Jiang Feng went out to the vegetable market and bought the raw materials.

At noon, Jiang Feng planned to make 20 more portions of Mapo Tofu.

When returning to the store.

There was already a queue at the door.

Liu Guozhong and the others are already waiting

"Need someone to start with?"Liu Guozhong looked at Jiang Feng with admiration and asked warmly.

Liu Guozhong felt very honored to be able to wash some dishes for Jiang Feng!

Jiang Feng politely refused:"No, I'll be fine by myself."

Enter the store.

Jiang Feng moved quickly and handled all the ingredients in an orderly manner.

Yan Chuang looked at Jiang Feng's movements with a bit of admiration on his face:"The movements are so clean and the thinking is clear. No step is redundant."

"Indeed, it is no wonder that he can do so many things by himself, his skills are so great."Liu Guozhong's tone also carried a bit of fanaticism.

It's really a pleasure to watch the master cook!

The thoughts are clear and the movements are smooth!

Mo Ni and the others stood in the distance, looking excited.

"He's really handsome"

"I never thought that I would be fascinated by the way a man cooks"

"Serious men are so charming wc!"

In addition to them, there are also Su Minrui, Zhao Fuchuan and several other wealthy businessmen.

They are all queuing up.


The sun is getting hotter and brighter outside.

Jiang Feng has also prepared all the raw materials.

Calculate the time.

Jiang Feng starts Cooking.

All dishes are cooked according to portions for 5 people.

It was just 11 o'clock.

Wang Zhe pushed everyone into the store:"Wow, this is so delicious! Already done?"

"Just in time, wait until I put it on"

"Want my help?"

"No, I can do it myself."

Jiang Feng put the vegetables in a casserole that had been heated in advance.

The vegetables will cool much slower.

"Here, all the dishes are for 5 portions. Give 4 portions to your uncle and keep 1 portion for yourself."

"Let uncle's chef prepare the rice, it's pretty much the same. Jiang

Feng handed the packed meal to Wang Zhe.

Wang Zhe looked touched:"I actually have a separate dish, so I don't have to be deducted from it by the boss!" Boss Xiaojiang, you are too good!"

The workers were in tears!

Jiang Feng smiled and said,"Send it back quickly."

"okay."Wang Zhe picked up the things and left the store.

However, he did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he took a look in the queue.

Zhao Fuchuan realized that something was wrong and bent down.

Wang Zhe still saw him and said enthusiastically:" Director Zhao! Hello! I am Chairman Rong’s administrative secretary!"

"The boss said that I might see you when I come over, so I must say hello to you!"

"He said to let you wait in line slowly, he took away the food cooked by his son-in-law first, and will take you to eat with him next time!"

Zhao Fuchuan's face turned dark.

Rong Lijun!

You old bastard!"


"Uncle Rong is too outrageous"

"If I were Uncle Zhao, I would be furious."

Mo Ni and the others laughed secretly.

Uncle Jiang also had a smile on his face. When he looked back, he saw that several uncles looked at him unkindly.

You old bastard, you are still laughing, right?

You have done this all the time!

11:12 The dishes were brought to a nearby restaurant.

This restaurant was invested by Rong Lijun. There was a private room on the second floor.

Liu Brown, opposite Rong Lijun, looked expectant.


Wang Zhe knocked on the door and entered the private room.

"Boss, the food has been brought back"

"so much?"Liu Brown looked at the two big bags in Wang Zhe's hand and was instantly envious.

They queued for a long time and most likely just bought one.

Rong Lijun bought these in bags!

Is this the treatment of his father-in-law?!

Sour Dead!

Rong Lijun felt secretly happy.

He really is not a person who likes to show off.

Except when showing off his son-in-law.

He gave Wang Zhe a look.

Wang Zhe nodded and started to take out the casserole:"Boss Xiao Jiang gave me every dish. Ordered 5 servings.

Rong Lijun swallowed his saliva and said in an understatement,"Just keep 2 portions of each dish.""

He ate the rest slowly!

Liu Brown was anxious:"Rong Dong! I made a profit of four million, wouldn’t it be okay to eat one more portion?!

Rong Lijun advised:"Don't get a bad stomach after eating it.""

"thank you. Liu Brown gritted his teeth and said,"I deliberately didn't eat in the morning. At least give me 2 servings of each dish.""

Rong Lijun felt a little distressed, but he still agreed.

He opened the lid of the casserole.

Although the heat was not as strong as when it was first taken out of the pot, the temperature of the dishes was well retained, and there were still a few wisps of heat dissipating.

Liu Brown looked at a few dishes The dish, his throat moved up and down:"It's so fragrant!"

It's worth it!

His profit is really worth it!

I can eat dishes that Jiang Feng usually doesn't cook at the same time!

The happiness is doubled!

The smile on the corner of Rong Lijun's mouth was almost unbearable. He cleared his throat and looked towards Wang Zhe:"Send the rice over here"


The wooden barrel of rice was served.

