Fifty meters away from the bamboo house, Nangong Jue stopped and glanced at the ten subordinates lightly, "Don't be reckless, don't scare her."


The ten people led the order and flew towards the bamboo house like flying eagles.

Nangong Jue stared at the bamboo house for a while, then looked away to survey the surrounding scenery.

His gaze passed over the temporary stove, the tables and chairs placed under the tree, and finally fell on the swing woven with vines and wild flowers.

Nangong Jue curled the corners of her lips casually. It seems that she is doing well here?

The subordinates who went in quickly came out to report, "Master, there is no one in the house."

"The subordinates have carefully checked every corner, and no organs or secret rooms have been found in the house. And there are no traces of fighting or destruction. People should have left by themselves."

Nangong Jue looked at the person kneeling in front of him, frowned slightly, and pursed his lips in silence.

No joy or anger could be seen on his face, but the subordinates who were watched by him involuntarily tensed up, their heads were lowered and they didn't dare to take a breath, and a thin trace of sweat slowly oozes from their backs.

After a long time, I heard two cold words floating above my head:

"Go find it."

The hidden guards felt relieved as if they had been pardoned, "Yes!"

The ten people flied towards ten directions respectively, and scattered all over the valley to search.

Nangong Jue stood there for a while, then turned and walked in the same direction.

He came to the river.

After walking around the river bank for a while, it seemed that I was attracted by the bright flowers in the distance, so I turned around and walked over.

The faint fragrance of flowers hits with the breeze, and occasionally a few birdsong falls in the valley, the lingering sound is ethereal.

Suddenly kicked something under his feet, Nangong Jue looked down, it was a transparent glass bottle.

And beside the bottle, there was still a kit lying quietly.

The light purple cloud brocade, with a blue butterfly embroidered on it, looks like a woman's thing.

Nangong Jue hesitated for a while, but still bent down to pick up the kit.

A very faint fragrance lingered on the tip of her nose, Nangong Jue narrowed her eyes slightly, and opened the kit.

Inside are not concentric knots or vanilla petals, but silver needles of different lengths.

Nangong Jue checked it visually, and there were no less than a hundred pieces.

He picked up one with his fingertips and looked at it, the silver needles were polished extremely delicately, definitely not for women.

"A needle can be used to save lives and heal the wounded, but it can also be used as a hidden weapon to kill people invisible."

It should be owned by a doctor who knows martial arts, and it is a woman.

Lin Wanyue actually appeared in Nangong Jue's mind.

This made him frown slightly, subconsciously denying this guess.

Lin Wanyue has always lived under his nose. He knows her likes, thoughts, stories, and everything about her like the palm of his hand.

She can never be martial arts.

As for medical skills, if you become a doctor after a long illness, you may know a little bit about health preservation, but it is absolutely impossible to treat diseases with acupuncture.

Those silver needles...

While Nangong Jue was contemplating while looking at the silver needle, the hidden guards who were searching around the valley also came back one after another.

The results reported by everyone are similar: searched all over the valley, but found no trace of anyone.

Nangong Jue clenched the kit in his hand, looked at the endless green hills in the distance, and said in a deep voice, "Go and find out who took her away."


"Also, go and find out what Lin Wanyue did and who she met after she married into the palace."

The hidden guards were stunned for a moment, then quickly lowered their heads, "Yes! This subordinate will investigate now!"


The dark guard who was about to get up paused, then knelt back to his original spot, waiting for the order.

Nangong Jue gently stroked the kit with her fingertips, her eyes were dark and flickering.

"Let someone check her daily diet, preferences, words and deeds, and manners. Everything is important, even if you are alone."

Although the hidden guards had doubts in their hearts, they didn't dare to show a little bit, and didn't dare to hesitate a little bit, and quickly took orders and left.

Nangong Jue put away the kit and strolled in the sea of ​​flowers. His body was like jade, and his expression was indifferent, which made people unable to see his thoughts.

The remaining three hidden guards followed Nangong Jue to protect his safety, although they had doubts in their hearts, they didn't say a word.


Lin Fu.

When Mrs. Qin went to visit Lin Yanran, she was pacing back and forth in the room with her handkerchief in hand, with an irritable expression and a look of restlessness.

"Yan'er, what's the matter? Are you still worried about that funeral star?"

Lin Yanran only glanced at Qin Shi, but did not stop. She looked impatient, and clearly wrote a sentence: Isn't this obvious?

Qin didn't care about it, walked over and pulled her to the side of the imperial concubine chair to sit down, and asked the servant girl to pour a cup of tea.

"Yan'er, this is not a big deal. You will be the princess in the future, so you need to be calm and not change your face when Mount Tai collapses in front of you."

Hearing the word 'Prince Princess', Lin Yanran's face softened slightly, but she still frowned tightly, "Mother, why is this not a big deal?"

"Those people took so much money from us and swore that Lin Wanyue would die! But what happened?"

"Right now in the capital, it is rumored that Lin Wanyue is recovering from her injuries at Prince Qin's Mansion, and it was Mr. Mo from the Hua Medical Hall who saw her personally."

"Heh! She has such a great face! How can she invite Mo Lao to come out of the mountain in person? Is she worthy?!"

"And those lowly desperadoes! They extorted so much silver from us. I thought that when my brother came back, I would lead my troops to wipe them out and get back the silver with interest, but what happened?"

"They were taken over by someone! Not to mention the money, even the village was razed to the ground, and all the people we sent to spy on were buried there."

