Rong Lijun never wanted the money. just.

Jiang Feng's cooking seems to be quite helpful to his business!

Hurry up and ask for less money!

When Jiang Feng saw the news about Rong Lijun, he smiled and replied:"No, a few dishes will only cost more than a hundred yuan at most."

Jiang Feng:"If you count money, just count 120 yuan."

Jiang Feng:" No matter how much money you make, it's all earned by your company. The food I cook is just a small favor."

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng's words and appreciated his son-in-law more and more! wide awake!

Want money, but not greedy for money!

Rong Lijun replied:"It's not a small favor. If it wasn't your meal, I would have to delay at least three days. It's all money."

Rong Lijun:"Don't refuse, we are all a family, don't say Isn't it normal for me to give you money if you don't help me? We are a family."

Jiang Feng felt a little warm in his heart:"That 4 million is too much."

Rong Lijun:"3.99 million ?"

Ten thousand less, no more!

Rong Lijun really wanted to settle the house payment as soon as possible, and then give Jiang Feng some money so that his son-in-law could run the small shop steadily.

Jiang Feng couldn't laugh or cry:"100,000?"

Rong Lijun:"That's too little. Let me tell you, if you are willing to order meals for 100,000, you can make more orders every day than you can handle."

Jiang Feng:"Then 15 Ten thousand?"

Rong Lijun gave a bottom-line price:"3 million, at least."

Jiang Feng thought for a moment and replied:"2 million."

Rong Lijun reluctantly accepted:"That's okay."

Jiang Feng replied :"Let's calculate the house payment as 50 million."

Rong Lijun frowned:"Why?"

Jiang Feng calculated the accounts:"If you transfer a house less than two years ago, you will have to pay taxes and decorate it again. I feel like I have to spend this money. I'll pay."

Rong Lijun was a little helpless.

It is not a good thing for a son-in-law to be too independent.

Why is it so difficult to give some pocket money?

Rong Lijun replied:"Let's just say 40 million. It wasn't that expensive when I bought it. I gave the decoration as a gift."

Rong Lijun said:"You are half of my son, and the family business will be yours from now on, so give it to me as a gift." Decoration, don't refuse."

Jiang Feng thought for a while and replied:"Then 40 million."

Rong Lijun:"There are 38 million more."

Jiang Feng:"Okay."

After replying the message.

Rong Lijun is in a very good mood!

He sent a message to Wang Zhe:"In the future, when meeting clients, we can meet at a meal. If the negotiation goes well, we can treat them to a meal cooked by boss Xiao Jiang."

Wang Zhe:"Okay."

Rong Lijun took the photo of Wang Zhe for him Photo, saved, opened Moments

"It’s great that my son-in-law can still eat the food he cooks even though he doesn’t have a shop."

It also included photos of claypot rice made by Jiang Feng and a tie.

Zhao Fuchuan was eating.

He casually scrolled through Moments and his face turned green with anger.

"His grandma’s! Too much! Twice a day!"

"This old bastard is so lucky, why did Jiang Feng become his son-in-law! Doesn’t this ruin Boss Xiaojiang?!"

Zhao Fuchuan was so jealous that he couldn't even eat anymore.

His wife knew her husband's virtues and asked,"What if Jiang Feng is your son-in-law? Do you post on Moments?"

"Send, send eight."Zhao Fuchuan said confidently.

Zhao Fuchuan's wife shook her head and sighed:"It's a pity that our family is all sons."

As soon as he finished speaking,

Rong Lijun sent a message:"Old Zhao, have you eaten? Zhao

Fuchuan's heart skipped a beat, and he replied with a fake smile:"Eat." Rong Lijun:"

Hey, I just finished eating, and suddenly I remembered, how are your two sons?"

Rong Lijun:"Your business has been doing well recently. Unlike our daughter, who can only get married, I have to continue working.""


Zhao Fuchuan's teeth were almost broken!

His wife asked:"What's wrong?"

"This old bastard asked how our two sons were doing, his grandma's, to show off, right?"

In the past, Zhao Fuchuan would chat with Rong Lijun, asking how Rong Shuang was doing, and how many businesses their two sons had taken over recently.

Every time they talked about this,

Zhao Fuchuan was extremely happy!

He never thought that one day, The happiness disappeared!

Now I have become Rong Lijun to show off!

Zhao Fuchuan replied with a dark face:"Just do it like that, just do business, anyway, you can share a lot of burdens for me.

Rong Lijun replied instantly:"Indeed, compared with you, I am much tired." Rong

Lijun:"But when Rong Shuang gets married and has a child, I can see the day of retirement.""

Zhao Fuchuan is so bitter!

The heirs raised by Jiang Feng must be very smart.

In a sense.

Having good heirs from another generation is more beneficial to a family's business than having good heirs from sons!

Zhao Fuchuan's two sons, They are both busy with business, and although they are married, they have not yet had children.

Rong Lijun is about to become a grandfather!


