Yu Nianzhong took a bite of the bun first.

The kind expression on his face disappeared.

Although he is usually kind-hearted, he and Liu Wenhe are notoriously harsh when it comes to taste!

The two of them were geniuses when they were studying. After they started training, they quickly became famous. They attended various large-scale banquets and had a high status.

Also because they are good at cooking, when they eat something that tastes bad, they are always very annoyed and think that others are stupid and why they can’t do it well.

They are often even deliberately picky and cannot tolerate small flaws in taste.

It was only recently that they gradually compromised and reluctantly accepted a few students with relatively good talents.


After Yu Nianzhong swallowed the bun in his mouth, he took another bite without saying anything.

One bun, eaten in three bites.

He picked up another meat-filled bun


Before eating, Yu Nianzhong looked at the apprentice next to him with a serious expression.


The apprentice quickly handed over the water and rinsed his mouth.

Yu Nianzhong still took three mouthfuls and finished the second bun.

He looked at Liu Wenhe, a little excited:"Try it."

Liu Wenhe also quickly tasted two steamed buns.


After eating,

Liu Wenhe only had two simple comments.

Yu Nianzhong praised:"It's amazing. In terms of the taste of this bun, I am not as good as him."

After tasting the steamed buns,

Liu Wenhe and Yu Nianzhong each took a shrimp dumpling and took a bite.

Then they rinsed their mouths and tasted the steamed fish and glutinous rice chicken.

After eating,

Liu Wenhe looked at his apprentice:" From today on, I can no longer call you Master."

Yu Nianzhong said casually:"Me too."

Before the two of them came, they actually wanted to find fault with Jiang Feng's taste.

They refused to accept any fault, and felt that Jiang Feng was not worthy of having so many Cantonese restaurants in the imperial capital change their names.

However, even if it was intentional. Even if they find fault, they can't find any fault!

And the more they eat, the happier they are!

This perfect taste is so harmonious for two demanding geniuses like them!

It seems that everything should be there, like It's like the obsessive-compulsive disorder has been satisfied!



In front of a true master like Jiang Feng, even if the two of them are senior and older, they are not worthy of being called masters!

"Teacher...this is not the case, is it?"

The two apprentices were shocked and couldn't accept it.

Yu Nianzhong's eyes showed a bit of excitement and admiration:"No, this is a good thing. I am very satisfied to be able to eat what he made!"

"Also, pay attention to your attitude. You should respect Boss Xiaojiang more than you do me."

At their age, they have eaten and seen, and their appetites gradually become smaller and smaller as they get older.

It is really very happy to be able to eat things that make them feel that they can't get enough!

The master's cooking is different!

Yu Nian He became Jiang Feng's old fan!

He was not even allowed to let his apprentice question Jiang Feng!

Liu Wenhe looked at Jiang Feng with yearning in his eyes:"If I were twenty years younger, I would have to beg him to be the one he says no matter what." My teacher. Zhou

Weishan and others were a little excited:"Is it delicious?"!"

"really."Yu Nianzhong nodded and took another shrimp dumpling.

It's delicious! After

Zhou Weishan and the others got the answer they wanted, they each picked up the buns and took a bite expectantly.

One bun was finished.

Zhou Weishan and the four of them looked at each other. One glance, the admiration in his eyes is already very fanatical!

"It’s just like noon!"

"Damn it! Isn't this really magic? He

Ji was even shocked and cursed.

Liu Wenhe asked curiously:"What's wrong?" Yan

Chuang said excitedly:"We have eaten steamed buns three times today, do you know?" The buns from these three meals taste almost exactly the same!

Yu Nianzhong was a little surprised:"Isn't it possible?""

"it is true! Zhou Weishan said with great reverence,"But this is how gods make things.""

Zhou Weishan no longer wants to understand how Jiang Feng did it.


Isn't it normal to do something that mortals can't do? Why should a mortal understand what is happening around him?

Just eat and that's it!

Yu Nianzhong and Liu Wenhe, They looked at each other and then looked at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng was working while occasionally chatting with regular customers.

It seemed that there was no so-called master in this store, only the owner of a small street shop.

However , Liu

Wenhe suddenly sighed:"He is the real master."

