On Her Lips

Chapter 101:

There is a sultry fragrance in the air.

It seems to be floating in this extremely ambiguous room.

Mu Fei held You Ran's cheek with one hand and kissed the other's lips without warning.

Carrying the coldness of the snowy night, and the faint aroma of roses between the teeth invaded You Ran's slightly stunned lips.

At first, it was just posted on it, but as the strength of the grip of the hand deepened, the kiss also infiltrated more with the master's strong attitude.

Mu Fei didn't give You Ran a chance to breathe at all. Anger, unhappiness, shame, and various unknown emotions quickly spread throughout her body.

She's going to punish the nagging little beast.

At the same time as her teeth were touching, she pushed You Ran, who was already tense and stunned, under her body.

Obviously, You Ran, who had calmed down and was somewhat passive, let out a slight nasal sound in embarrassment. She didn't expect that she would be pushed down like this.

It's just that Mu Fei's hand still tightly clasped the back of her head, deepening the kiss.

It seems that this kiss stimulates the nerves of both of them.

Desire slowly began to ignite, and you could clearly feel Mu Fei's fangs appearing.

She was pressed under the body by the adults, and she was shackled by the other party like a lamb to be slaughtered, but she was still excited and speechless because her mouth was still blocked by Mu Fei.

She couldn't help but slightly raised her neck and raised her waist.

Presenting a gesture of preparation, whether the adult wants her blood or the person who wants her, she is willing.

Mu Fei felt that he was slowly fermenting from the original mentality of slightly punishing.

She realized that her long-lonely **** was slowly rising.

She knew very well to herself that this was not a desire for blood, but a **** for flesh.

She actually had such an emotional reaction to You Ran.

After realizing that this undeserved desire was getting stronger and stronger, Mu Fei finally let go of You Ran in the next second.

Their lips were separated as if a century had passed, which made each other even a little bit in their hearts—


Mu Fei looked down at You Ran, who was being pressed under him. She had just maliciously punished the other party's lips.

She blinked her beautiful golden brown eyes and stared at You Ran deeply, "Do you know it's time to shut up?"

You Ran looked at Mu Fei's face that was so close at hand, the other side's cold voice tickled her heartstrings like a feather.

You Ran could only silently and nodded.

Mu Fei swallowed, knowing that she couldn't continue looking at such a innocent little guy.

She had to suppress her unreasonable lust, tugged at You Ran's red ears as if to hide her emotions, and deliberately left the relationship, saying,

"Good boy."

Then he immediately got up and sat back on the side.

She tugged at the collar button to ease her restless and frantic heart.

Before You Ran could react, the cold and warm existence attached to her body was gone.

She raised her eyelids and stared at Mu Fei's silhouette with her back to herself.

Unable to think about the situation at the moment, she subconsciously stretched out her fingers and stroked the lips that she had just kissed.

The temperature on the lips is real.

She looked at the appearance of the adult getting up, and knew that the other party stopped the idea of ​​continuing.

There was a trace of loss in her heart.

Why don't adults continue...

Such a strange thought turned out to be the first one that popped into his head, not why the adult wanted to kiss her.

She could only stand up helplessly and sit up.

When Mu Fei turned his head, he just met You Ran's eyes.

They were about to continue lingering on this bed just now.

She took off all her clothes, overlapping her skin.

Mu Fei wondered if she had been abstinent for too long to have such an urge, she must be crazy.

How could she have such thoughts of such a little guy who is so loyal to herself and worships herself...

Mu Fei looked at the innocent and childish face of the other party, and felt a deep sense of guilt in his heart.

She believed that if she wanted Youran, the little guy would give it to herself willingly and would not resist. After all, Youran listened to her in everything, but she shouldn't.

She even kissed each other's lips unconsciously. She hinted in her heart that she just felt that You Ran was talking too much and was too annoying, so she thought of a way to make You Ran shut up.

Is that exactly the case?

Even she herself doesn't know the real reason.