Zhao Fuchuan is very envious now.

He replied to Rong Lijun with a smile:"Now the children It's hard to say whether we are willing to have children or not."

So what if you have a son-in-law?

It's not you who has the final say on whether you have an heir or not.

" Rong Lijun looked at the message from Zhao Fuchuan who was clearly in a hurry and smiled even more happily:"Have you seen Youyou?""

Zhao Fuchuan's heart skipped a beat.

Damn it!

Rong Lijun:"This child Youyou was raised by Rong Shuang from the age of three and a half to five and a half years old.

Rong Lijun:"Do you think this is any different from my granddaughter?" Moreover, Youyou is also smart, sensible, and obedient."

Zhao Fuchuan is so angry.

The regular customers all think that Youyou is very cute and very smart, and Zhao Fuchuan is no exception.

Zhao Fuchuan replied a little unhappily:"After all, there is no blood connection.

Rong Lijun didn't mind at all:"You must believe it if you are related by blood?" And I can rest assured about the children my son-in-law has taught. Rong Lijun:"

Say, if Jiang Feng were your son-in-law and Jiang Youyou were your granddaughter, would you be willing to let them inherit?""

Yes! Do you need to say this?!

Everyone sees Jiang Feng's attitude towards Uncle Jiang, towards Xu Liren, towards Uncle Liu who has no money, and towards the regular customers.

Okay, nothing to say!

Look at Jiang Feng How to do it? Jiang Youyou must be a very good child!

Putting blood relationship on others is indeed a problem.

But if it is Jiang Feng and Jiang Youyou, Zhao Fuchuan will definitely be able to hand over the family business to Jiang Youyou with confidence!

Jiang Feng is trustworthy!

Zhao Fuchuan talked about blood relations just because he was not Jiang Youyou's grandfather!

His grandmother's!

Zhao Fuchuan's blood pressure continued to rise and he replied:"Is there anything else? I have to go to a meeting, can we talk some other time?"

He couldn't stand it anymore.

If we chat for a while, he might have to go to the hospital.

Rong Lijun almost laughed out loud:"Don't work too hard. After all, your two sons can share more of their burdens."

You don't need to remind me!

Zhao Fuchuan put his mobile phone on the table, picked up his chopsticks, and after two bites, he lost his appetite. He just saw the claypot rice made by Jiang Feng, and if he eats this stir-fried green vegetable, it will be tasteless no matter how he eats it. I picked up my phone and took a look.

Tang Shun posted another post on Moments.

A picture of a dog with eyebrows painted on.

There were already hundreds of likes on it!

Not just likes.

Zhou Linan stole the picture and posted it too..

Zhao Fuchuan took a look and saved the picture, but did not send it out in the end.

After all, Rong Lijun also said that he would take him to Jiang Feng’s place for dinner.

Eat the food first, and then scold Rong Lijun!

Rong Lijun Naturally, I also saw the news in the circle of friends, and I felt even more sad! Comfortable!

Rong Lijun stood up and ate another portion of claypot rice.

At this time,

Song Jin had already put away the bowls and chopsticks.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou helped and washed the dishes in the kitchen.

Jiang Feng originally wanted to help, but was ordered by the three of them to go back to the sofa to rest.

Jiang Jianye sat next to Jiang Feng and took a sip of tea, with a happy look on his face. Jiang

Feng asked:"I will make you some cakes later, you can take them and eat them."

Jiang Jianye hesitated for a moment and said,"Don't do too much.""

He originally felt sorry for Jiang Feng and wanted to refuse.

But the cake made by Jiang Feng was so delicious!

He who didn't like sweets before was a little greedy and couldn't stand it!

It's so delicious!

Jiang Feng said with a smile:"Qifeng can be raised more Bake two and just one tiramisu. You can eat it before leaving tomorrow morning. It’s not convenient to take that one back."

"OK. Jiang Jianye asked,"When will you decorate?""

"My uncle will arrange for decoration personnel to come over tomorrow. He will go to the property to pay a decoration deposit and some garbage disposal fees in advance, and then he can start the installation."

Jiang Jianye said with emotion:"In the future, our family must treat your father-in-law better and take more care of you.

Jiang Feng nodded:"I know.""

"What about transfer of ownership? When does it begin?

Jiang Feng thought for a moment:"There's no rush. I'll ask Brother Xu later to see if I can entrust it to them.""

"OK."Jiang Jianye said with emotion,"You are a promising child."

"If you can handle it, just take care of it yourself. If you don’t know how to handle it, just contact me and I’ll come and help you."

"good. Jiang

Feng chatted with Jiang Jianye and sent a message to Xu Liren:"Brother Xu, if I don't go to transfer the house, can you handle it?" Xu

Liren replied instantly:"If you are the buyer, you can entrust it to us, but it needs to be notarized.""

"If you want to apply for a loan, you can entrust us to save you the trouble. Instead of applying for a loan, it’s best to do it yourself. It’s actually quite simple.

