Wait until Rong Shuang goes far away.

The leader, Xia Mian, who had short hair and black-rimmed eyes, looked at Jiang Feng's shop with a hint of displeasure.

Their president is a business genius and extremely capable!

If it weren't for the owner of this store, maybe President Rong would come back and take them to work again!

Damn it!

"Sister Xia, do we really want to eat from this restaurant?"

"Isn't this giving him money? If he is rich, CEO Rong will not come back to work.

Xia Mian said seriously:"Just eat it once.""

"Try how delicious his food is, and whether he is as handsome as he says."


At 7 o'clock,

Jiang Feng opened the door.

The guests rushed in.

Xia Mian and the others followed the team forward slowly. Finally, through the glass window, they saw Jiang Feng from a distance.

"He seems a bit handsome"

"Wearing a hat and a mask, but still so far apart, he looks handsome even if he is a man"


After waiting for more than ten minutes, they finally entered the store and saw Jiang Feng

"He's a bit handsome……"


Just looking at Jiang Feng's features, they were almost certain that this man was indeed quite handsome!

Moreover, the mask also showed some of the outline of Jiang Feng's face.

Also in good shape.

The hair is also very thick, completely different from the men in their company who drink and work overtime all year round until they are bald.

Xia Mian said unconvinced:"When a man is over thirty, as long as he is not greasy and not ugly, he will……"

She really wanted to say that Jiang Feng was like that.

But her conscience stopped her.

They quickly arrived at the counter:"Hello, here are 4 steamed buns of each kind, 2 bowls of mung bean paste, 1 bowl of eight-treasure porridge, and 1 bowl of seafood porridge.""


Jiang Feng moved quickly and loaded the things for them.

Looking at Jiang Feng's lean and strong arms, they seemed to suddenly understand a bit of the president's happiness!

This man is very special and handsome!

After taking the things, they turned and left.

Jiang Feng noticed that they were different from ordinary customers, but he didn't care.

There were too many abnormal people in his store.

Behind them were two chefs from the New Sui Restaurant:"Boss Jiang!"

"We want autographs too! If I can't shake my hand, I won't wash it for a month!

Jiang Feng smiled and said,"It's not very convenient. Let's order food first.""

"Oh well."

They finished ordering, turned around and left, and arrived outside the store.

Outside the door to the east, Zhou Weishan, Liu Wenhe and Liu Guozhong were sitting.

Next to them, there were a few new faces.

Some came from Jincheng. The old seniors drove here specially.

The most famous masters in the imperial capital have kept a low profile and no longer call themselves masters.

This matter has spread outside the imperial capital.

They came with a somewhat critical mentality.


After eating , no matter their age, they all looked at Jiang Feng with admiration in their eyes.


This craft is invincible!

Xia Mian and the others didn’t know these famous chefs, but they just thought they were a bit strange.

A bunch of middle-aged and elderly people gathered together, as if they were similar to It's like a gang.

From time to time, she would exclaim.

But it was quite lively.

Xia Mian lowered her head and looked at the steaming buns and porridge in front of her, and suddenly felt a little homesick.

During the New Year when she was young, there were seven aunts and eight aunts. Various friends would come over, and some relatives were quite strange anyway, chatting about things she didn't understand at the time, but it was very lively.

She liked the liveliness.

It was the same as this store.

President Rong liked it here, it seemed good Yes, can this place make President Rong feel better?


Xia Mian shook her head and drove the thoughts out of her mind.


They have to try and bring President Rong back to the company!

The current situation of the company But it’s not good. They feel that if President Rong goes back, he can at least help Chairman Rong solve a lot of troubles!

"Have a taste."

Xia Mian picked up a beef bun and took a bite.

As expected, the bun skin was very soft in the mouth.

But when the taste of the meat filling burst into her mouth, she was surprised!

It's delicious!

In fact, She usually doesn't like to eat beef, and she doesn't like the special taste of beef.

Lean meat is better, but the taste of fat meat is very strong. She chooses the beef stuffed buns to eat first, which is also to cater to her idea of ​​​​finding trouble.

Can't eat it If you like it, it's easier to find the taste you don't like.


Jiang Feng's stuffing is perfectly prepared!

The meat flavor is evenly spread in the mouth, but it's not strong.

The onion and ginger flavor in the juice is just right and can suppress it. There is no bad taste in the meat, but there is no strong onion and ginger flavor. I just feel that the juice is quite fresh and the salt taste is just right.

Chew it twice.

The soft but not sticky bun skin perfectly combines with the meat filling!


Xia Mian One bite after another, she had already finished a bun without even realizing it!

"Is it tasty? Sister Xia?"

The other secretaries haven't eaten yet and looked at Xia Mian.

Xia Mian hesitated twice and finally said:"You guys can try it for yourselves."

