101 Arsenal Missile Launch Base.

All the researchers were excited when the Dongfeng missile was successfully launched… but what no one expected was that the Dongfeng missile hit the Eagle Sauce freighter on its first launch.

If the Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier had not turned on the radar, the Rabbit’s Fire Pit Radar might not have known that there was an Eagle Sauce freighter in the target area.

This time, there was a lot of luck in the shelling of the Eagle Sauce freighter, but for the first missile test.

Successful launch…successful arrival at the intended target…successful bombing… the missile was a complete success.

“Director, haha, we succeeded……”

“We finally mastered missile technology… Great!”

Yang Siruo, Qiu Siyan, Zhao Tianming and others were very excited. How many days and nights did they spend for this moment?

Lin Lao was also very shocked when he saw that the missile could hit the target at such a long distance.

“I didn’t expect that our technology could be on par with that of the Russian bear… Comrade Jiang Chen, you have made an invaluable contribution.……”

“Lin Lao Miao praised it. Dongfeng’s success is inseparable from the efforts and contributions of everyone. This is everyone’s……”

“Why is it called Dongfeng?”

“Either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind… No matter what wind it is, the east wind will definitely overwhelm the west wind……”Jiang Chen answered.

Elder Lin nodded, and after a while, he asked,”I have a question, but I don’t know if I should ask it. According to the Russians, its actual combat power is not as good as a Tu-2. Jiang Chen, do we still need to go to great lengths to research missiles?”

From the perspective of warhead power, the P-2 can carry a warhead of about 1 ton, which is only equivalent to two or three large aerial bombs, about 1/3 of the maximum bomb load of the Tu-2 medium bomber.

Although the cost of short-range missiles is much lower than that of bombers, bombers can be reused.

On the other hand, the deployment and maintenance of missiles requires a lot of manpower and professional work (old-fashioned liquid missiles are even more troublesome), which seems”not very economical” for ballistic missiles.

In short, launching a short-range ballistic missile, long-term hard maintenance work and huge daily financial costs are inevitable, and the result is only to detonate a 427 large bomb in the enemy area.

Jiang Chen smiled and said,”In fact, the problem you mentioned was exposed when Hans Cat used the V-2 missile.”

Although more than 5,000 V-2 missiles were produced during World War II, the results obtained in actual combat were pitifully few, and the cost-effectiveness ratio was disproportionately low.

Because of this, the Russians did not really equip P-1 and P-2 missiles in large numbers. Only 1,545 of the two missiles were produced in total.

Jiang Chen:”In fact, the real value of P-2 and V-2 is deterrence and propaganda. Conventional warheads alone do not have enough destructive power.”

“However, both the P-2 and V-2 have a key advantage, which is that ballistic missiles cannot be intercepted by any air defense system at present.”

“Although a 1.5-ton conventional bomb has little destructive power, what if a missile is equipped with an unconventional warhead? For example, a nuclear bomb……”

“Then it will become a strategic deterrent weapon……”

For example, in 1956, Russia broke through the technology of miniaturization of nuclear bombs, and was able to put a nuclear warhead with a yield of 10,000 tons into a 1-ton warhead, thus realizing the nuclear weaponization of the P-2 ballistic missile.

The explosive yield of Little Boy was about 15,000 tons of TNT.

In other words, a Dongfeng missile could destroy a city, and it was impossible to intercept it.

“Dongfeng Express, mission accomplished!”

Unable to intercept?

Conventional weapons turned into nuclear bombs!

After listening, Lin Lao finally understood that the significance of Dongfeng 1 was not to bomb targets 600 kilometers away, but the nuclear threat.

Yang Siruo, Zhao Tianming, Qiu Siyan and others were also refreshed by Jiang Chen’s words and were shocked.

Lin Lao:”Jiang Chen, do you mean: We will be able to build a nuclear bomb soon?”

“That’s right!” Jiang Chen continued:”Of course, this is only one of the functions of the missile. It has another function that is far greater than a nuclear strike… launching satellites……”


Lin Lao, Yang Siruo and others showed confused expressions.

“What is a satellite?”

