On The Eve Of Genocide, I Sell Blind Boxes In Uchiha

041: Another Good Thing! 【Ask For An Evaluation Ticket】

Uchiha Shisui glanced at the group of people with a calm gaze.

"It's not the same. If I remember correctly, Sasuke's is a one-time use, and the 1000 capacity will be invalid after use."

"To be precise, if Sasuke cannot take this opportunity to cultivate and improve Chakra after using the 1000 Chakra recharge card, once the Chakra recharge card is used up, the Chakra in his body will still return to his original level."

As someone who had also seen the Sasuke Chakra recharge card, Itachi nodded in agreement.

"Shisui is right, I did some research on Sasuke's recharge card, and it's true."

"This kind of recharge card can only be used as a temporary supplement, but it cannot permanently broaden the Chakra muscles."

"Although the capacity of the open Chakra is only 100 ticks, it seems to be permanent."

"What do you mean? What kind of permanent method? Can't Chakra regenerate after it's used up? You two are confusing me when you say that."

"Me too, I'm confused."

Akira Uchiha, who was a party to the blind box, asked Mo Bai nervously at this time: "Boss, is that so? Is what Shisui told Itachi right?"

Mo Bai nodded, "Yes, their analysis is correct. Although you only have 100 scales, you are inexhaustible!"

"As long as you don't die, no matter how you use ninjutsu, the Chakra in your body will never be able to consume these 100 ticks."

"Even if you are beaten to death, as long as you still have a breath, this Chakra can keep you alive, which is equivalent to having an extra life-saving charm, so I said, your luck is very good."

After listening to Mo Bai's more detailed explanation, everyone at the scene, Uchiha, was shocked.

"Chakra that can never be consumed, if on the battlefield, this endless Chakra will be the enemy's nightmare."

Even if it is dragged, it can drag the enemy to death.

This is terrible.

Originally, when they heard the capacity of 100, everyone disliked it too little and did not take it to heart.

But at this moment, after listening to Mo Bai's explanation, no one would think that way again.

The people present were the elites of the Uchiha clan, and many of them had survived the battlefield. They knew best what the inexhaustible 100 Chakra represented.

all of a sudden.

All the Uchihas looked in the direction of the light group, and their eyes were fiery.

"Ming, your luck is indeed better than mine. Damn, I spent 100,000 taels to get only one detonating talisman, so I'm not reconciled." Uchiha Aoki complained.

"It's really enviable, Ming this guy."

"I didn't expect Ming to be able to open such a good thing. I wonder if I will have such good luck in the future?"

"Very good, Ming, you have been reimbursed for the 100,000 people who opened the blind box this time. You can open it again now. With this luck, you may be able to open something good."

The first elder half closed his eyelids, his eyes full of joy and excitement.

Uchiha Ming grinned happily and smiled brightly.

"Ah, great, I am the first to reimburse the price, then I will not be welcome."

After he finished speaking with a smile, under the envious eyes of the Uchihas, he walked up to the shelf in high spirits.

After pondering for a while, I finally picked a red blind box.

"good luck."

Uchiha Ming laughed, and then began to open the blind box.

【Chakra knife】: Ninja weapon, there are four small holes on the handle to accommodate four fingers except the thumb, the handle and the blade are integrated and the outer edge is serrated; Chakra can be Pour in, the power is good, the common weapon of Sarutobi Asuma in the original book.

"Boss, how is it? What did I drive?"

Uchiha Ming couldn't wait to look at Mo Bai.

Mo Bai gave him a sideways look: "You fire a Chakra knife."

After Mo Bai finished speaking, Uchiha Ming already had a Chakra knife in his hand.

The four small holes just pierced through his fingers, and he waved it a few times in his hand, and it felt good.

Although such Chakra weapons are not cheap, they are not worth 100,000 taels.

However, because it was reimbursed within the clan, it was equivalent to a Chakra knife obtained in vain, and Uchiha was clearly satisfied.

The Great Elder's face was grim and disappointed, and he stood there without saying a word.

Uchiha Fugaku pinched his brows, "Who will open next?"

"I'm coming, patriarch."

"Me too."

So, two more Uchiha tribesmen stepped forward to select the blind box.

They each gave 100,000 taels, so both of them only took a blind box.

Everyone in Uchiha focused their eyes on the blind box with great interest.

However, this time, they were destined to be disappointed.

【One Kunai】: Universal Kunai in the Ninja world.

【Bing Bing Pills】: General-purpose Bing Bing Pills in the Ninja world.

The golden light quickly dissipated, and the items were presented directly in front of everyone, without the need for Mo Bai to explain.

"It turned out to be just Kuwu and Bingliangwan, it seems that the luck this time is not very good."


"Come on, maybe you can drive something good next time."


Another Uchiha tribe paid to open the blind box.

Compared with the previous two people, his luck is not so good.

Mo Bai: "You opened a box of delicious Anko soup with a shelf life of 12 months."

"Damn, my 100,000 taels! It's just something like Anko soup!"

The man was so unwilling, he bent over and ran behind the crowd with a large box of Anko soup that was opened.

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