worship others as teachers. This is not that Li Mo looks down on Meng Lin, but Li Mo only recognizes one master in his heart.

Back in the room, Li Mo dropped a drop of blood in the jade jade according to Meng Lin's words.


Yu Jian shivered slightly, but it didn't shatter. Then, over the jade jade, lines of gold appeared.

"Dream of great dreams, a century of dreams. Cultivation of dreams, self-cultivation, dreams, fantasy...

Li Mo read the golden bodies in the sky, his eyes gradually shining. When Jade Jane was just moving, the egg was interested. But then looking at the sentence, the egg suddenly had no interest at all. The eggs come from the nightmare family of gods and demons. The bloodline talent is powerful, of course, there is no need to learn the skills of others.

Therefore, after reading a few words, Eggan lay in bed and fell asleep. Somehow, Eggan has become more and more sleepy recently. In the dream, the egg called "Daddy, Mother..."

At the moment, the egg is like a helpless child, missing his father and mother who do not know where...

The font on the jade slipped away as soon as the incense burned, but Li Mo had long kept the mantra in mind. With Ming Soul, Li Mo has seen something that he can never forget. Then Li Mo lay next to the egg, silently reciting the secret formula of the dream.

Let's not talk about this great dream magic skill, but it has a hypnotic effect for sleeping. So gradually, Li Mo entered Mengxiang.

Li Mo rarely dreams of sleeping, but this time Li Mo dreamed. There are voices everywhere in the dream, and a thick voice keeps remembering the mantra of the dream. In Li Mo's dream, Li Mo sat on an empty grassland, which was endless. Li Mo was meditating constantly, and he was talking about the dream of the Great Dream.


In the dream, the strong wind wrinkled. The overwhelming aura came to Li Mo here. The same is true in reality, except that the spiritual energy that has flowed into Li Mo's body is not as much as in the dream...

Li Mo slept for three days. When Li Mo woke up, he felt refreshed for a while, even with a pair of eyes. If those who are not determined or cultivate under their eyes look at Li Mo's eyes, they may instantly enter Li Mo's illusion, which is the terrible place of the dream. Just listen to Li Mo whispering to himself

"It's obviously cultivation, but this sleeping cultivation is not tired at all. Comfortable!"


Not tired is not tired, but Li Mo's stomach has been hungry for a long time.

"It seems to grab a few spirit beasts and refine a few blood pill."

Touching his belly, Li Mo couldn't help murmuring to himself.

"Your pig is If you don't wake up today, I plan to call you."

Egg egg walked into the room and said that Egg egg knew that Li Mo had slept for three days in a row due to the practice of Menglin's Great Dream, so he didn't rush to wake up Li Mo.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up to eat."

Li Mo looked blankly and said.


Egg Egg took a piece of roasted dried meat in his storage bag and shook Li Mo, saying

"Brother Scream will give you."

"Get out!"

A black line appeared on Li Mo's head. Together, his two generations were all people who had lived for hundreds of years. A little baby you just born let me call you big brother, this matter spread out, I still can not mix Li Mo?

Immediately Li Mo supported the bed, hungry and trembling stood up. Li Mo wants to go outside to see if other people have eaten.

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