“This satellite has a huge effect, but it is hard to explain it in a short time.……”Jiang Chen simply said:”Satellites can locate, give missiles a pair of eyes, monitor any enemy movements around the world, and defend against any incoming artillery shells, fighter jets, aircraft carriers, warships, etc. In short, it is our ultimate goal.……”

Of course, this is only the role of satellites in the military. For civilian use, there are: communications, weather forecasting, navigation, etc.

After these words, everyone seemed to have opened up a whole new world, and they kept fantasizing in their minds…

It can be positioned… Just give a coordinate, and the missile will hit wherever it is pointed?

It can also monitor the enemy’s military deployment…

My goodness… Is it so powerful?

In a moment, everyone’s mind has outlined Rabbit’s powerful aerospace blueprint.

President Lin said with admiration:”Jiang Chen, I’m sorry, I’m superficial… I didn’t expect that the successful launch of a Dongfeng missile would have such a big impact on the entire national defense… Today is an eye-opener.……”

Yang Siruo:”Jiang Chen, you have an amazing brain. How did you come up with this idea?”

Qiu Siyan:”I thought it was just a conventional weapon, but I didn’t expect that Missile No. 1 would promote the development of China’s aerospace industry.……”

This is a great cause.

Zhao Tianming:”Jiang Chen, we are too narrow-minded… Now, we feel full of energy.……”

Work hard for the aerospace industry.

Lin Lao:”It seems that we have to tell the instructors this good news… let everyone be happy.……”

Afterwards, everyone gathered around Jiang Chen to ask about satellite-related knowledge, and the latter also taught them everything he knew.

Because only in this way can the Rabbit’s aerospace industry develop rapidly.


At this time, the instructor and Hu Gongzheng were anxiously waiting for the results of the missile launch. Whether they could join the ranks of missile technology depended on whether today’s launch could be successful.

Soon, the Chief of the General Staff walked in quickly and excitedly reported the news.

“Jiang Chen never disappoints us with his R&D stuff… and now he’s giving us one surprise after another… haha……”The instructor was so happy that he couldn’t stop smiling.

Mr. Hu:”Yes, we hit the Eagle Sauce freighter on the first test launch, which is a cause for celebration!”

Chief of the General Staff:”It is reported that this freighter was sailing from Okinawa Island to Busan to deliver supplies to the Eagle Sauce soldiers on the peninsula… Unexpectedly, we knocked it down with one shot!”

“Moreover, I heard that the Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier fleet was escorting the Victory at the time. Unexpectedly, after seeing the freighter being sunk, the aircraft carrier sailed at full speed and escaped.……”

“Hahahaha… The cost of building an aircraft carrier is much more expensive than that of a cargo ship. If you don’t run away, you will end up like the Victory!”

“Success, success, we finally mastered missile technology… If the Russians don’t teach us, we’ll do it ourselves……”

“A good blacksmith must have strong tools himself. The Russian bear’s missile technology is nothing special…Haha!”

There was festive laughter at the scene.

Mr. Hu:”Teacher, I am looking forward to what it will be like when the missile is installed?”

The Chief of the General Staff:”But the problem is that we don’t have atomic bomb technology……”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“The lack of atomic bomb technology is not terrible. The instructor never took nuclear bombs seriously:”In my opinion, the successful launch of the Dongfeng missile is not its combat power, but the opening of our aerospace industry.……”(baag)

“This is the most important thing……”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Mr. Hu:”If, as Jiang Chen described, missile technology can not only launch warheads, but also launch satellites… achieve satellite positioning, equip missiles with eyes, and monitor the enemy, then its significance is comparable to the deterrent power of any weapon.”

“That’s right!” Teacher:”Now, I can’t wait to see Comrade Jiang Chen’s next research project.……”[]

“How far will he go with Rabbit’s military industry?”


Some are happy and some are sad.

Island B!

Since the Secret Service and the CIA have cooperated and communicated on many tasks, Mao Renfeng knew immediately after the”Victory” was sunk.

At this time, the bald man looked at the photos in his hand and fell into self-doubt and reflection.

He couldn’t figure out why the advanced F86 fighters and advanced reconnaissance aircraft of the Eagle Sauce could not tear open the rabbit’s air defense network.

From May 1949 to March 1951, the rabbit’s air defense firepower network had changed so much.

You know, in 1949, the Guo Party’s planes entered the rabbit’s airspace almost at will, as if they were in an unmanned place.

Bombing as you want.

