When the green beans enter your mouth, you will first feel the aroma of oil and salt. After chewing for a while, the beans have been steamed until soft.

Li Kejun was a little surprised.

He thought green beans had no flavor in them.

However, the beans have a strong base flavor, and even if you bite them open, there is still a salty taste inside, as well as a very special bean aroma.

Li Kejun quickly prepared some rice!

"Well done! Is this really what Boss Xiaojiang did? Li Kejun asked.

Steamed vegetables seem simple and easy to make at home.

But it is not easy to achieve such a taste!

During the steaming process, soup will come out and the salt taste will change.

Moreover, the size of the steam and The steaming time also affects the taste of the finished dish.

How can Boss Xiao Jiang, a Cantonese and Sichuan cuisine cook, cook so well?!

Li Kejun really found it incredible and asked casually.

Rong Lijun was a little unhappy:"You are questioning Jiang Feng's level?"

It's okay to say that he is.

But it's absolutely not okay to question his son-in-law!

Li Kejun's wife chewed a piece of ribs and said:"He's just like this, he can't think of words, just ask him casually, don't be angry, Dong Dong."

"Yeah. Li Kejun said quickly,"The main reason is that it's so delicious!""

"I’ve had some before, but I’ve never had better fish head with chopped peppers and steamed green beans than what Boss Xiao Jiang makes!"

Rong Lijun's expression softened a bit, and he was a bit showy:"He did it."

"If you don’t believe it, ask someone to ask. His store also sells these two dishes today. Li

Kejun waved his hand:"No, I believe it. I just said it casually.""

After saying this, Li Kejun himself felt that he shouldn't have said this.

Li Kejun had eaten Jiang Feng's steamed fish with soy sauce.

It was so delicious!

The heat and taste were both art!

Compared with the precision of steamed fish with soy sauce, to a few seconds of heat.

The difficulty of steaming vegetables is actually lower.

It’s not surprising that boss Xiao Jiang’s cooking is delicious.

After thinking about it,

Li Kejun concentrated on cooking.

His wife had already finished a small bowl of steamed vegetables, and he A little anxious.

In 10 minutes, he ate four small bowls of rice.

There were 12 small bowls of steamed vegetables in total, and they were all eaten.

One of the fish heads had half left.

It was too much, and he couldn't eat it.

Li Kejun looked at the fish head and said a little embarrassedly:"Drong Rong, let me pack this fish head.""

"Half a fish head, no need, just leave it here."Rong Lijun's face was calm.

Although they were full, the three of them still didn't have enough!

Rong Lijun and Li Kejun both wanted this fish head!

Li Kejun rubbed his hands:"Let's talk about intention first. In this way, in July and August, I will give you the cost price, and the products you customize in my factory will be cheaper."

"It was previously agreed that the profit would be 5 million. In this case, I would probably make a total profit of about 7 million."

For an extra profit of 2 million yuan, I want half the fish head. Isn't that a big problem?"

Rong Lijun thought for a moment, nodded and said:"Deal""

"I'll have someone pack the fish heads for you later."


Li Kejun and his wife are very satisfied.

This amount of money is nothing to them.

Especially the profit transferred out, the algorithm is very complicated.

Anyway, if this money wants to fall into their own hands from the factory, it will probably It became 3.5 million.

But if the profit is directly transferred, the money is worth 7 million, minus the tax.

Not bad! It

’s worth it today!

Li Kejun took out the cigarette and handed one to Rong Lijun:"Rong Dong has something to do next. What's the plan?"

"Photovoltaics and real estate cannot be done. I am very confused recently. The company has money and I don’t know where to invest it."

Having money that cannot be invested is also a troublesome thing.

With so much money in the bank, sometimes it can't even beat inflation and can only wait for depreciation.

Rong Lijun shook his head:"I haven't thought about it yet. Li

Kejun asked in a low voice:"I heard that in Europe, the prices of your products are being reduced?""

Rong Lijun's face still showed no expression:"I don't know."

He doesn't want to talk about this.

Li Kejun and he are not really friends.

"Okay, let's go now and cooperate more often in the future. You know the qualifications of our factory, which are top-notch in the world."

Li Kejun is also an old businessman. He just asked casually, without thinking about getting Rong Lijun to speak, and stood up to leave.

The waiter came quickly and packed the fish.

Originally, Li Kejun wanted to take Jiang Feng's plate away too.

The master's plate.!

This thing is also very precious!

Jiang Feng’s reputation in the wealthy business circles of the imperial capital is getting bigger and bigger!

