Zhang Yunhu and others also discovered Chen Yan's arrival.

But he just nodded and was busy looking at the survey site.

Because the nature of the case was so egregious, it had been sent directly to the provincial team.

The deadline given above was that the case must be solved within a week.

Zhang Yunhu is now personally leading the team to arrest this bloody cross murder case.

【Ding! The strongest police training system mission is released. 】

[Detect the Scarlet Cross Murder Case. The deadline is five days. Complete the task and you will be rewarded with the skill Firearms Specialization. If you fail or exceed the deadline, the task reward will be cancelled. 】

Two beeps sounded in Chen Yan's mind.

The reward this time is actually the skill firearms specialization?

Chen Yan thought the system would only reward him with rewards such as opening his own gene lock.

It seems that the power of the system has a lot of room for exploration.

"Xiao Chen," after introducing the general situation, Liu Qingshan was busy with his own tasks: "You keep an eye on the perimeter, don't move around at will, don't move anything privately, and look at how others carry out on-site inspections. .”

Chen Yan nodded: "Master, don't worry, I understand this!"

Although Chen Yan is a trainee police officer, his colleagues in the team have long recognized his abilities.

Forget about online recruitment, after all, it is a bit accidental.

But the case of mutilating the corpse and killing the wife that was detected the day before yesterday showed real ability.

Chen Yan discovered some details that so many veterans in the team had not discovered.

Not only discovered it, but also found the most important evidence.

Otherwise, if it were to be classified as a missing person case, not only would the murderer go free, but the team would also be unable to hold their head high in the future.

However, Chen Yan's approval for his regularization has not yet been issued. If he is not regularized for a moment, he cannot break the rules.

But that didn't matter to Chen Yan.

As soon as he entered the scene, Chen Yan activated the olfactory gene lock and the visual gene lock.

The strong smell of blood overwhelmed all other smells.

It is obviously impossible to track the murderer relying on the suspect's body odor.

Moreover, this is a classroom with a very large flow of people. Covered in the smell of blood, there are hundreds of body odors that are impossible to distinguish.

However, Chen Yan was not without success.

Among countless smells, Chen Yan discovered two special smells.

One is alcohol, very concentrated alcohol.

The other taste is very light, but very special.

Succinylcholine, also known as succinylcholine, has a similar effect to N2 choline receptor blockers and is a commonly used muscle relaxant.

However, unlike N2 choline receptor blockers, succinylcholine's main effect is to relax muscles in the limbs and neck. The effect is quick and short-lived, and there are no side effects such as blood pressure drop or bradycardia.

To put it bluntly, it can make the victim weak and unable to speak.

This kind of medicine is a controlled substance. How could there be the smell of this kind of medicine in a classroom?

At the same time, Chen Yan's visual gene lock was opened, and combined with hyperamnesia, everything around Chen Yan was like a puzzle, magnifying in Chen Yan's mind.

The statement that opens up God’s perspective seems to be above the classroom, overlooking everything.

The blood stains that were originally messy on the ground now showed a pattern.


It turned out to be a pattern of wild roses!

Why did the murderer use the victim's blood to leave a pattern of wild roses?

What special meaning does it have?

Is it a mark deliberately left by the killer?

There were also crosses made from the victim's skin.


Why a cross and not some other pattern?

The bloody cross made of human skin in his mind instantly enlarged in front of Chen Yan's eyes.

Palms, shoulders, chest, forehead, lower abdomen, thighs, calves, ankles...

A total of 21 steel nails.

Moreover, there were puncture wounds in corresponding locations on the victim's body.

At the same time, the blood stains between the human skin and the corpse were very continuous, as if the corpse was nailed to the blackboard first, then took off the human skin and knelt under the human skin.

You can imagine how much pain the victims suffered during this process.

Zoom in on the corpse.

The posture of the corpse is very peculiar.

It is impossible for a corpse to naturally assume a kneeling posture after death.

Enlarging the image of the corpse, you can see that the lower limbs, waist, chest and abdomen of the corpse are all restrained by wires.

Why did the murderer go to such great lengths to put the body in a kneeling position?

Wild rose...cross...kneel down...

Weird medicinal smell.

Now, the biggest clue is succinylcholine.

If this drug is used through formal channels, every milligram will be recorded.

Unless the other party is a chemical expert who can refine this kind of alkali.

Three hours later.

Zhang Yunhu and others completed the preliminary on-site investigation.

"Xiao Chen, did Old Liu call you here?" Zhang Yunhu's voice was a little tired. After a morning of high-intensity work, everyone would be exhausted.

"How's it going? Did you find any clues?"

"Captain Zhang, master asked me to come over and have a look." Then, pointing in the direction of the corpse: "I didn't go close to the corpse to observe it, so I didn't find many clues."


Zhang Yunhu glanced at Chen Yan in surprise. Although he had been busy working just now, he also noticed that Chen Yan was always on the periphery.

Originally I just asked subconsciously, but I didn't expect that Chen Yan really had a clue.

"What clues?" If it were someone else, Zhang Yunhu might not care, but the murder of his wife with corpses the day before yesterday made Zhang Yunhu understand that Chen Yan is very good at discovering details.

Since he said he had clues, he might actually have some clues.

"Captain Zhang, I'm not sure yet..." Chen Yan frowned: "I need to confirm."

"Okay, the on-site investigation is over anyway, let's follow you."

Chen Yan did not refute this time. The smell of succinylcholine was very weak, and the range of his olfactory gene lock was only one hundred meters. He had to hurry up.

Following the smell of succinylcholine, Chen Yan left the classroom first.

Zhang Yunhu, along with the two vice-captains and Liu Qingshan, followed Chen Yan without disturbing Chen Yan.

Outside the teaching building, the smell of succinylcholine suddenly weakened and was almost inaudible.

But fortunately, not long time passed, and Chen Yan could barely keep track of it.

After walking and walking, we came to a garbage disposal station.

Two cleaners are emptying garbage into a garbage truck.


From a distance, Chen Yan saw two cleaners about to dump a bucket of garbage. His expression changed greatly and he rushed over.

The two cleaners originally wanted to continue dumping, but when they saw several policemen following Chen Yan, they subconsciously put down the trash cans in their hands.

Feeling the increasingly heavier smell of succinylcholine, Chen Yan knew that the source was in the trash can in front of him.

Fortunately, it was in time, otherwise it would have been dumped into a garbage truck, and it would have been difficult to find it after being compressed.

After looking around, Chen Yan picked up the garbage shears next to the garbage truck: "Brothers, please step back."

After saying that, he started to carefully pick up the trash.

"Xiao Chen, you..." Liu Qingshan stepped forward curiously, but was killed by Zhang Yunhu.

"Don't worry, let's see what he's going to do."

Ten minutes later, Chen Yan picked up a pair of yellow objects and breathed a sigh of relief: "I found you!"

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