In 1949, over the cities on the southeast coast, with a roar, a large number of shells were dropped on the bombers. Suddenly, there were continuous explosions in the city, and the sky was full of flames that blocked the sun. The people in the city were extremely panicked and huddled under the ruins and trembled constantly.

Some people cried bitterly, while others cursed:”Damn the Kuomintang, they didn’t give up even after running to the island, and they come every two days. They don’t want us to live!”

This was the helpless scene when the Kuomintang bombed the Rabbit at will.

Unexpectedly, in less than two years, the Rabbit’s air defense went from being unguarded to being impenetrable, and even the Eagle Sauce pilots couldn’t do anything about it.

There is no return.

The Eagle Sauce will not have a direct conflict with the Rabbit, so the pilot will disguise himself, so as to avoid escalation of the conflict, save face for the Eagle Sauce, and occupy the initiative of public opinion.

However, the Eagle Sauce probably doesn’t know that the pilot he disguised himself with so hard has been arrested.

“Huh… Rabbit is much more powerful than we thought!” The bald man shook his head helplessly.

Chen Cheng:”Commissioner, Rabbit transferred Lin Lao to the Northeast, which is very destructive to the undercover work of the Bureau of Secrets… In order to send this photo back, we have lost 38 agents.……”

The bald man looked at the photo, which was marked: 101 Arsenal, the entire gate wall was high and heavily guarded, with a guard every three steps and a sentry every five steps.

You can’t see what’s inside at all.

This made the bald man angry!

“Damn it, after losing 38 people, they only show me a photo of the gate of the 101 Arsenal… What the hell is the Bureau of Security doing!!”The bald man threw the photo on the ground angrily.

Not only did they sacrifice 38 agents, but they also exposed the entire intelligence network of the Bureau of Security lurking in the Northeast.

This means that the intelligence system that the Bureau of Security had worked so hard to build has been destroyed, and it will be harder than climbing to the sky to obtain any secret information in the future.

This is why the bald man is angry.

Chen Cheng picked up the photo, he was also very curious: What is behind this gate? How could such a powerful weapon be produced?


A hurried sound of footsteps broke the quiet atmosphere.

Mao Renfeng spoke a little hurriedly:”Chairman, Chairman, it’s not good… Just now, a 10,000-ton cargo ship of the Eagle Sauce was sunk in the East China Sea, near Jeju Island, under the escort of an aircraft carrier… The Eagle Sauce suffered as many as 1,300 casualties, and all 10,000 tons of military supplies were sunk into the sea.……”


When Baldy and Chen Cheng and the others heard this, their expressions froze.

“Who did it?……”

“At present, the Eagle Sauce is still under investigation… Preliminary estimate… It should be a rabbit……”

Chen Cheng looked at the map, thought for a while and said:”In this sea area, no one except the rabbit has the ability to attack.……”

Chaoxian is impossible…

Foot basin chicken is even more impossible…

Only rabbit……

“However, according to Rabbit, the longest range of its rocket launcher is only 480 kilometers… and this is still the theoretical range… the actual precision strike will not exceed 400 kilometers!”

“Judging from the place where the Eagle Sauce freighter was sunk, it is at least 550 kilometers away from the Rabbit mainland… How did the Rabbit manage to sink the Victory under the escort of an aircraft carrier group?”

“Basically, fighter bombing can be ruled out, and you can’t carry out tactical bombing under the protection of an aircraft carrier.……”

Everyone’s expression was very serious, because they all knew that if this was done by the rabbit, then its attack capability would pose a huge threat to the island.

“Could it be that the rabbits have developed new weapons?”

A word awakened the dreamer.


A range of 550 kilometers, precision strike?

Doesn’t it cover the entire island?

Suddenly, Baldy, Chen Cheng, Mao Renfeng and others were frightened and broke out in a cold sweat.

Baldy was as anxious as a grasshopper on a hot pot, and was anxiously turning around:”What does the Eagle Sauce say?”

The intelligence network was destroyed, and Baldy was unsure and even more panicked. Who knows when the rabbit’s shells will fly over.

By then, he really won’t know how he died.

Mao Renfeng:”The CIA said that it is still investigating.……”

“Damn it… get in touch with the CIA more often and report any information about this immediately!”

“Yes, Chairman!”


At the same time, the investigation report on the sinking of the Victory was submitted to the White House……


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