Yu Nianzhong understood what he meant:"It's much better than us."

The two of them have different experiences from Zhou Weishan and the others, and what they see in Jiang Feng is also different.

After the two of them became famous, they rarely saw guests and did not allow others to disturb them.

Although they understood that the master wanted to Humility.

But when they realized that they were geniuses and better than others, they still became arrogant.

Usually they have good personalities, but as long as they taste, they always look down on other chefs.

Even look down upon them. Guests!

They have not gone out to see guests since they were 23 years old.

Even if the guests have objections, they will not go and let the executive chef solve it.

What do the guests know? What they do is the best.


Jiang Feng did not have their arrogance.

He handled the ingredients steadily, selected raw materials, met the guests face to face, and took care of the guests' feelings. He looked clumsy and did not even hire anyone.

But they saw in Jiang Feng that he was calm and calm..

Earn as much as you can.

They are far inferior to Jiang Feng!

They are too far behind!

"From today on, you two go to meet the guests more often. Stop asking me if I think it tastes good. Ask the guests instead."

Liu Wenhe opened his mouth and said to his apprentice, the admiration in his tone became a little deeper.

Yu Nianzhong also looked at his apprentice:"It's the same for you, there is no need to cut the mounds by yourself. You are too slow, but you must Taste more and observe the ingredients more"

"Got it, Master."

Several disciples nodded in agreement.

"Then Master, can we try some steamed buns?"

"Yes, this glutinous rice chicken looks so delicious. I also want to try the master’s craftsmanship."

"This shrimp dumpling looks really well made."

Seeing their master eating so happily, they were also greedy.

Liu Wenhe said seriously:"You have tasted this taste, and it may be a big blow to you, so forget it, let me bear it for you, master."


They are a little confused.

Didn't these two masters really not eat enough and want to eat alone?"

Yu Nianzhong agreed:"Indeed, for you, it's better to taste this later.""

"So when is the right time?"One of the apprentices asked.

Yu Nianzhong had a natural expression on his face:"Tomorrow morning."


Several disciples have reacted!

They just want to eat alone!

Liu Wenhe and Yu Nianzhong noticed the resentful looks of the disciples and didn't care at all. Just kidding.

They are over sixty and have long developed their shame..Eat!

The two respected Cantonese cuisine seniors began to cook under the greedy eyes of their apprentices.

Several apprentices looked at Zhou Weishan and the others.

They ordered a lot more things.

Zhou Weishan lowered his head and also Without looking at them, he collected the food in front of him towards himself.

Several apprentices rolled their eyes.

You six must stop calling you master. You are so stingy!The team moved forward slowly.

Chefs kept coming over to say hello to Liu Wenhe and Yu Nianzhong.

"Master Liu, are you here?"

"No, just call Mr. Liu"


"Boss Xiao Jiang is here, but I can be so shameless and say that I am a master."

His two apprentices complained in their hearts.

Aren't you thick-skinned?

Are you a master like you?

The apprentice is hungry next to you, and you are eating slowly!

It's too much!

I haven't tasted what Jiang Feng has made. The chefs were all shocked.

Even Liu Wenhe said he was no longer a master?!

Is it really that delicious?!

They lined up and bought their meals, then came out and sat next to Liu Wenhe and the others.

Zhou Weshan looked at the newcomers.

With doubt and expectation in their eyes, they took a bite of the buns, and then showed expressions of shock.

After finishing the buns, many people exclaimed.

"Delicious indeed!"

"How did you get this flavor?! Can it still be made so delicious?!"

"I declare that Boss Jiang is my lifelong goal!"

"I advise you to be a little self-aware!"

"Who said we should pursue his cooking skills? I want to eat his cooking! I will discuss with my wife when I get back later and move in here!"

"I'm going to consider moving here too, this is so delicious!"

The chef in the team behind has a weird look on his face.


Zhou Weishan?

Yu Nianzhong!

Liu Wenhe?!

Why are these big guys getting together?!

Usually these are people who are rarely seen in the imperial capital!

Not only their colleagues, It’s hard to meet these big guys.

Even if you are a top wealthy businessman, if you want to hire these big guys, you have to discuss it in advance!

People who have perfected their craftsmanship often cannot be hired even if they have money!