The secretaries saw the clues on Xia Mian's face and were a little surprised.

No way?! It's really delicious?!

They each took a bun that they didn't like very much and took a bite.


Good. Eat!

Can carrot and egg stuffing still taste like this?!

Leeks taste so fresh, and the unique umami flavor is retained extremely well. Regardless of the steaming temperature, the leeks are cooked, but not steamed until they become soft. , all the soup came out!

After eating, they all fell silent

"Sister Xia, the president seems to be living a very happy life."

"This is so delicious, I have never eaten such delicious buns!"

"The porridge is also delicious! Give it a try! Xia Mian hated the fact that iron cannot become steel:"

Think clearly about what we are here to do!""

"You also know the current situation of the company. There may be problems in a few years. We are here to persuade President Rong to return."


Xia Mian hesitated for a moment, took a bun and ate it.

It cost money anyway.

It can't be wasted.

Several secretaries nearby also ate quickly.

After finishing the meal, they put away the garbage bags. , stood up and left.

Xia Mian said:"Come back in the evening. President Rong seems to be off work at that time."

"Should we go and talk to her alone?"A secretary with long chestnut hair asked next to her.

Xia Mian shook her head:"No, they are a couple. We want President Rong to go back and help the company find a direction. We don't want them to divorce."

"Say it in front of Boss Jiang."

After finishing the meal,

Xia Mian's mind changed quietly.

She had originally had a fantasy to see if she could bring President Rong back to the company directly.

How can a cold female CEO be addicted to male sex?!

This will only affect her ability to make money. What a speed!

But now Xia Mian understands President Rong a little bit.

He seems really happy!

So Xia Mian respects Jiang Feng’s right to know.


"Then shall we come again at noon?"

The secretaries were a little greedy.

It's really delicious!

Xia Mian gritted her teeth and said,"It's got some backbone!"

"After all, he is also our President Rong’s bondage. How can we keep giving him money?"



They chatted and walked for nine minutes before entering an office building.

The first floor of the building has been renovated, and the security system has also been replaced. Many employees have moved in on floors 1-7.

They swiped their cards to the elevator entrance and returned to the fifth floor.

It was 8:13 in the morning.

All Jiang Feng's things were sold out.

Customers who had not bought anything left one after another.

The chefs squatting at the door of the store opened the door a small crack..

Zhou Weishan asked:"Boss Jiang, can we come in and have a chat with you?""

Zhou Weishan, who is almost fifty years old, has a sneaky attitude in his movements.

They are afraid of disturbing Jiang Feng and making him unhappy.

But they really want to come in and chat with Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng thought for a while and said,"Wait while I bring the kitchen utensils. Let’s talk after we finish brushing, and wait for the guests to leave."

There are too many chefs at the door. There are at least forty of them. Their eyes are shining and they are looking at Jiang Feng with some fanatical admiration.

We still give priority to serving the guests.

"It's okay, Boss Xiaojiang, it won't affect you"

"Yeah, we're fine"

"Don't pay attention to us, isn't this just like being at home?

Jiang Feng smiled and said,"Shouldn't I say this?""

The old customers laughed knowingly.

"Who says it's different?"

"Indeed, this is just like my family. If your store doesn’t open, I will be gone too."

"Don't mind us. We can just bring you a bowl and eat outside. The main thing is not to delay you."

The regular customers are very considerate of Jiang Feng.

They can also see that these are Jiang Feng's peers, and 80% of them are at a high level.

When Mo Ni and the others left, they specifically greeted a few of them.

And several of them were The boss, who looked like he was rich, also greeted a few of them when he left.

They didn't want Jiang Feng to offend anyone.

The most taboo thing when doing business is having many enemies and trouble everywhere.

What's more, there are so many people.

But Jiang Feng Still insisting:"It's okay, I just happened to pack the kitchen utensils too"

"Everyone, stay with me and eat with peace of mind."

Zhou Weishan saw Jiang Feng insisting and quickly closed the door.

"Wait, then."Zhou Weishan said,"Don't be dissatisfied, Master Jiang has this kind of character."

He was also worried that someone was stumbling upon Jiang Feng.

However, almost everyone present looked dissatisfied.

"Why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf? I don’t admire Master Jiang more than you do?"

"Don't be ridiculous, the person here who admires Master Jiang the most is me, right? Whoever dares to stumble Master Jiang Feng, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Do you need it? Who dares to touch the people I, Liu Wenhe, admire?"

These big guys are gearing up one by one, even hoping that if someone is dissatisfied, they can come out and hammer each other!

Maybe they can become familiar with each other and don't have to queue up when they come to eat!

However, almost everyone is like this Thought.

Zhou Weishan shook his head and smiled.