And there are more and more guests from out of town!

There are even big bosses from Jiangzuo coming here in person! However.

Li Jun kept the plate, found a similar one in his restaurant, and asked Li Kejun to take it away.

"I can't just give away my son-in-law's things."

"He has opened a shop now. If you want to take away the plate, you can find someone to ask him, or wait for him to close. It only takes more than an hour. He will do it very quickly."

"Forget it."

Li Kejun doesn't want to feel like he's taking advantage of Jiang Feng.

In fact, with Li Kejun's net worth, he doesn't need to care about Jiang Feng's feelings at all.

However, who knows Jiang Feng now? It's a very respectable thing in the circle of wealthy businessmen!

Li Kejun is still He cared about Jiang Feng's opinion of him.

For a plate, there was no need.

He put away the fish.

Li Kejun took his wife and left first. Rong Lijun followed and walked a few steps to the stairs.

Li Kejun and his wife waited with them. The secretary who was outside left first.

Rong Lijun sent a message to Wang Zhe:"Send my fish head to the kitchen and ask them to keep it for a midnight snack tonight."

Wang Zhe felt a little heartbroken, but he could only reply:"Okay.""

Back to the private room.

Rong Lijun looked out the window, a little distracted.

The company's business expansion is indeed not going well.

Moreover, now that the company has less real estate business, there are fewer means of profit.

It is not easy to deal with.

Rong Lijun rubbed it He frowned and looked down at the report on the computer.

In Jiang Feng's store,

Sun Renhe waited for 11 minutes and got his fish head with chopped pepper, 1 steamed ribs, and 1 steamed green beans. The fish head costs 100 yuan a piece. Steamed pork ribs cost 12 yuan, and steamed green beans cost 6 yuan.

Jiang Feng still set the price very low. He already has a house. He will soon have enough money to buy a shop.

He is not in a hurry to make money.

Sun Renhe is holding the fish head, We arrived outside the store.

Although there was space in the store, chefs like them preferred to gather outside.

Looking at the fish head in Sun Renhe's hand, Liu Wenhe asked:"60 points?

Sun Renhe said with a serious expression:"At least 70 points.""

Smelling the fish head at a close distance, Sun Renhe felt that this fish was at least a fine product!

He put the fish head down and took a bite.

After finishing the fish head, he took another bite of rice noodles.

Liu Wenhe asked:"What now? ? After a moment of silence

, Sun Renhe said in an exaggerated tone:"Is this thing something I can score?"!"

It’s so delicious!

The taste is wonderful!

"Is this really Cantonese food?!"

"The flavor of this chopped pepper is really amazing! It’s even better than what I make in my store!"

"It also tastes good. The saltiness may be a bit strong for you, but for this dish, it’s really great!"

The reason why Sun Renhe is so excited is also very simple.

A chef also has taste.

Cantonese cooks often make chopped pepper dishes bland. That

's how they taste.

But Jiang Feng doesn't!

The taste is not only extremely It's balanced and has local characteristics!

Even if Jiang Feng moved this flavor intact to the place of origin, it would still be very popular!

Even the locals recognized it!

What made Sun Renhe even more incredible was that Jiang Feng could bring three of them at the same time. The dishes from all the cuisines are so good!

Even the more powerful chefs can only cook two cuisines at the same time. The domestic cuisine is so rich that being able to cook two cuisines is already considered very good!

Jiang Feng can cook three!

Absolutely amazing!

Sun Renhe knows why so many of his colleagues are blowing Jiang Feng recently!

This is really magical!

Liu Wenhe continued to ask:"Where is this small bowl of steamed vegetables?

Sun Renhe rolled his eyes:"I won't rate it, I'll taste it first.""

When he thought that he had actually rated the gods just now, he felt that he was really outrageous!

He deserves it too?! That's it!

Three steamed dishes are in your mouth.

Sun Renhe said firmly:"Even if you are local, you can't eat it. It tastes so good, eat it quickly."

After he finished speaking,

Sun Renhe realized that no one paid any attention to him.

Although the Cantonese cuisine bosses didn't know whether Jiang Feng's chopped pepper fish head and steamed vegetables were in line with local tastes, they knew they were delicious! They really tasted good!

For the first time, they knew that things like green beans can be so delicious when paired with rice! While these big guys were working hard to cook,

Xia Mian wore a mask, changed clothes, and sneaked into the team.

She took the lead and said Yes, she didn’t eat in Jiang Feng’s shop.