Now, these big guys gather together Eating steamed buns outside Jiang Feng's shop!

While eating, he blew a rainbow fart!

Yu Nianzhong:"After taking one bite, I just want to sigh, the master is the master, he is much better than me.

Liu Wenhe:"I don't want to sigh anymore. I will be an ordinary eater from now on." Zhou

Weishan:"When you two elders come again tomorrow morning, you will understand how much we admire Boss Xiao Jiang today."

Yan Chuang:"Don't grab it!" Lao Liu! You ate one too many! Spit it out for me!"


Good guys!

Two big guys who make delicious steamed buns are about to fight over the steamed buns made by a boss Xiao Jiang?! They are shocked!

With doubts and expectations, they follow the team to the store.


Yu Nianzhong and Liu Wenhe are full.


"It’s been years since I’ve eaten something I’m so willing to eat."Liu Wenhe said with emotion. Yu thought with some regret:"Actually, I can still eat some more. It's true that I haven't had such a good appetite in a long time."

Having an appetite is also a very happy thing.

It's really hard to eat the food Jiang Feng made!

The two of them feel that they can eat better than when they were younger!

The disciples next to them have expressionless faces.

They are almost starving to death. Yes.

Yu Nianzhong stood up:"I'll be back tomorrow morning, what about you?

Liu Wenhe asked:"How could I not come?""

Yu Nianzhong laughed:"In the next ten or twenty years, I will point to Boss Xiaojiang as alive. Liu

Wenhe agreed.

"Xiao Sun, put the tableware on the counter and collect the trash."

The apprentice looked hopeless. He was eating without them.

They couldn't run away while working.

《Good Master".

Pack it up.

Make sure there is no trash left behind.

Liu Wenhe still had some thoughts before turning around and leaving.

Usually the two of them are not so careful.

After all, he is over sixty, and he is senior and famous, so there is no need to be so careful.


Outside Jiang Feng's store.

They were really extremely careful, for fear that they would leave some rubbish behind and soil the entrance of Jiang Feng's store!

That won't work!

They have to pay attention to the entrance of the fairy store!

Zhou Weishan and the others also finished eating one after another, put away the garbage, and put the tableware that should be returned on the counter.

"Boss Xiaojiang, let’s go first"

"You are really awesome, we will come again tomorrow"

"Master Jiang, can you sign your name for me next time you have time?"

Jiang Feng said with a smile:"Let's go slowly. You are welcome to come back anytime."

"Forget about signing, I am not a master, I am just a small shop owner.

Zhou Weishan retorted:"You are much more powerful than you think!" worthy of this title."

He didn't allow Jiang Feng to say that about him!

God, you have to be stunned!

Jiang Feng said seriously:"I just did what I should do."

For Jiang Feng, he is the most down-and-outAt that time, when he had the least money, it was these guests who made his life better, gave him money to support Youyou, money to take care of his parents, and the confidence to accept Rong Shuang's love.

He never said these things, but he kept them in mind.

Making good things and treating customers well is what Jiang Feng wants to do.

As for being a master.

He hadn't thought about it and didn't think it was necessary.

The old customer next to him smiled knowingly.

They really like Boss Xiaojiang!

Regular customers are kind to Boss Xiao Jiang, isn’t that what they should be doing?!

Mo Ni and the others hadn't left yet, but they also heard Jiang Feng's words and looked thoughtful.

Zhou Weishan followed He He, and his admiration for Jiang Feng became even more fanatical!

Do what you have to do! yes! it's actually really easy!

The biggest gap between them and Jiang Feng is actually not talent, but mentality!

Even if he can't catch up with Jiang Feng.

As long as they are serious, do what they can do well, and don't waste their talents!

"Thank you, Boss Xiaojiang"

"Even if you don't think you're a master, can you sign it?

Jiang Feng smiled:"You're welcome, sign it. Come over early or later tomorrow and I'll sign it for you.""

"Don't talk about you! Just call me Xiao He."

Zhou Weishan was a little shocked.

So licking!

How did you say it?! You are in your forties or fifties, and you want a young man in his twenties to call you Xiao He?!


Zhou Weishan was shocked for a moment, and said:"I am Xiao He. week."

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