Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 993: Sirius

You know, it didn't take long for Li Mo to enter the spiritual realm a year ago. But now, Li Mo has already crossed this threshold.

At this scene, the fat ball's mouth couldn't help but wide open, looking surprised. Fat Ball knew that it was not easy for him to cultivate himself. He first awakened the blood veins of Pixiu, and then practiced for more than half a year before entering the early stage of the formation of the Dandan Realm.

And Li Mo, after sleeping and waking up, actually improved so much. This made the fat ball, which was unwilling to practice, envied and murmured in my heart.

"It's a master, awesome!"

However, Li Mo here, the cultivation base can not be improved without limits. Therefore, after Li Mo's Xiuwei stepped into the peak of the initial stage of the formation of the Dandan Realm, the momentum in the cave fell, and Li Mo's Xiuwei no longer climbed.

"It should be possible to go out."

Looking at the fat iron beast, Li Mo said seriously.

Although this vast cliff is not low, if you want to fly so high, only the strong in the mid-stage of Dandan Realm can.

But don't forget, Li Mo's aura is already overwhelming. So Li Mo is now at the pinnacle of his early cultivation, but the aura in his body should be able to support Li Mo's high-altitude flight and fly out of this vast cliff.


Hearing Li Mo's words, Fat Ball stood up excitedly.

At this time, the fat ball also forgot to groan just now. After all, I have been here for a year, and I have eaten these things long enough. You can eat delicious food when you go out, and you can see Chiyou who haven't seen it in a year. Fat Ball is of course very excited


Li Mo nodded seriously, and then stood up.

"Slap, pop..."

But when the two were about to walk out of the cave, they only heard a few claps. Then a figure walked into the cave with his feet.

This figure was a luxurious and spotless shirt, with a temperament. But those sharp eyes were full of anger, which made Li Mo know that this strong man must have a lot of blood on his hands.

The male facial features are exquisite, and the smile on his face is slightly cold. Only the man shook his head and said

"I didn't expect that you guys are not very good at cultivation, and the body's aura is okay."

"Which powerful spirit are you!"

Looking closely at the strong man who suddenly appeared, Li Mo stepped forward to protect the fat ball behind him and said cautiously.

The strong man in front of him was exactly the same as the situation in which the dragon of the Gongli people of the Jiuli tribe appeared that day. They are all white and translucent bodies, and they seem to have endless power between their hands and feet. But Li Mo knew that this was just a spiritual body left by a strong man.

But feeling the power radiated from this spirit body, is it still possible for Li Mo and Fat Ball to be able to contend with the cultivation of the Dandan Realm.

But what Li Mo did not expect was that the fat ball stepped forward and moved forward and backward with Li Mo. A pair of tough and hard, no fear at all.

Is this still the timid and fat ball? It seems that after awakening the blood of Pi Xiu, the character of Fat Ball has matured a lot.

"Don't be nervous, this gentleman is not malicious."

The man said lightly, and then the man stepped forward, came to Li Mo and continued to say

"You, the tribe of the Jiuli Tribe, should have heard of the name of Benjun, Sirius!"

"Sirius Jun!"

Hearing the name of the man, Li Mo suddenly looked tight. Not to mention that Li Mo is not in this world, but has crossed over. Sirius's name is also a very powerful name in later generations.

In the ancient heavenly court, there were many stars and heavenly soldiers. But Sirius, but the most powerful of all the stars, is known as the killer!

There is a fairy in the family, and the fighting power is the best in the fairy. So let alone the ontology, it is this spirit body that wants to kill Li Mo, it is also very easy.

But Li Mo didn't mean to be afraid of this Sirius. At this moment, Li Mo looked up and down the spirit body of Sirius.

I saw the spirit of Sirius's spirit body beating faintly, and some parts of the body were almost transparent. Then Li Mo asked

"Your incarnation should dissipate?"

Sure enough, I heard Li Mo's words. High above, Sirius, who has no expression on his face from start to finish, this time frowned, but then let go.

Then Sirius looked carefully at Li Mo, and finally looked at Li Mo seriously. Sirius raised his mouth slightly, showing a cold smile.

"Xiao Xiaoxiu, has such eyesight. You are very good."

It’s just a compliment, but if you let those who are in the ancient heaven see it. Seeing this generation of God killing Sirius can even praise such a junior, maybe his jaw would be shocked.

"Seniors show up with this body that is about to dissipate, I am afraid not just to praise the juniors?"

Li Mo bowed slightly, said with a clenched fist. Seeing this Sirius star, Li Mo's heart moved slightly. Li Mo wants to ask, are there still ancient heavens in this world?

After coming to this world, the level of Li Mo is too far away from the level of the ancient heaven. So here Li Mo has never heard of the name of Heavenly Court.

If Li Mo was right, in this era, the rod of origin of the human race should be in the hands of the emperor that day?

"Very good, Ben Jun likes people who go straight."

With that said, Sirius sat down on a huge rock. But looking at the look of Sirius, his face even showed a tired look.

Seeing how Sirius stared, Li Mo looked. The majestic Sirius is famous for killing gods among the immortals, and it is also the top-ranking existence in the heavenly court. Even if it is an avatar, it should be extremely dissipative. How can it be so weak?

"Ben Jun is in your body, to be precise, in your soul, you feel a familiar breath. If Ben Jun was right, should you have touched the rod of origin?"

Sirius looked carefully at Li Mo's Li Mo, who was looking at Sirius, would have thought that Sirius would say this directly.

To know that the staff of the origin of the human race is the treasure of the heavenly emperor, which also involves the great secret of the prosperity of the human race. Who can get involved in this world?

Li Mo's heart for hundreds of years, so Li Mo was surprised when he heard Sirius's words. But after a light flashed in his eyes, Li Mo controlled his emotions and showed a confused look, asking

"What did the predecessors say? What rod of origin did the younger generation not know..."

"Good boy."

Sirius shook his head and said, although Li Mo did not speak. But Sirius stared at Li Mo's eyes before. His eyes wouldn't be deceiving.

So even if Li Mo hides very well, the change in Li Mo's eyes just now made Sirius know that the little boy in front of him knows the rod of origin.

(End of this chapter)

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