He still underestimated these people's admiration for Jiang Feng.

But that's normal.

Jiang Feng is so awesome!

The kind that is incomprehensible!

The higher the cooking skills, the harder it is not to admire Jiang Feng!


Finally. A group of guests left one after another.

Although Jiang Feng persuaded them twice, they were still a little anxious to eat.

After eating, they put away the bowls and chopsticks, wiped the table, and sprayed alcohol

"Then let's go first"

"Boss Xiao Jiang, remember to take a break, don’t be too tired."

"See you at noon. Jiang Feng was a little apologetic:"

Everyone, please feel free to eat next time. It will be fine.""

The regular customers smiled warmly.

They knew that Jiang Feng would definitely not mind that they ate slowly.

The more this happened, the more willing they were to take care of Jiang Feng.

After the guests had finished leaving, the store was almost tidied up. Only then did Zhou Weishan push away. He opened the door:"Boss Jiang? Can you come in?"

"bring it on. Jiang Feng took off his hat, apron and mask and walked out of the counter,"What would you like to drink?""

"Need not!"Zhou Weishan and the others were flattered and waved their hands as they walked into the store.

"I'm sorry that we wasted your time, so I won't drink anything."

"Boss Jiang, your cooking skills are really amazing! Can I shake your hand?!"

"Please sign! Jiang

Feng opened two packs of mineral water and gave them to them. He said very patiently:"Drink some water first. It's okay to shake hands.""

"You are all seniors, this is a small matter."

Zhou Weishan and the others were stunned for a moment, and their favorable impression of Jiang Feng skyrocketed again!

What does it mean to be a master?

The higher the level, the more willing to respect others!

The other big guys also looked excited.

They have not found anyone who can do it for many years. He is someone he admires.

After working in an industry for a long time, it is inevitable that he will feel a little numb. But having someone he can admire and follow is much more powerful!

Jiang Feng first stretched out two hands and placed them in front of Zhou Weishan.

When shaking hands with a senior, you have to extend both hands. This is respect.

Zhou Weishan quickly stood up and held Jiang Feng with two hands.

It took more than ten minutes to shake hands in a circle.

The faces of the big guys in the room were full of excitement.

Liu Wenhe He got up first and said a little excitedly:"Then we won't bother you."

"Yes, Boss Jiang, let’s meet at noon"

"I'm really sorry for wasting your time today. Do you need to start? I'm fine anyway."

Someone offered to help Jiang Feng.

All the big guys' eyes suddenly lit up!

As long as Jiang Feng wanted to, they would do it for nothing on the spot!

What an honor!

Jiang Feng said with a smile:"No, I can prepare it myself."

"Oh well"

"By the way, what’s the snack for lunch?"

"Can I ask this?"

Jiang Feng picked up the phone and keys and said,"For lunch, add fish head with chopped peppers, and maybe some small bowls of steamed vegetables.

Zhou Weishan was shocked:"Hunan cuisine?"! Liu

Wenhe was also surprised:"Can you also cook Hunan cuisine?"

Jiang Feng smiled and said,"I know a little bit.""

"I'm going to buy groceries first. Can you guys get back in the car and take a rest? Take it easy."

Jiang Feng did not let these big guys enter the store to rest.

The main reason was to avoid trouble.

Jiang Feng believed that they were good people, but if something unexpected happened, it would be troublesome to explain, so it was better to close the store directly.

And Jiang Feng treated all customers equally.

Rich businessmen will be treated the same way as poor neighbors, and these big guys will be treated the same way here.

After closing the store, Jiang Feng drove to buy groceries.

The big guys followed all the way to the parking lot. After getting in the car,

Liu Wenhe I quickly made a call:"Old Sun! Come on! Master Jiang can also cook Hunan cuisine! Come and taste it!"

"ah? real? Here it comes!"

Sun Renhe, who is on the other end of the phone, has been cooking Hunan cuisine for 42 years. He is the founder of Xiangshui Family. People from Hunan Province in the imperial capital like to go to his store the most.

Sun Renhe naturally also heard about Jiang Feng and his attitude towards Jiang Feng. I also admire them.

But the cuisine is different, and Sun Renhe is not so anxious to come and taste Jiang Feng’s food.

But Jiang Feng’s Hunan cuisine is different!

Sun Renhe was very excited when he heard the news. What does the Hunan cuisine taste like when the master cooks it?

If Jiang Feng could achieve the level he recognized, he felt that Jiang Feng was definitely a genius!

As for the possibility that Jiang Feng could do better than him, he did not consider it.

He was still very confident, much like Zhou Weishan yesterday.

After the fight Phone call.

Liu Wenhe took a photo of the water given by Jiang Feng and sent it to Moments.

"I want to pass this bottle of water on to my son. Master Jiang gave it to me!"

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