Jiang Feng:"No loan, it was a gift from my girlfriend's father." Xu Liren:"

Damn, I'm envious."

Xu Liren:"But that's normal. I just don't have that much money. If I had money, you would be my son-in-law and I would give you a house!""

That's a lot of money!

I'll give you a house and you can eat Jiang Feng's cooking for the rest of your life!

Xu Liren was envious of Jiang Feng at first, but after realizing it, he started to envy Rong Lijun.

Xu Liren continued to send messages:"Do you have any other properties under your name?

Jiang Feng:"Not now."

Xu Liren:"That's easy to handle. This is considered a gift." After signing the gift letter, completing the notarization, and paying the taxes, you can wait for the release of the house.

Jiang Feng:"Okay, I'll make an appointment with my uncle and set a time to contact you. Thanks, Brother Xu."

Xu Liren:"Thank you, what's the relationship between us?" Jiang

Feng smiled and sent another message:"By the way, I want to open a few more stores. Is there a suitable place?"

Xu Liren:"I will send you the resources from the law firm later."

Jiang Feng:"By the way, can you handle the household registration transfer on my behalf?"

Xu Liren:"This is easy to handle. On the day of transfer, you can write me a power of attorney and make a copy of the certificate, and we will handle it." Is your household registration in the imperial capital?

Jiang Feng:"Yes, it's under the name of an uncle of mine."

Xu Liren:"Then there will be no problems. It will be easy to handle."

Jiang Feng:"Okay.""

Put down the phone.

Jiang Feng told Jiang Jianye about the transfer and relocation of household registration.

Jiang Jianye looked at Jiang Feng with relief and a little distressed:"That's good. After the process is completed, you will have your own house again.

Jiang Feng smiled and said,"Our house." Jiang

Jianye was stunned for a moment, then smiled gently:"Yes, our house.""

The whole family didn't mention Xu Na, and they didn't even compare her with her.

I was living a good life and was better than anything else. There was no need to compare with her, it would only bring bad luck. After washing the dishes and chopsticks,

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang wiped their hands. Coming out of the kitchen, he sat down next to Jiang Feng, one on the left and the other on the right, and each hugged Jiang Feng's arm.



The two of them tilted their heads and looked at Jiang Feng acting cute. Jiang Feng smiled and said,"Let 's take a shower first. After that, we'll go back to the house.""


Rong Shuang stood up, picked up the things she had brought for Tang Hemei, and returned to her house reluctantly.

As soon as she entered the door,

Tang Hemei rushed out!

"What to eat tonight?!"

"Dry Fried Beef River"

"Long live!"Tang Hemei took the rice, sat down at the dining table, and started to eat. She felt comfortable after taking a bite.

"How was the conversation with Uncle Rong?"Herme asked.

Rong Shuang had a smile on her lips and her beautiful eyes were full of pride:"I'm about to get the certificate from my husband."

"Your dad didn't make things difficult for him? Rong

Shuang shook his head:"Not only did he not make things difficult, I feel that Jiang Feng is just like his own child.""

"Holy shit?"

"It was only after we met that I found out that my dad was a regular customer of his store."Rong Shuang said,"The two of them met very late, and their relationship is in a mess.

Tang Hemei was shocked:"Is there such a thing?"!

Rong Shuang nodded:"My dad is a rare person and gave my husband a house.""


"Runjin Guanlan side"

"Depend on! Are you moving?! Tang Hemei took out her mobile phone and said,"No, I have to buy it quickly.""

Tang Hemei can't afford a house.

But it doesn't matter.

She sent a message to Tang Shun:"Old Tang, I want to buy a house!"

Tang Shun:"……"

Tang Shun:"You haven't spoken to me for more than a year, and you asked me to buy you a house?"

Tang Hemei:"I will live downstairs with Rong Shuang, and she can often bring me meals cooked by her husband."

Tang Shun:"Where does she live?! Send me the address!"

After Tang Hemei sent the address.

Tang Shun replied instantly:"My dear daughter, you can't keep this delicious food to yourself, right?"

Tang Hemei:"I'll share half with you when I'm full.

" Tang Shun:"Then can I move in together?"

Tang Hemei:"You Just ignore me."

Tang Shun:"Deal!"

The conflict between father and daughter was resolved instantly!

Being able to eat the food cooked by boss Xiao Jiang all the time, it doesn’t seem to be a problem for my daughter to stay at home!

Tang Shun then sent a message to Moments:"I just received news from my daughter that she wants to buy a house and move to live near boss Xiaojiang. I can also make a living occasionally."

Rong Lijun saw this message and gave a thumbs up..

The two didn't chat, but they laughed at the same time. hapiness!

Zhou Linan shut himself up on the spot when he saw the news about Tang Shun!

You two old bastards!

The people who were still giving Tang Shun likes before disappeared instantly!

Zhou Linan quickly posted a message on Moments.

There was also no words, just a picture of two dogs holding each other's backs.

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