"Sir, you just kissed me... huh?"

It was You Ran who was the first to break the somewhat ambiguous and awkward silence.

She spoke slowly in a low voice, her eyes like splashing ink looking at Mu Fei without blinking.

Mu Fei frowned and looked back at her, she did kiss You Ran actively, and she kissed deeply for a long time.

"..." She sighed, not knowing how to answer.

"Do you like it that much?" Huan Youran.

"I just told you to shut up."

The two of them sounded at the same time, but Mu Fei's volume was significantly higher than You Ran's cautiousness in order to cover up his inner turmoil.

Mu Fei didn't hear what You Ran had just asked, and motioned for him to say it again.

You Ran pursed her lips. Of course, she heard Mu Fei's explanation clearly.

Just shut her up.

Sure enough, she thought that a single kiss would be enough to win the heart of Lord Mu Fei, she was really whimsical.

Although the adult's active kiss made her restless and elated, she was inevitably a little disappointed when she thought that the other party just wanted to shut up.

"Nothing." You Ran shook his head, not wanting to make fun of himself.

Mu Fei touched her body. She just wanted to smoke one when she remembered that the cigarette case was placed on the table.

She reached out and touched You Ran's little head, ruffled his hair, then walked over to the coffee table in the guest room without saying anything to get a cigarette case.

You Ran felt that the other party was rubbing her hair just because she was perfunctory not to ask any more questions, and felt annoyed and disappointed in her heart.

The adults are making fun of the cat.

Holding the cat stick, I thought it was funny and teased myself, but after only teasing for a while, I stopped.

When I kissed her, the feeling was still there, but I just told her, I just told her to shut up.

The subtext is: let her not think too much.

After kissing, it is not responsible. What is the difference between co-author and Yin Sili Guigong's attitude towards Miss Xie.

You Ran felt aggrieved, but couldn't say anything.

She did think a little more just now, thinking that adults have such a little love for herself, not the love of the terrier, but the love of desire.

"Sir, why do you want to smoke again..." You Ran relieved himself for a moment, and saw Lord Mu Fei quietly go to get the cigarette case.

She stepped forward immediately, took the fine cigarette that the other party had just drawn out, and stuffed it back into the cigarette case.

"You've already smoked today, you can't smoke anymore."

Mu Fei frowned, looking at the other party actually starting to control her.

"Who made you suddenly... kiss You Ran suddenly today, and make You Ran shed so many tears, you should listen to You Ran once..." Murphy.

As soon as Mu Fei heard You Ran say "kissed her", her heart skipped a beat, and she had no choice but to rely on each other and stopped smoking.

In short, she was still a little unnatural, so she simply asked You Ran to take a shower and have a good rest.

You Ran saw that Mu Fei was so far away from her that she was sitting alone on the sofa in the living room, so she had to go to the shower and wash it quickly.

Mu Fei flipped through the programs on the TV casually, but her heart was not in any reports or movies on it at all.

Hearing the sound of the water splashing in the shower, she rested her chin with one hand and was in a mess.

She hinted to herself that she must have been dizzy and confused by so many things today, that she would have that desire for You Ran, even if it was that kiss, she couldn't help it, because that little beast was so noisy .

Just like that.

Yes, it can only be that.

Until You Ran opened the door of the shower room and walked out wrapped in a bath towel, looking at her dear Mu Fei with small eyes.

Under her bath towel, she was wearing nothing.

At this time, she really wanted to seduce Mu Fei, who was always serious and abstinent. She had just kissed her forcibly, but now she is completely indifferent, pretending that nothing happened.

Shut up with her.

The more You Ran thought about it, the more unwilling she became. She wore slippers to the living room and came to Mu Fei's side.

stand in front of each other.

"Sir, You Ran has been washed."

Mu Fei didn't lift his eyelids, didn't look at her at all, just instructed You Ran, "Go to sleep after washing."

"What about you?" You Ran couldn't help but ask.