But as it got closer to noon, she became more and more greedy! She couldn’t help it.

She said she wanted to have a meal by herself, but actually she changed her clothes and sneaked over to Jiang Feng’s place.

"Sister Xia?"

Just as she was about to enter the door,

Xia Mian heard someone calling her.

When she looked back, there was a woman wearing a mask and a hat just like her.

Good guy.

Li Muhe!

Are you rebelling too?!

"Sister Li, Sister Xia, why are you all here?! Xia

Mian turned around and saw the other two secretaries.

She took off her mask, a little helpless:"Stop hiding, they are all here.""

There are only four people in total who want to boycott Jiang Feng's cooking.

They are all here.

They are still pretending!

A few of them took off their masks.

Li Muhe sighed:"The food he made is so delicious, I really I've been picking out takeaway for a long time, but I couldn't help but come here anyway.

Qian Momo bared his teeth and smiled:"I came here directly. I didn't eat enough in the morning." Xia

Mian was a little helpless:"I'll buy it for you too, and we'll eat together.""



Xia Mian entered the store and reached the counter.

"Hello, what do you want? Jiang

Feng asked politely.

Xia Mian stared at Jiang Feng for a few seconds before saying,"Four buns of each kind, and four bowls of mung bean paste.""

Buy good things

Xia Mian went out and found a place to squat down in front of the store.

The other three secretaries squatted next to her.

"Give me a beef!"

"I want pork and green onions!"

"Give me a leek and egg one."

They were eating so happily that they completely forgot about what they said about boycotting Jiang Feng's food.

After eating,

Qian Momo sighed:"I already fully understand why President Rong wanted to marry him."

"yes! Handsome and down-to-earth, full marks!"

"My daughter is also super cute. I saw her this morning. She looks like a porcelain doll, and her eyes are very similar to her father’s!

Xia Mian accused with heartache:"Are you all blinded by Jiang Feng's male lust?"!

Qian Momo spread his hands and said,"But the two of them are really a perfect match!""

"I can already imagine how sweet they are together! gkd! When can I have a second child?!"

"Is this already inappropriate for children?! Write it down and send it to me!

Xia Mian said a little weakly:"What about the company?""

The other three girls all fell silent.


They understand the reason why Rong Shuang likes Jiang Feng.

But they feel that the company's situation is still not optimistic.

Although such a huge company will not fail, once it starts to decline, it will face A lot of troubles.

Rong Lijun also treats the company's employees very well. They hope that the company can develop smoothly.

Rong Shuang's business talent is excellent.

When she returns to the company, she can solve a lot of troubles.

"Forget it, let’s wait until we meet President Rong in the afternoon."


"But what if President Rong doesn’t want to go back?"

"Even if we don't go back to work, we can still talk to her about the company's situation. Maybe she can find a suitable direction?"

Their positions in the company are not low.

Otherwise, they would not be the first to move here.

Based on the information they have obtained, they feel that the company's biggest problem is that there are no suitable new projects.

The income is high enough, and it can be invested widely, and it can be a project for more than ten years.

It is too difficult.

They sighed, turned and left.


Everything in Jiang Feng's store was sold out.

Although he added I ordered 150 portions of steamed vegetables and 10 fish heads with chopped peppers, but not much time was wasted.

Steamed vegetables are very suitable for fast food. You can prepare them in advance and just steam them when selling. There are also many varieties and the profit is not low.

Order Although the price is cheap, the small bowl of steamed vegetables is not large and the cost is relatively low.

Jiang Feng must make a variety of different dishes and cannot sell steamed vegetables all the time.

The new store now has more customers and less cooking, and the store is already overloaded full

"It’s time to get a new store."

Jiang Feng made up his mind.

Open a new store!

You can sell steamed vegetables in multiple places.

And now Jiang Feng has no shortage of available people, he only lacks the funds to open a store.

"Just wait a few more days."

In another ten days and a month,

Jiang Feng will be able to buy the store and have money to open a new store!

In the afternoon, at 4:30,

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang trotted out of the garden.

"Going to meet your husband? Jogging all the way."

Not far outside the garden, Teacher Zhang joked with a smile.

Rong Shuang's pretty face turned red:"Yeah, let's go first."

"Go ahead, I really envy you for having such a good relationship."

Rong Shuang took Youyou and hurried back to the outside of the store.

She had not yet entered.

Xia Mian, who was waiting here, quickly spoke and called Rong Shuang:"President!"

"Do you remember me?!"

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