On My First Day At Work, I Rejected The Female Ceo Proposal

60: When Will You Go Home? Fairy Son-In-Law? ! (66! 3000 Flowers Plus More Updates!)

"Choose a guitar."

Lu Qiu has a Yamaha guitar at home, which he bought when he was in college.

But when she was in college, Lu Qiu worked a lot of odd jobs.

So I don’t have time to practice properly.

Just in time, you can master it directly now!

After choosing.

Countless knowledge appeared in Lu Qiu's mind again.

Originally, Lu Qiu had a hard time recognizing simplified musical notation and five-line musical notation.

But now, Lu Qiu is very skilled.

"It feels good."

Lu Qiu is also very satisfied with this skill.

Painting and musical instruments are both Lu Qiu's interests.

When you have free time on weekends, paint a beautiful painting at home or play a piece of music.

It is also very happy and a sense of accomplishment.


After collecting the two rewards.

Lu Qiu glanced at the phone.

5 million has been received.

Lu Qiu randomly bought a fund with a low return rate but a stable one.

I can earn 700 yuan in interest every day.

Then Lu Qiu took a look at his system interface.

The check-in period for ordinary employees has become 96 hours.

The check-in time has doubled again.

It will take 12 days for the sign-in to be completed.

The reward is still D level.

But this time it will definitely be better than last time.

Lu Qiu is looking forward to it: "With the signing of the assistant position, maybe I can save 100 million in savings this year!"

After receiving the reward.

It’s time to get off work at noon.

"Then let's go have dinner, Brother Qiu."

"Go ahead."

Liu Hua and the others still went downstairs to find a place to eat.

Lu Qiu waited for a while and arrived at the 25th floor.

Sit down to the restaurant.

Yan Muxue looked at Lu Qiu: "Let's see if you like the lunch."

Lu Qiu opened the lunch box and took a look.

The first layer is roast duck, the second layer is steamed scallop egg, and the third layer is stir-fried baby cabbage.

Then there is still a fruit salad and a side of rice.

Lu Qiu nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad."

A happy smile flashed across Yan Muxue's lips.

If Lu Qiu likes what she prepares, she will be in a particularly good mood.

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

As long as Lu Qiu is willing to accept her kindness, she will already feel happy.

"Let's eat."

The two of them ate quietly.

After eating, Lu Qiu glanced at the sky outside: "The weather is not very good today."

When I went out in the morning, it was a bit damp.

The sky is now completely overcast, and the sun is basically invisible.

Yan Muxue's expression remained unchanged, but her hands were crossed.

She was a little panicked.

No one knew that she was afraid of thunder.

Hope it's not a thunderstorm.

After lunch and a brief rest.

Lu Qiu returned to the 13th floor.

When getting out of the elevator, Lu Qiu also met Zhou Qingyi.

The two men met each other.

But neither said anything.

After returning to his work station, Lu Qiu took out his mobile phone and played two Honors.

At half past one, work begins.

Work is even more leisurely in the afternoon.

Mainly because Lu Qiu had already finished today's work in the morning.

Liu Hua and the others were busy planning beside them.

Lu Qiu casually collected information online, and even took the time to look at the guitar.

If you have perfect skills, of course you need a better guitar.

Lu Qiu’s previous Yamaha guitar cost 3,800.

It’s no longer cheap for students.

But for Lu Qiu's current net worth of over 10 million, this is not enough.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the lights were turned on in the company.

"It's going to rain heavily."

Liu Hua said a little worriedly.

Lu Qiu said: "You can call a taxi at the door of the company. Just call a taxi and don't get caught in the rain."

Liu Hua smiled bitterly and said: "I definitely have to call a taxi, but I have to spend money. I really can't live this life."

New employees will join the company on June 20th.

The first month's salary will be paid on July 20.

Until now.

Among the new employees, except Lu Qiu, no one has received any money.

Eating in the business district is expensive, and any lunch will cost more than 30 yuan.

Before Liu Hua graduated, he saved 10,000 yuan, thinking that he would not spend any money from his family.

Turns out today is only July 4th.

There are still 16 days until wages are paid.

The money has been spent and only 5,000 yuan is left.

Buying work clothes, daily meals, and commuting transportation expenses.

As you spend, the money is gone.

Liu Hua's state is basically that of a newly hired employee.

So Lu Qiu can get 500,000 yuan, they are envious from the bottom of their hearts.

Chatting and doing some work for tomorrow.

It's five o'clock.

Lu Qiu stood up on time and prepared to get off work.

It hasn't rained yet, and the sky is still gloomy and a bit scary.

Lu Qiu didn't react until he arrived at the underground garage.

He didn't drive today.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Yan Muxue: "Mr. Yan, when are we going home?"

Yan Muxue is having a short meeting.

She saw the news about Lu Qiu.

go home.

The corners of Yan Muxue's mouth raised slightly: "Wait for me for 10 minutes. I have a meeting. Let's go home."

Lu Qiu walked to the car and waited.

And at this time.

Zhou Qingyi also followed, hiding furtively aside.

15 minutes later.

Yan Muxue and Zhang Yanan walked down together.

"It took a little time."

Yan Muxue explained.

To others, she never explains why she is late.

Because it's not needed.

But she cares about Lu Qiu's feelings.

Lu Qiu smiled and didn't care: "Get in the car and go home quickly. In this weather, if you delay for a while, you will be in trouble."


Lu Qiu originally wanted to open the car door and let Yan Muxue sit in.

But Yan Muxue insisted that she open the door.

How could she let her man do such a thing?

Lu Qiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't grab it.

The two got into the car together.

The scene of Lu Qiu getting into the car was filmed by Zhou Qingyi.

Zhou Qingyi was extremely excited: "We have the evidence!"

"You must give this to Chairman Yan!"

And at this time.

Yan Lijun sneezed.

Zhang Renhe was beside him and asked, "Dr. Yan, are you okay?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the weather is bad. Will Xiaoxue come over today?"

"Said something happened, but he didn't come."

Yan Lijun felt a little lonely: "I had something to do last week, and something else this week. Just have a meal with me, a father, once a week, and I'll have something to do every week."

Zhang Renhe hesitated for a moment and asked, "I have a guess."

"What guess?"

"Miss, is she in love?"


"She seems to be in a good mood recently. The directors said that the frequency of her quarrels with others has decreased a lot."

Yan Lijun suddenly became excited and asked, "Really?"


"Then maybe it's really possible that we are in love!"

As a father, he still understands his daughter.

Yan Muxue stopped being rude.

That's so abnormal!

Although I'm not sure if they are in love, it's really possible!

If only someone could really make Yan Muxue change her personality.

What a fairy son-in-law!

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