Mu Fei raised his head and glanced at it.

The other party was only wrapped in a bath towel, although it was fully wrapped, it was somehow attractive to her.

Mu Fei immediately mobilized the TV program. It happened that the serial murder TV series was playing at midnight, and Mu Fei said casually, "Watch TV."

The blood race at night does not need to sleep.

It is the best time for the body to be excited, You Ran also knows it.

However, with the beauty on the side, the adults only want to watch TV. Is it possible that they have no desire to **** blood?

Are adults so unrequited!

"Then You Ran will watch TV with you."

After she finished speaking, she sat next to Mu Fei and did not leave.

"go to sleep."

"No, You Ran wants to accompany you, just like when you were a child."

"Aren't you going to shoot tomorrow?"

"It's okay, my lord, You Ran just wanted to stay by your side, I beg you."

Mu Fei couldn't handle You Ran's babbling mouth, so she had to acquiesce to his clingy behavior.

From the tip of your nose came the faint scent of shower gel on You Ran's body, which was sweet and smelled very good.

Mu Fei couldn't help but calm down.

There were **** and terrifying pictures on the TV, but in front of the two of them, it was peaceful and fascinated.

You Ran slightly approached the adult's side, and she secretly glanced at Mu Fei.

The adults really like watching dramas and movies. Like before, she was immune to watching these obviously terrible scenes by staying by the adults' side.

The temperature in the hotel is pleasantly warm.

Even if You Ran was just wrapped in a bath towel, she didn't feel cold.

She knew that she didn't have a TV to attract Mu Fei's attention.

She could only think so.

But the human biological clock has begun to slowly affect the tired body that has been tossing for a day.

When the clock pointed to one o'clock in the morning.

Mu Fei felt the sudden pressure on the side of his shoulder.

She turned her head to the side, only to realize that her beagle had fallen asleep watching TV.

The sound of shallow breathing came from his ears, and Mu Fei kept the posture of supporting the opponent's head and slowly turned off the TV first.

Then he fixed his eyes on You Ran's cheek, who was sleeping on his shoulder, with long lashes hanging down, fluttering from time to time, always relying on his eloquence, and the small mouth that was constantly closed at this moment.

Mu Fei raised the corner of his mouth slightly and couldn't help but smile.

How should I put it, she didn't dislike You Ran for being noisy, she would condone you very much.

Mu Fei leaned back slowly, gently supported You Ran's shoulders with both hands, then bent down and hugged You Ran's whole body.

He hugged him onto the bed. Obviously, the bath towel that he had wrapped around his body gradually spread out because of this magnitude. Fortunately, Mu Fei was quick-witted and covered You Ran with a quilt, otherwise he would have seen it all.

This little thing is really shameless, and it has nothing in it.

Mu Fei snorted coldly, but his movements were very gentle, and he also stuffed You Ran's exposed arm into the quilt.

She brushed You Ran's hair, and then clicked the tip of the other's nose angrily, and only let him go when You Ran frowned.

Such a troublesome bastard,

She really didn't want to give it to others.


the next day

You Ran finally woke up after more than a dozen phone calls.

The makeup artist in charge of You Ran knocked on the door of the other party's room, but it turned out to be Xie Baisi. She was stunned. Fortunately, the paparazzi didn't find it, otherwise it would really be breaking news.

Because she thought that Xie Baisi had spent the night with You Ran, who was still a newcomer!

However, this thought only lasted for a few seconds, because there was no one else in the room except Xie Baisi.

And Xie Baisi didn't know where You Ran went.

The makeup artist anxiously called You Ran, after all, she was about to start filming.

When the makeup artist wanted to get through to Kang Shen, who had introduced them to them, You Ran finally answered the phone. It turned out that this little newcomer had opened a room next door.

You Ran opened the door and said sorry to the makeup artist, just in time to see Xie Baisi, who was also so well-dressed that she was completely different from last night's drunkenness.

