Zhou Mu's words comforted Gu Xiyan, she thought he didn't like her and pushed her away.

"Is your son alright?" Gu Xiyan unconsciously glanced at the part below him.

She did not forget Qi Zhiyuan and Yin Nanny's guess, after all it was a fact that Zhou Mu wanted to withdraw from her marriage a few days ago, and it was also a fact that Zhou Mu asked Qi Zhiyuan that question.

It's just that she couldn't see the way through the heavy clothes.

Zhou Mu didn't realize what Gu Xiyan meant by this question for a moment.

He followed her line of sight to look at his lower abdomen, and when the tips of his ears became hot, his whole body became hot all of a sudden.

Which man can bear his beloved woman looking at him like this? Although he is poisoned, his body functions are fine.

He quietly turned around, avoiding Gu Xiyan's direct gaze, "What do you mean by that?"

"To tell you the truth, my lord, the tonic soup you drank just now is very tonic. I want to know if you are okay after drinking the tonic soup." Gu Xiyan cautiously probed.

Only then did Zhou Mu realize the meaning of Gu Xiyan's words: "What did you add to the soup?"

After he drank the tonic soup, his whole body became extremely hot, and it turned out that she did it on purpose.

"It's just some great nourishing things, which are good for your body." Gu Xiyan walked up to Zhou Mu while speaking, and wanted to glance at his lower abdomen.

Which man can bear the scrutiny of his beloved woman like this? Of course Zhou Mu is no exception: "I'm fine. You go back early and rest, I'll be back."

This time, without waiting for Gu Xiyan to answer, he strode away and quickly disappeared.

Gu Xiyan couldn't help laughing as she looked at his running back.

The future is long, no matter what he is hiding from her, she will always find out the real reason.

After returning to Xiyuan, Hu Die immediately came forward and said to her in a low voice: "Today Xiao Ya went to the Marquis's mansion to deliver food and vegetables, but was bumped into by Liu Shuzheng. Liu Shuzheng's eyes straightened when he saw Mrs. Xiao. Look at Shaw."

Gu Xiyan became interested when she heard the words: "What's Xiao Ya's reaction?"

"She was eager to leave the Xiao family, and was fortunate enough to be spotted by Liu Shuzheng. Naturally, she had a good eye with Liu Shuzheng. Let her come to the Hou's mansion tomorrow, and this will definitely happen." Hu Die replied in a low voice.

"Don't be careless. Although Mrs. Li has gone to Zhuangzi, the Hou Mansion has a lot of her eyeliner. Today's appearance will definitely be noticed by others. You should pay more attention to it tomorrow, lest someone destroy it. After all, Liu Shuzheng and Xiao Ya must make good things happen. .” Gu Xiyan didn’t dare to be careless.

Hu Die also knew the importance of this matter: "Don't worry, let me handle it, Xiao Ya will definitely be able to take over."

Gu Xiyan smiled, "Fortunately, I have you to help me."

"What's so polite between you and me, we are good sisters." Hu Die said boldly.

Gu Xiyan stood in the yard, looking up at the huge building. It was like a stinging monster, but this time, she would not be swallowed by it again.

At the same time, Qin Palace.

Zhou Xing finished his sword practice and was about to take a bath when Zhao De reported to Zhou Xing what had happened in Xuanchanghou's mansion.

"What do you think about this matter?" Zhou Xing drew his sword casually, and the wind of the sword slashed across, startling Zhao De.

Fortunately, the sword wind just scratched the cuff, cutting off a piece of fabric, and did not hurt his body, but Zhao De was still startled into a cold sweat.

"This king asked you something." Zhou Xingdan glanced at Zhao De.

Zhao De didn't dare to look directly at Zhou Xing, "Old, old servant just felt strange, what a coincidence, where Zhou Mu was, His Majesty was also there, and His Majesty seemed to take special care of Zhou Mu. Originally, the Empress Dowager called Miss Gu to Xuanzhang The Hou Mansion wanted to vent their anger on the princess, but in the end, because His Majesty was there, the princess was punished instead."

He quietly glanced at Zhou Xing, seeing that Zhou Xing didn't answer, he continued on his own: "The old servant has checked carefully, Zhou Mu grew up in the Fallen Immortal Temple, and he is the closed disciple of Master Mingjue, His Majesty Xu is For Master Mingjue's sake, I took extra care of Zhou Mu."

"A monk who is about to become a monk suddenly became an official, and he was a third-rank official. Do you think it's so simple? It's an order from the emperor himself. The importance that the emperor attaches to Zhou Mu is strange. I thought it was not that simple. "Zhou Xing threw the sword back into the scabbard with a chic movement.

Zhao De waited silently on the side, only to hear Zhou Xing say again: "Do you think Yongjia was really tricked by Xi Yan?"

Zhao De did not expect that Zhou Xinghui would suddenly mention Gu Xiyan.

Since the ban, Zhou Xing didn't want to hear the name Gu Xiyan.

Gu Xiyan was a key figure in the matter that happened in Xuanchanghou's Mansion, so he had to mention it, but His Highness didn't respond at that time.

This time he took the initiative to mention Gu Xiyan, which was the first time since His Highness let go of Gu Xiyan.

"The old slave checked secretly, Miss Gu was present during the two days of the food festival, at first it was Miss Gu and a few Miss Liu who stirred up the atmosphere, and later on the official auction was His Royal Highness Zhao Wang and Princess Yongjia who raised the auction price to sky-high prices. Not to mention that His Royal Highness King Zhao is a food lover, if it weren't for Miss Gu's stimulation, Princess Yongjia would never have spent more than 100,000 yuan to buy it easily for a few dishes. So the old slave thought that the princess probably won Gu The girl's trap." Zhao De expressed his true thoughts.

Looking at the palace lanterns blown by the wind under the eaves of the corridor, Zhou Xing remembered something, and his face was a little gloomy.

"Is this king wrong?" Zhou Xing was almost silent.

Zhao De didn't dare to answer.

He felt from the bottom of his heart that His Highness really misjudged. Gu Xiyan is not as cowardly and incompetent as she appears on the surface, but His Highness is increasingly disappointed with Miss Gu, later disliked, and then retired, all thinking that Gu Xiyan cannot be His Highness' help.

Now it seems that the food festival of Jixianglou is inextricably linked with Gu Xiyan.

"If you can find out all these things, how can the father, as the king of a country, not know that it is Xiyan who is playing tricks? Why does the father still face Xiyan knowing this? Don't you think this is very strange?"

A gust of wind blew, and Zhou Xing shivered from the cold.

It was late autumn, he had just finished his sword practice, and he was sweating all over, and the moment the evening wind hit him, his heart shivered.

"It's really weird. After all, this matter has alarmed the Empress Dowager, and it is related to Princess Duanqing and Princess Yongjia. In the end, Princess Yongjia was punished. His majesty is obviously biased." Zhao De also felt that this matter did not make sense.

"I'm afraid Zhou Mu's identity is not that simple, maybe there is something secret that we don't know." Zhou Xing's heart suddenly flustered.

Over the years, he has been smooth and smooth, and has never experienced any twists and turns.

But he had a big fall on Gu Xiyan, and Zhou Mu's appearance made him feel a strong sense of crisis from the bottom of his heart.

He always felt that something was out of his control.

"Old servant, go and investigate carefully, maybe you will gain something." Zhao De replied hastily.

"Check carefully." Zhou Xing waved his hand, signaling Zhao De to back down.

Zhou Xing stood under the verandah and stood quietly for a long time.

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