"Who? What kind of person? Who is so arrogant! He dares to commit murder on the street? You? You are such a bold maniac! You are so courageous! Is there any more law?"

The fat man was the first to jump out, and he glared angrily at the handsome young man in black clothes, scolding him righteously.

The man stood tall in the wind, his clothes in tatters, and with a sharp look in his eyes, the fat man's arrogance suddenly dropped a lot.

Yunran was also looking at the man in black clothes.

Strange face!

But she recognized that outfit, it was the exclusive standard outfit of the secret guards around Nangong Mo.

And that familiar aura that kills Ling Yun! His posture is as tall and straight as a pine tree, with a sword on his waist. He is serious in speech and speech, and no strangers are allowed to enter!

Yun Ran looked around subconsciously, but did not see Nangong Mo's figure.

At this time, the well-dressed man stepped forward and gave Yunran a respectful fist, "Doctor Yan, please continue what you were doing."

Yunran looked at him, turned his eyes slightly, and smiled slightly, "Okay, thank you!"

When the fat man saw Yun Ran squatting in front of the old woman, a flash of panic flashed in his eyes, and he immediately jumped up to stop her.

"What do you, a quack doctor, want to do? Stay away from my mother! How dare you leave the body alone..."

In the middle of the charge, he was stopped by a black-clothed secret guard, who held him firmly with his hands behind his back.

The fat man twisted and struggled hard, "It's broad daylight and the world is bright. Do you have any more tricks? Let go..."

"Be honest! Otherwise..."

Xian Ge stared at him coldly, as if his eyes were tempered with ice. The fat man was so frightened that he shivered and did not dare to struggle or move any more.

He didn't even dare to shout any more, and only winked crazily at the seven or eight strong men on the ground.

Several people understood immediately and wanted to stop Yun Ran, but they heard the clanking sound of the sword being unsheathed.

Plus a voice as cold as ice:

"Those who act rashly will die."

Several people trembled and looked up at Xian Ge, feeling their legs weak.

That person is so terrible! He had just beaten them to pieces without even drawing his sword!

Now that guy is showing off, isn't it going to end in death?

At this time, a middle-aged woman rushed out from the crowd. She was dressed in plain clothes and looked haggard and sad. She rushed directly to the stretcher and pulled Yunran.

"What a sin! What are you doing? My mother has already passed away. Don't hurt her body anymore!"

Yunran blocked her with one hand, holding a silver needle with the fingertips of the other, flying with his bare fingers, and applied a needle each to the old woman's Baihui point, Tanzhong point, Guanyuan point and Yongquan point.

The middle-aged woman didn't have time to stop her. At this moment, her eyes were split and she looked sad.

"How can you be so heartless! You have already killed people and you still want to continue to harm her! Do you want to seal her soul and prevent her from becoming more powerful and seeking your life?"

"Folks, open your eyes and take a look! What kind of miracle doctor is this? He is clearly a cold-blooded and cruel murderer who harbors evil intentions! You have all been deceived by his kind appearance!"

There was some commotion in the crowd, and there were faint voices of doubt.

"Although I don't know any medical skills, I have heard that the Baihui point on the top of the head cannot be touched casually! He inserted such a long needle into it!"

"I heard my great-grandfather talk about the legend of the Thirteen Needles at the Gate of Ghosts. The needles are all extremely dangerous acupuncture points. Look at the locations he just inserted..."

At this moment, the 'long-dead' old woman suddenly coughed violently, tilted her head and spit out a black pill.

This scene shocked everyone, even the middle-aged woman who was wearing plain clothes and crying in mourning was stunned. She looked at the pills blankly, then looked at the old woman, her eyes widened.

The moment the old woman's eyes met hers, she seemed to suddenly think of something, and she immediately closed her eyes, tilted her head, and lay back on the stretcher.

The middle-aged woman also reacted and immediately fell on her and cried bitterly.

"Mom! You just had a comeback, right? You couldn't bear to leave us, right? Mom! It's all because of that quack doctor who killed you!"