Xie Baisi looked at You Ran, his expression also a little unnatural.

Sure enough, she still remembered something about being drunk last night.

Xie Baisi thought that You Ran didn't want to destroy his image so he opened a room next door, and said "Thank you" to You Ran.

You Ran took this thank you along the way.

After all, because of this Miss Xie, she and the adults only had such a big oolong last night, and it is not too much to say thank you.

"Sister Bai Si, I didn't expect your relationship to be so good." The makeup artist said while applying makeup to You Ran.

Xie Baisi, who was in the second stage of her movie, actually took the initiative to talk to this young newcomer. Besides, Miss Xie stayed in this child's room last night. Although they didn't do anything, it would inevitably make people think so much.

Xie Baisi is also more serious on weekdays, but after knowing that You Ran and Yin Sili are not in that level of relationship, he is friendly to You Ran's friends. After all, the other party is willing to keep secrets for him.

"As a senior, you must take more care of the junior, don't you?" Xie Baisi replied.

The makeup artist hurriedly nodded in agreement.

You Ran couldn't speak because she was put on by a makeup artist, so she could only smile.

In fact, she was still thinking about Mu Fei in her heart. Master Mu Fei seemed to have left the room in the morning, but left a note saying that You Ran would go to her when he was finished, and then he was gone.

But she remembered that she seemed to be watching TV with the adults last night, and then fell asleep. When she woke up the next day, she realized that she had been taken care of well and slept on the bed.

All this is because Mu Fei is taking care of her silently.

Although the adults always look indifferent on weekdays, the adults are still soft-hearted towards her.

You Ran looked at the note on the table and had no choice but to let the makeup artist do her makeup. She wanted to end the shooting early and go back with the adults.

After breakfast, we entered the studio.

All are ready.

With the director's start, she was hit by the lights all over her body again.

"It's not bad to have such a mentality of not having stage fright at such a young age, having never undergone professional performance training."

in a corner not far away

Ms. Kang Li was complimenting a woman in a black dress hiding in a dark shadow.

Mu Fei stared at You Ran in the studio and nodded in approval.

Her Yu Ran was already excellent.

"I heard from the makeup artist that Miss Xie went to You Ran's house last night." Kang Li said abruptly. After all, another protagonist appeared under the lights of the studio.

Mu Fei's expression was a little dignified, and he explained, "You Ran told me that it was an oolong."

"Oh, I also thought it was Oolong, otherwise outsiders would think they had spent the night when they saw it." Kang Li laughed jokingly.

Mu Fei didn't make a sound, but his eyes fell on the frozen picture in the distance.

As the camera shifted, that Miss Xie Baisi was holding a lipstick, approached You Ran, held her cheek, and applied the lipstick to You Ran.

Mu Fei frowned involuntarily. Although she knew that this was shooting an advertisement, this intimate action really made her unhappy.

"Who designed this advertising plan?" She asked Kang Li unhappily.

Kang Li thought for a while, "It should be a plan designed by the planning department above the company, what's wrong?"

"If I saw this ad, I would never buy a single lipstick from Elkas."

Kang Li listened to Mu Fei's harsh remarks, and was very puzzled. How beautiful and romantic this scene was shot, why did Mu Fei not like it so much...

Sure enough, the Mistress of Mu Mansion was the most difficult one to serve, and she was extremely picky.


Finally finished shooting this great ad near noon.

The director invited all the crew members to dinner, including the young newcomer Youran.

But You Ran pulled Kang Li over and asked her to decline. After all, when she finished filming, she happened to see that familiar figure waiting for her in the hall in the distance.

her mufi.

She didn't want to waste a minute and a second on others, she just wanted to spend more time with adults.

Kang Li followed You Ran and told those enthusiastic friends that You Ran would meet again next time. After all, this child was shy and shy, and her family was still here.

Kang Li pointed to the dignified and beautiful woman standing at the door in the distance.

Almost everyone took a breath, the other party's cold and alienated temperament coupled with a black makeup, elegant and cold, fascinating.

