After seeing the flying figure, Chen Jun’s heart rolled up with terrifying waves.

Because he also knew the people who came.

“Bassolomi Bear!” One of the seven martial seas under the king of pirates.

But this is the real world, how could he be here.

Chen Jun couldn’t imagine what was going on in it, could it be that the tyrant bear could travel through two worlds?

People keep flying, and their footsteps can fly far in the air.

In a few breaths, he landed in front of Chen Jun.

The representatives of the forces on the side were talking about it.

“Look, the Self-Defense Forces are finally here, and Chen Jun is going to be finished.”

“I didn’t expect the Self-Defense Forces to send P-2 self-defenders to dispatch, it seems that they still attach great importance to Chen Jun.”

“I haven’t seen a self-defender attack for a long time, and I’m so excited.”

“yes, it’s been years since it was most recent.”

Chen Jun listened to everyone’s speech, and his eyes narrowed.

Why are they not surprised at the appearance of the tyrant bear, and even a little accustomed to it.

Upon closer inspection, he found the “tyrant bear” in front of him and found something strange.

He seems a bit blunt… It’s like a robot.

Chen Jun reacted instantly, this should be a pacifist!

A replicant robot of the Tyrant Bear, a human combat weapon.

It’s just why it’s called a self-defender, and it’s been in the real world for several years, when pirate games haven’t appeared.

The P-2 Self-Defender turned his head mechanically.

“Locked… Analyze the target… Confirm the target. ”

“Carry out the clearance!”

His palm was raised, facing Chen Jun, and the energy cannon gathered in his hand.

An energy cannon directly slammed into the position where Chen Jun was.


A violent explosion occurred and a large amount of smoke filled the scene.

After the smoke cleared, a deep pit with a diameter of several meters appeared on the ground.

But Chen Jun didn’t know where he went.

Shhh, this is too powerful.

The chilling hairs of those watching stood up.

“Sure enough, it is worthy of being the main force for dealing with mutant beasts, it is really too strong.”

“No, you still don’t see the power of this blow, you take a closer look at the dirt in the pit.”

Everyone followed the sound and looked towards the deep pit.

Found…… The dirt inside actually melted!

“This… How can it be! ”

“This is a compressed energy cannon, Pandora’s latest research achievement, while retaining the power of the energy cannon, adding the attributes of the compression cannon, which is the most cutting-edge scientific and technological achievement!”

Chen Jun, who was hiding on the side, completely listened to these words.

The surprise in my heart was no small.

Just now, fortunately, I had a sense of consciousness and avoided the attack in time, otherwise I would have really melted at the same time like that pile of dirt.

“Losing the target…”


The P-2 self-defenders saw red glowing in their eyes and scanned the crowd.

“Thinking of the target, clear again…..”

The hands of the P-2 self-defenders were raised again, in the direction of the crowd.

This action of the self-defender frightened the onlookers in that direction, and if it was hit by the energy cannon of the self-defender, there was absolutely no possibility of surviving.

Chen Jun’s heart tightened, and he quickly retreated.

The energy cannon followed, and a large hole was blasted in the ground.

Many of those who had not yet had time to flee were directly blown up by the energy cannon and dissipated in the air.

Chen Jun did not dare to stop, holding his sword and directly killing the other party.

“Ten times thump!”

The skills I just learned in the game were first used in reality.


The bronze sword slashed at the hand of the P-2 self-defender.

The strong impact caused the self-defender’s arm to bend and deform, but his hand was still not cut off.

When the exposed arm looks from the outside, you can vaguely see the complex metal structure inside

This is a human weapon that has been used for combat since its inception.

Its strength is equivalent to a sea pirate of about 100 million Bailey in the pirate world, and it is difficult for pirates below 100 million to defeat him.

In the real world, through the enhancement of technology, his strength is even stronger.

Chen Jun thought secretly.

However, the movement in his hand still did not stop, the P-2 self-defender’s attack was obviously much stronger than the defense, and if he was allowed to fire the energy cannon at will, then he really could be injured by mistake.

Therefore, the method taken by Chen Jun is to fight in close combat and suppress him in a small area, then even if he uses an energy cannon, he will have many ways to dodge.


The bronze sword covered the armed color domineering and slashed again at the head of the P-2 self-defender, and his head was dented by the smash.

The P-2 self-defender’s mouth opened, energy gathered, and energy blasted out.

“Moon Step!”

Chen Jun stepped on the ground on tiptoe, instantly changed the direction of his advance, and flew directly into the sky.

The power of the energy cannon did not decrease, and it slammed on the building behind Chen Jun.


The building was reduced to rubble with one blow.

The onlookers shouted: “Oops, there should still be people inside!” ”

Chen Jun was stunned, avoiding affecting innocent people, turned around and fled, flying towards the sky.

Although there were many representatives of large forces among the onlookers, there were also ordinary people inside.

Chen Jun is not a murderous person, and he will not kill innocents indiscriminately.

Whoever has killing intent against him is the opponent of his enemy, and he will kill them all.

The P-2 self-defenders, seeing the target leaving, chased after them.

The two chased one and fled.

Chen Jun deliberately led the P-2 self-defenders to the surface passage.

It is a long, narrow and dark passage.

Every year, countless inhabitants of the underground world look forward to this passage to the world on the surface.

But standing in the way of this simple wish are the iron-blooded Pandora Self-Defense Forces.

Chen Jun looked back at the guy who followed him, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but curl, today I will bury you at the exit of the passage.

Fast passage through the surface.

What appeared in front of Chen Jun was a dark sky.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and a light rain was falling.

This is the second time that Chen Jun has seen the sky outside, and he didn’t feel rare before, but he found that it felt good to live under the blue sky and white clouds after living in the oppressive underground world for a long time.

“It’s cloudy, it seems that even this sky is not welcome to me.” Chen Jun muttered.

The P-2 self-defenders rushed out of the passage and crashed towards Chen Jun.

“But it’s okay, the sky I want to see should appear in my hands.”

“Overlord color!”

“Aaaaah! Yes! ~!!! ”

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