Everyone: "…………"

A flashback?

Fake corpse?

Or, pretending to be dead?

Yunran looked at the two people who were inseparable from life to death, rolled his eyes speechlessly, and reminded them in a cold tone:

"Auntie, stop acting. Aren't you afraid of crying to death when a living person is mourned like this? Aren't you your mother?"

"And grandma, is it fun to pretend to be a corpse? How about I help you and turn you into a real corpse?"

"However, I don't have the kind of fake death pill for you to take that makes you feel like ashes when swallowed, like a dead body, but still conscious."

"I do have a big knife about two meters long, as thin as a cicada's wing. It can cut iron as well as mud, and cut gold and jade."

"One cut will cut your skull into two pieces. Another cut will separate the head. Then a cut from the middle will cut the left and right sides in half..."

"Speaking of which, grandma, what shape of corpse do you like? Just tell me and I can satisfy you!"


The old woman lying on the stretcher with her eyes closed, pretending to be dead, was shaking like a sieve at the moment, but she stubbornly refused to 'come back to life'.

What a perverted boy! Such a handsome face was lost in vain!

However, they are all meant to scare people! It must be scary! He must not dare to really do this!

I have lived for more than eighty years, and I am not one to be frightened! I don't believe you...

Suddenly, the old woman was horrified to find that her neck felt cold. The cold metal touch was especially strong in the cold winter.

What was even more horrifying was that the blade of the knife was swimming slowly against her neck, as if a poisonous snake was crawling across it, which made people frightened.

"Since you don't speak, I'll do whatever I want! Cut off the head first!"

Shocked by these words, the old woman opened her eyes suddenly and saw a gleaming knife across her neck.

Yunran held the knife in one hand and smiled at her, "Are you opening your eyes because you are not satisfied with cutting off your head? How about I disembowel you first?"

As he spoke, the blade of the knife moved down, across her chest, and slowly stopped on her stomach, "Well, should it be cut horizontally? Or should it be cut vertically?"

The old woman's body shook violently, and she was almost ready to curse, but she was afraid of the knife in Yunran's hand and did not dare to anger her.

At this time, the surrounding crowd was in an uproar, pointing at the old woman and the middle-aged woman and making comments.

"It's so insidious! It's so treacherous! You actually faked your own death to deceive people!"

"This is obviously a conspiracy to act together and try to harm the miracle doctor!"

"Fortunately, Doctor Yan was so wise and wise that he saw through their scheme! Otherwise, he would really have been killed by them!"

"It's so hateful! These gangsters have evil intentions! Send them to the police for investigation!"

The old woman and the middle-aged woman were a little panicked when they saw this situation, but Jiang was old.

The old woman became worried and said to everyone: "We didn't harm him, so don't wrongly accuse a good person!"

"My old lady almost died after taking the medicine he prescribed! Just now, the few injections he gave me by mistake worked, and unexpectedly brought me back from the dead."

"It's all thanks to the good deeds of our ancestors and God's blessing! My old lady's life should not be cut off! Otherwise, she would be killed by this little kid!"

When the middle-aged woman heard the words, she immediately understood and cooperated tacitly.

She held the old woman's hand and burst into tears.

"Mom, it's great! You're alive again! It's so blessed by our ancestors and blessed by heaven! Fortunately, the head of the family and I didn't bury you, otherwise, you would be dead!"

Yunran: "..."

Yunran looked at the two people, speechless, and said lightly:

"Since you are so obsessed with acting, why not go to the Yamen and act slowly?"

The moment her words fell to the ground, Xian Ge's figure appeared in front of her like a ghost, and she directly picked up the two people on the ground with one hand...

Yunran: "..."

She blinked in confusion, cursing in her heart.

[Are all Nangong Mo’s secret guards such powerful and powerful heroes? 】

[But look, he’s not very strong! It’s clearly the standard figure for a handsome man! 】

The two women forgot to cry at this moment, and struggled hard with their hands and feet.

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