It's just that Kang Li told them in advance to let them have no other thoughts, for their own lives.

So You Ran said goodbye to everyone, and successfully escaped with Kang Li's help. Before leaving, she blinked with Xie Baisi and left a message with each other for future contact.

"Sir, it's actually raining outside."

You Ran drove the car, looked at the light rain outside the window, and said something.

Today is indeed a cloudy day, and it was unfortunate to go. Just after driving for a while, there was a light rain in the sky.

The light rain wetted the windows of the car, framing a hazy rainy landscape.

It is also melting the snow that is approaching early spring.

Mu Fei leaned his chin and looked out the window. Although it was raining, it was not very heavy, and it was light and fluttering. There was no sound like a heavy rain knocking down the window in the car.

"Sir, don't you think it's raining, it's very romantic."

You Ran muttered silently, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

After Mu Fei heard it, he turned his head to look at You Ran's profile, the other party's delicate makeup, light lip color, that small mouth was painted by that Miss Xie with lipstick.

Mu Fei remembered it.

"I don't think so." She didn't give You Ran any face at all and denied it.

You Ran sighed, and sure enough, the adults have no mood.

She didn't drive fast, and at the intersection in front of her, she saw an ice cream truck selling.

"Sir, do you want to eat ice cream?" You Ran became greedy and noticed the target position with sharp eyes.

At the same time she asked, she had already driven the car to the side of the road where it could be parked.

Mu Fei also caught a glimpse of the ice cream truck. It was raining, and there were still children buying ice cream. Sure enough, they were all delicious.

And sitting next to her is a child, who is also a good eater.

"If you want to eat, buy it."

"No no no, You Ran wants to buy it for you to eat, and then You Ran dabs it in the light and buys two." You Ran smiled shyly. She got out of the car with an umbrella under her umbrella with Mu Fei's consent. I walked to the car selling ice cream in front of me.

Mu Fei leaned against You Ran, who was holding an umbrella across the car window, and the other side communicated gently with the salesman.

"It's really romantic when it's raining." Mu Fei sighed slowly.

When You Ran came to the car with two ice creams in her hands, Mu Fei was nowhere to be seen. As soon as her heart skipped a beat, she heard someone calling her from behind.


You Ran turned around immediately, and it turned out that Mr. Mu Fei was standing under the eaves of a closed shop, hiding from the rain, waiting for her.

"Sir, why did you come out?" You Ran trotted to the other side and exclaimed.

"It's too stuffy in the car, come out and get some air." Mu Fei stood under the porch and replied to You Ran, his hair was a little wet from the rain.

Before You Ran could collect the umbrella, she quickly handed the cherry-flavored ice cream in her hand to Mu Fei.

"Sir, try it."

Mu Fei took it with a smile and held it in the palm of his hand.

You Ran was bewildered by the other party's shallow smile and stared at it for a long time.

"What are you looking at?" Mu Fei asked.

You Ran turned her head blushing and looked out of the house.

On the ground outside the eaves of the corridor, there were ripples from the raindrops.

"I'm watching the rain."

Said to be watching the rain, but in fact, I have always had you in my eyes.

Mu Fei took a bite of the ice cream and couldn't help laughing, "You like rain so much."

"Isn't it stupid?" You Ran turned around and said a little mockingly at himself.

Mu Fei nodded and couldn't help but chuckle, "You were a little fool, and you are still holding an umbrella."

You Ran didn't even care to see if she still had an umbrella in her hand, she didn't know why the adults smiled so beautifully today.

How could her princess smile so sweetly and steal her heart so much.

She couldn't help but want to approach Mu Fei.

The sound of light rain was heard in my ears.

very romantic.

"grown ups."

"Huh?" Mu Fei raised his head suspiciously and looked at You Ran who was close to him.

You Ran slowly lowered the umbrella to their side, blocking all sight of the outside world.

Then kissed her gently.

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