Rong Lijun and Liu Xi each filled a bowl of rice and started eating.


"This knife edge chili is so fragrant!"

"The meat slices are so tender! How do you get the flavor of this fish-flavored shredded pork?! Absolutely amazing!"

This was the first time Liu Brown ate it, and he was completely amazed by the taste.

But Rong Lijun was experienced and immersed himself in the rice! After Liu Brown took a few bites, he was shocked to realize that he had been fooled, so he closed his mouth and started eating.

Not even that. 20 minutes.

A bucket of rice.

It was eaten clean by two people!

Liu Brown covered his stomach and leaned on the sofa, very satisfied:"I still have two orders, let's talk?""

Every time we discuss an order, we can enjoy a few meals cooked by Jiang Feng!

Liu Brown thinks it's a good deal!

Rong Lijun said:"Let's discuss the two orders together."

"Bah, let’s talk separately. At least we have to give him a meal every time!"

"We need to discuss the price again."

"Hiss, okay! Who made Jiang Feng your son-in-law? You have the right to speak."

Liu Brown was very envious.

Rong Lijun couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud:"It's okay, good luck. Liu

Tan rested for a while, got up and left with the help of his secretary.

Wang Zhe entered the room and said to Rong Lijun:"The client I have an appointment with for dinner tomorrow is from Hunan Province. In addition to trying the Sichuan cuisine cooked by Boss Xiaojiang, I also want to Would you like to try Hunan cuisine?

Rong Lijun frowned and instinctively protected his son-in-law:"Why do you ask for so much?""

He didn't want Jiang Feng to get into trouble.

Wang Zhe said,"The list is quite big. He said that if the Hunan cuisine cooked by boss Xiao Jiang is also delicious, let's talk about it later. Rong

Lijun thought for a moment and sent a message to Jiang Feng:"Can you make two Hunan dishes at noon tomorrow?""

Jiang Feng didn't reply.

He was making steamed buns.

He waited for 5 minutes.

Jiang Feng hadn't made any movement yet. If it were anyone else who hadn't responded to Rong Lijun's message for so long, Rong Lijun would have sent someone to look for him.

But Jiang Feng When he didn't reply to the message, Rong Lijun put away his phone with no unpleasant expression on his face.

He waited.

His son-in-law could reply to the message whenever he wanted!

No one should disturb his son-in-law!

Wang Zhe complained silently in his heart.

Be a double Biaogou, you are good at it.

At this time,

Jiang Feng has opened his shop.

Liu Guozhong and the others ordered 2 steamed fish, 3 steamed buns each, and 9 bowls of porridge. They didn't eat enough in the morning.

They carried the meal, Went out to eat.

Chen Zheng, the owner of Yuehua Building, also rushed over.

"This business is really good."

Chen Zheng sat on the horse and sighed with emotion.

Liu Guozhong handed Chen Zheng the chopsticks:"Of course, what kind of craftsmanship does Boss Jiang have? How can he not have many customers?"

Chen Zheng had a strange look on his face.

Liu Guozhong is usually quite arrogant.

Although Zhou Weishan is more famous than Liu Guozhong, Liu Guozhong has never obeyed Zhou Weishan.

What happened today?

When he mentioned Jiang Feng, he looked full of admiration!

He was even a little fanatical.

Chen Zheng Without saying anything, he took the chopsticks and picked up a piece of fish.

Before eating, the three of them were all wide-eyed!

It was so tender!

The fish meat was close to the bone, obviously just cooked!

It was when they brought out the dish. On the way to Xiaojie, I was suffocated by the remaining warmth!

Chen Zheng looked serious:"I know why you two look so convinced.""

"I'll try it first."


Chen Zheng put the fish into his mouth and tasted it.

Although Chen Zheng is not good at craftsmanship, he can make Yuehualou successful. He has seen it before and has a broad vision.


As soon as this fish came into his mouth, Chen Zheng was immediately surprised!

It was delicious!


From the texture of the fish to the fusion of various flavors, there was nothing wrong with it!

When you eat it, there is a steamed fish that can beat Jiang Feng. The feeling of doing better!

What follows is satisfaction and happiness!

Chen Zheng picked up another chopstick and started eating.

Liu Guozhong and Yan Chuang also quickly tasted it each. After tasting the taste of the fish.

They The two looked at each other, and the admiration in their eyes became even more fanatical!


This is something they would never be able to achieve in their lifetime!

The wider the gap, the deeper their admiration for Jiang Feng!

The two fish were quickly

Even the fish bones were eaten cleanly by Chen Zheng!

The dog cried when he saw it!

After Chen Zheng finished eating, he felt extremely uncomfortable:"Why do you want two?! Are we short of this money?!"

He just wants to give money to Jiang Feng now!

Take the money and take out the fish!