"The key is that we still don't know who did it!"

"After losing money and losing troops, I still haven't killed that little bitch Lin Wanyue! Tell me, how can this make people not angry?"

Lin Yanran became angrier as she spoke, Qin patted her on the back lightly, calming her irritable mood softly, "Who said that the funeral star must still be alive?"

Lin Yanran gritted her teeth bitterly when she heard this, "Of course I hope she's dead, absolutely dead! But everyone in the capital said that she was recuperating in the mansion, and Mr. Mo also acquiesced, how could it be false? "

"Then mother asks you, have you seen it with your own eyes?"


Speaking of this, Lin Yanran was very angry.

She had actually been there once, with the excuse that she hadn't seen her for a long time, and she missed her very much. She wanted to see Yunran in the name of visiting relatives, but was ruthlessly turned away by the Qin Palace!

For this reason, she was resentful and depressed for several days.

Unexpectedly, that crippled man didn't think of any kindness at all! Embarrass her so much!

Qin knew it in her heart, but she didn't point it out.

"Except for Mr. Mo and Mr. Baili from Huayitang, has anyone in this huge capital seen her with their own eyes?"


"Not to mention others, even Shen Weixi, who has the closest relationship with her, has he met her?"


"Shen Weixi has broken into Prince Qin's mansion a few times, but she was chased by dogs and fled? Even if Lin Wanyue doesn't want to see others, does she still avoid Shen Weixi?"


Qin's successive questions caused Lin Yanran's expression to change slightly, his eyes flickered, from anger and reluctance at the beginning to full of hope at the end.

She grabbed Qin Shi's hand, a little excited and a little happy.

"Mother, are you saying that all of this is just a cover? Lin Wanyue is not in Prince Qin's residence at all?"

"Did the Qin Palace deliberately make it for the world to see? The purpose is to cover up the truth that Lin Wanyue is dead?"

Qin's unpredictable smile, and lightly patted her hand.

"In Weiniang's opinion, Nangong Mo should first want to stabilize the rumors in Beijing, protect her reputation, and then secretly search for the whereabouts of that Sangmen star."

When Lin Yanran heard this, her smiling face instantly darkened, she couldn't help but clenched her palms, and said in a hateful voice, "He cares so much about her reputation!"

"Even Mo Lao invited him out! Hehe! He really took great pains!"

Seeing this, the Qin family frowned insignificantly, "Yan'er, he should only be thinking about the reputation of Prince Qin's residence."

"After all, if that little bitch was splashed with sewage, he, Nangong Mo, would also become the object of the world's ridicule."

"May I ask which man in the world can endure such a shame?"

"So, Nangong Mo's painstaking layout may not necessarily mean that he values ​​that little bitch."

Lin Yanran also understood in her heart that Qin was trying to remind her that she should not have any obsession with that man anymore.

She should be as calm as water, indifferent to everything about him, and don't care at all.

However, she is not reconciled!

"Mother, what should we do now? Even if Lin Wanyue is not in Prince Qin's residence, it does not mean that she is dead."

"Now, I can only feel at ease when I see her dead body with my own eyes, otherwise I, I..."

"Yan'er, don't worry too much. There is a mother here. She has already been searched secretly. If you want to see people, if you want to see people, if you want to see dead bodies."

"It's just that your recent behavior is too impetuous, especially in front of the prince. You must pay special attention to it, and the prince must not see the clues."

Lin Yanran was shocked when she heard these words.

Given how much the Crown Prince has valued Lin Wanyue these years, if he knew what he was doing secretly, I'm afraid...

Lin Yanran's face turned pale, and she grabbed Qin Shi's hand, "Mother, you must remind me from time to time that my daughter is always involuntarily disturbed by Lin Wanyue and Nangong Mo..."


At night, Yunran lay on the soft bed of Tingxue Pavilion, but tossed and turned without feeling sleepy.

After leaving for more than ten days, and coming back here again, I feel a little indescribable feeling.

When you close your eyes, the image of living in the valley and the figure of that person will involuntarily appear in your mind.

Even his words and his laughter lingered in my ears.

"Ah! I can't stand it!"

Yun Ran threw off the quilt a little annoyed and sat up, as if cheating a corpse.

Then, she saw Nangong Mo sitting in a wheelchair in front of her, looking at her unblinkingly with a pair of beautiful obsidian eyes...

The corner of Yunran's mouth twitched, and she stared at it with a blank eye, "What are you looking at? Look again, and I will poke your eyes blind!"

Nangong Mo blinked innocently, "Lin Wanyue, what's on your mind?"

Yunran: "..."

Seeing that she was silent, he turned the wheelchair closer to Ruantai, and then, a pillow slammed towards him.

"Stay away from my girl's bed! Otherwise, I will beat you to death!"


The man grabbed the pillow and looked at her, his handsome face was full of grievances, "Lin Wanyue, I haven't seen you for many days."

Yunran: "..."

[Why don't I believe it at all? 】

But I heard the magic sound that confuses all living beings floating in the wind:

"In these days, the nights are long, the pillow is hard to sleep, the heart is attached to the beautiful woman, the fear is frightened, the lovesickness is sick, the belt is getting wider... Lin Wanyue, don't you miss you at all?"


Yun Ran looked at the curtain above her head and rolled her eyes silently, "I'm sorry! I don't miss you at all!"

"Then who are you thinking about? Are you thinking about him?"

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