Liu Guozhong said:"Boss Jiang only cooks 10 fish per meal, and it is already good to buy 2! And with this taste, we can’t get enough even if we eat 10 of them! Yan

Chuang nodded with admiration, and he was convinced!

Chen Zheng looked around:"I have to buy a house nearby. I can eat this fish for 20 years!""


He picked up a bun and ate it casually.


Even the buns are so delicious?!

"This bun costs 4 yuan?! Do charity?!"Chen Zheng held half of the bun in his mouth, with a look on his face that he couldn't understand, but he was greatly shocked.

Liu Guozhong said with great admiration:"This is called a master."

Chen Zheng suddenly understood why Liu Guozhong and Yan Chuang were no longer willing to call themselves masters.

"I will change your slogan another day and change it back to Senior Chef."


"correct."Chen Zheng bit his bun, took out his cell phone, and sent a message to his executive chef.

"Let’s change the store’s promotional slogan. It’s the second best Cantonese food in the imperial capital."

"clear."The executive chef replied immediately.

Liu Guozhong and Yan Chuang each took a bun and started eating.

One bite.

The two of them were stunned for a moment.

"Holy shit, is there something wrong with my sense of taste?"

"Probably not, I also think that the taste of this bun is almost exactly the same as in the morning!"

After Jiang Feng has a perfect taste, his sense of smell has also become sharper.

When judging the taste of ingredients, he is extremely accurate!

The difference in the taste of each meal is getting smaller and smaller now!

The quality control is frightening!

Ordinary guests only think that this is Jiang Feng's standard was normal.

However, in the mouths of professional chefs, that was not the case!

Chen Guozhong and Yan Chuang hurriedly finished the buns in their hands, rinsed their mouths carefully, and tasted another bun.

Several fillings , they all tasted it. They felt extremely happy while eating!

The taste they wanted to eat and the taste they tasted coincided perfectly!

This tacit understanding between the diners and the chef made them inexplicably comfortable!

Everything was under control!

Their mood The more you eat, the happier you are!

After finishing the 12 buns, they put down the fruit, then turned around and looked at Jiang Feng through the glass. The look in their eyes when they looked at Jiang Feng was so admiring that they couldn't surpass it!

They clearly felt the difference between them and Jiang Feng. Huge gap between the two!

In any case, they will never be able to do the same as Jiang Feng, with such a small taste difference between the two meals!

Even if they use the same batch of purchased ingredients and seasonings!

Different storage times will also cause the taste to change. A subtle difference.

This difference is difficult to capture.

But after the dish is finished, you can taste the taste changes brought about by all the seasonings.

As long as the difference is not big, it is a good dish.


Jiang Feng bought the ingredients alone in the morning!

The stuffing and noodles are all newly prepared!

How can the taste be so consistent!?

It is forbidden to use magic in front of Muggles!!

Chen Zheng looked at the actions of the two of them and was a little confused.

He was not a professional, and he didn't eat Jiang Feng in the morning The steamed stuffed buns he made asked,"What do you mean? Isn't it normal for the taste to be the same?"

"Don’t we also need quality control when cooking? Liu

Guozhong shook his head:"It's different. What we call quality control is different from the quality of gods."Not a thing"


"I could barely taste any difference in flavor, including the texture of the bun skin."

Listen to what they said.

Chen Zheng came to his senses:"Fuck! real or fake?!"

"Let's eat again later in the evening." Liu Guozhong said,"Eat it again and you will understand."


Chen Zheng was also interested.

Originally, he was going to order seafood for tomorrow morning in the afternoon.

He won't go!

Let the executive chef go!

And they just finished chatting.

Zhou Weishan, who was in the room, had finished eating. Steamed fish in front of them.

Zhou Weishan took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the owner of their Dalong Teahouse.

"Let’s change our slogan to Imperial City Second."

It's incomparable!

Even Zhou Weishan looked at Jiang Feng with a look of admiration!


The more they couldn't understand how Jiang Feng did it, the more they admired Jiang Feng!

He He's look was similar.

Just go up and find him. Jiang Feng wanted to sign an autograph.

After tasting the salty and delicious taste left in their mouths, they reluctantly ate the buns.

The moment they entered the mouth, their reactions were exactly the same as those of Liu Guozhong and Yan Chuang!

They are all top chefs.

They all have very keen taste abilities.

"this……"Zhou Weishan stared at the buns, a little dazed.

He Ji's eyes shone:"I'm convinced, there are really gods.""

"Send a message to your boss quickly and ask him to stop calling us master."Zhou Weishan said with great admiration.

There is this god in the imperial capital!

He hasn't said that he is a master yet!

Who has the nerve to say that he is a master?!


Dalong Teahouse, Yuehua Building and Jirui Pavilion all mentioned themselves one after another. The slogan was changed to the No. 2 Cantonese restaurant in the Imperial Capital! When the owner of Xinsui Restaurant heard about this, his face turned a little dark! He even grabbed the second place, right?!

Do you want to show off your face!

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